Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Battlefield of the Mind: getting what we want

 Battlefield of the Mind: getting what we want by ric gustafson

We know what we want. We like to get it. When we don't get what we want, negative feelings begin. When we don't get what we want, we make others miserable. It is inborn. 
As Christians, we expect life to be perfect and to go smoothly. We expect success, happiness and joy. When we don't get them, we grumble and complain. 
Satan tries to play with our minds. He tries to tell us negative things about ourselves. We have a choice. We can complain about our lives. We can also accept life the way it is and make the best of it. 
The secret to a Christian life is that we commit fully to God.  We must say your will for our life God not our will. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Battlefield of the Mind devotional' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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