Monday, June 15, 2020

Paul page 17

Paul page 17 by ric gustafson

Paul was walking through the garden. Then he heard a familiar voice.
" Paul".
He turned to see his friend. " Luke". They embraced.
Paul smiled. " You saved the Prefect's daughter".
" I did". He grinned. " Jesus gave me steady hands".
" I have a favor to ask". He grinned. " Will you deliver a note to Timothy?".
" Of course". His voice hesitated. " I will finish your writing".
" Thank you Luke".
Tears began to flow down Luke's face. " I will miss you my friend".
" To live is Messiah". They embraced. " To die is gain".
" One more thing".
" Yes".
" Priscilla and Aquila have successfully escaped through the aqueduct". He grinned. " They are safe now".
Paul smiled. " Praise God".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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