Sunday, September 25, 2022

the footsteps of Jesus page 7

 the footsteps of Jesus page 7 by ric gustafson

Jesus went up to a mountainside and sat down. There he began to teach to his disciples. He taught them many things including that blessed were the poor in spirit. What Jesus taught to them that day has been known as the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus said that they were the salt of the earth. He said that they were the light of the world. Jesus addressed the issue of money and possessions. Jesus told them not to judge others.
Then Jesus and his disciples walked to the Sea of Galilee. It is actually a lake seven or eight miles across and thirteen miles long. Sometimes it is called Lake Gennesaret. Sometimes it is called Lake Tiberias. Mount Hermon supplies its water. Jesus loved the Sea of Galilee.
Jesus told them three stories involving water. Some of his disciples were fishermen and he called them to be his disciples. One day, by boat they were going across the Sea. A storm came up. Jesus was asleep at the back of the boat. The disciples woke him up because they were worried they were going to drown, Jesus calmed the wind and the waves. The third story involved the disciples crossing the Sea without Jesus with them. A storm came up and the disciples were really scared. Then in the dark they noticed someone walking to them on the water. It was Jesus. He told them not to be afraid.

research help: ' The Way' by Adam Hamilton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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