Monday, September 5, 2022

the footsteps of Jesus page 6

 the footsteps of Jesus page 6 by ric gustafson

As Jesus walked to Capernaum, he noticed two men casting nets into the sea. He invited them to come with him and become fishers of people. They left their nets and joined Jesus. Their names were Simon and Andrew. Then Jesus noticed two men mending their nets. Jesus asked them to join him. They left and joined him. Their names were James and John.
Jesus stayed at the home of Simon. His wife and mother were also there. At the Sabbath, Jesus was invited to the synagogue to teach. As he did so, a man with an unclean spirit began to shout I know who you are the Holy One of God. Jesus told the spirit to be silent and come out of him. The unclean spirit left him. The people were amazed. Soon huge crowds searched for the healer and teacher from Nazareth. One time at Peter's home, some friends lowered a friend through a hole in the roof so he could be healed by Jesus.
Jesus's reputation as a healer spread. People began flocking to him to be healed.

research help: ' The Way' by Adam Hamilton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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