Wednesday, September 28, 2022

the return of Peter Rabbit page 2

 the return of Peter Rabbit page 2 by ric gustafson

Peter and his sisters began to hop through the garden. They loved the vegetable garden of McGregor Manor. There were strawberries, radishes and carrots to eat. After they ate, they hopped into the house.
They stopped at Bea's printing workshop. 
Peter heard a noise outside. He hopped outside to see Tommy Brock the badger eating one of Thomas's tomatoes. He hopped over.
" Get away from there".
The badger stared at the rabbit. " Why is this garden your concern?".
" It is the McGregors". Peter's voice hesitated. " We share this garden".
" Whatever". The badger left still eating the tomato.

research help: ' Peter Rabbit 2' by Frederick Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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