Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 10

Mary of Magdala page10 by ric gustafson

Mary walked into the Jordan River to drown herself.
" Die". This demon had a human face. " I command you to destroy yourself".
Mary didn't care anymore. She was ready to die.
Just then, a young bearded man walked up to the water's edge.
" Abaddon, stop". The evil voice stopped.
" Mary, come here".
Mary heard the comforting voice. She waded back to the shore.
" I'm going to ask you one question". He gave her a serious stare. " Do you want to be made well?".
Mary looked at the young man. " Yes".
Jesus gripped her skull. " Come out, you evil spirit". He hesitated. " What is your name?".
A meek female voice spoke. " Ashara".
" Leave her and return no more".
Mary could feel the female spirit leave.
" Pazuzu, depart from this woman".
The ugly spirit departed.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 29, 2020

Mary of Magdala page9

Mary of Magdala page 9 by ric gustafson

One day, Mary heard a croaking noise come out of her.
Ashara spoke up. " It is a goddess of Egypt".
Pazuzu spoke up. " Her name is Heket".
The third demon spoke up. " She is a friend of Osiris".
' Oh no!'. Mary shook her head. Now it was four demons in her head.
Mary knew she had to get away to a far away place. Far away from her daughter and Joel.
She walked to a nearby cave. There nobody would find her.
Then she heard the voice of a new demon. It came from a large bird.
" End yourself". The voice screeched. " End it on the rocky ground below".
Mary looked at the twisted trees and scrub. Mary shook her head. " No".
" Jump". The voice screeched again. " Your life is foolish".
Mary stared at the giant bird. " Who are you?".
" My name is Rabisu".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 8

Mary of Magdala page 8 by ric gustafson

One day, Mary and Joel passed a merchant. He was holding up a tray with little statues on it. He held one up. " This is Panzuzu".
Mary looked at it. It had an ugly face and long pointed teeth.
" Mary, come on". He gave her a hard stare. " Why are you studying that evil looking statue?".
Mary stared at the statue. Ashara now Panzuzu".
The merchant held up the statue. " Panzuzu, son of Hambi".
" Come on Mary". Joel tried to urge her away. " That means evil wind demons".
She gasped. She could feel the demons inside her.
Joel escorted Mary back home and then went to work.
Mary sat down in a chair.
Ashara spoke up. " Women have their own power".
Pazuzu spoke up. " Disease brings power".
A third demon spoke up. " Curses to all mankind".
Mary buried her head in her hands.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Mary of Magdala page7

Mary of Magdala page7 by ric gustafson

It had now been 8 years. Mary was still childless.
One day, Mary found the idol in a wooden box. She studied it. Ashara. It was a beautiful name. She knew she should show it to her husband.
" Give me a child". She yelled at it. " If you have any power".
The idol was silent.
Ashara fulfilled her obligation. Mary became pregnant.
Her and Joel picked out names of Moses and Elisheba for a boy or girl.
Joel assured Mary that he had burned up the idol. He told her that he threw away the ashes.
Mary felt better emotionally.
She could not wait to have her child.
Eventually, the baby came.
They named the girl Elisheba.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 6

Mary of Magdala page 6 by ric gustafson

Mary watched as the women started to arrive. After telling everyone that she was  going to marry Joel of Nain, her parents began to plan the wedding. Today, the women of the family were coming.
" Your cousins and your aunts". Her mother beamed. " Also Joel's sister from Nain is coming".
Of course Ashara tried to convince her to send them away.
One day, the ceremony came.
" I Joel Bar Ezekiel consecrate Mary of Magdala Bat Nathan to me as my wife". He took her hand. " This is in accordance with the law of Moses and of Israel".
" May the God of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless this union". Mary's father grinned. " And now on to the feast".
Later at the wedding banquet, Joel picked up the first cup of wine. " This is my wedding day and I welcome you all".
Later that night
" I will honor you with my life".
Mary smiled at her husband. " And I you with mine".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 5

Mary of Magdala page 5 by ric gustafson

" Mary".
The young girl opened her eyes. She glanced around the dark room. " Yes".
" Under your bed". It was a soft woman's voice.
From under the bed, Mary pulled out a blanket. Inside was the ivory idol she had found.
" There, that's better".
Mary gazed into the beautiful goddess's face. " Who are you?".
" My name is Ashara".
Mary smiled. It was a beautiful name.
" Please put me in the daylight". The soft voice hesitated, " I have been wrapped in darkness for a long time".
Mary put the idol at the foot of her bed.
" Thank you Mary".
Mary went back to sleep.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 4

Mary of Magdala page 4 by ric gustafson

That night, the caravan camped outside the city walls. The next day with her parents holding her hands, Mary walked past the towering Antonia Fortress. The Temple was guarded by a fortress of Roman soldiers. To Mary, the Temple was a huge wall of white marble. The family only entered the Court of the Gentiles.
The trip home to Mary seemed to go faster. On the way, Mary met a family from Nazareth. The father's name was Joseph. He was a carpenter and had a wife named Mary. They had three young sons. Their names were James, Jude and Joses.
Mary kept staring at the oldest. His name was Jesus. Mary spent the night with the family. She smiled at one point. Magdala fish was part of the meal that evening.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 22, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 3

Mary of Magdala page 3 by ric gustafson

For the night, the caravan found a flat wide area around several wells. During the night, Mary woke up and felt something strange underneath her. She pulled out a little ivory statue. She woke up her father. " Father, look what I found".
" It is an idol". He frowned as he studied it. " Get rid of it".
The next morning, she snuck the little statue into her belt. She wanted to keep it.
That night, she was told Jerusalem was the next day.
Her brother Eli asked her. " Mary, what do you know about the Feast of Weeks?".
" It is one of the three big celebrations we have".
They all slept soundly that night.
By the late afternoon of the following day, they had reached a ridge overlooking the holy city.
Mary smiled. They had reached Jerusalem.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 2

Mary of Magdala page 2 by ric gustafson

Mary counted about twenty five families who were coming with them on this trip. As they started on the journey, the sun was beating down. Dust clouds were forming. They soon began traveling on the Via Maris. It was crowded with Jewish merchants, Greeks and of course Romans.
From there, they traveled straight through Mount Tabor and Mount Moreh. Once past the mountains, they entered Samaria.
Scared, Mary stayed close to her parents. " Why do they hate us so much here?".
Her father sighed. " It is a long story".
" They hate us". Her mother frowned. " And we hate them".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 1

Mary of Magdala page 1 by ric gustafson

Seven year old Mary ran into her father's arms. " When are we going to Jerusalem?". She was excited. She had never been outside of Magdala.
" Tomorrow". Her mother Zebidah smiled. " We need to finish our final preparations".
She helped her mother put measuring grain into travel sacks.
" Father". Mary grinned. " How long will it take to get there?".
" Usually four days". Her father thought for a moment. " But going through Samaria, it will only take us three".
She enjoyed going with her mother to her father's fish business on the Sea of Galilee. The Sea was famous for it's Magdala fish. Her older brother Samuel helped his father with the business also.
That night, Mary went to sleep dreaming about the trip the next morning.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Paul page 18

Paul page 18 by ric gustafson

The sun was about to rise on the eastern horizon.
Paul's head was put on the chopping block.
Luke began to read. " The time of my departure has come".
In Luke's voice, Paul could hear the Holy Spirit.
" There is reserved for me a crown of righteousness".
Paul heard the blade come down.
Paul opened his eyes.
In front of him was a crowd of people that included Stephen, Peter, James and John Mark.
Then the crowd parted.
Paul smiled.
In front of him was Jesus the Christ he loved and served.
" Well done my friend". Jesus smiled. " Welcome home".

The End

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 15, 2020

Paul page 17

Paul page 17 by ric gustafson

Paul was walking through the garden. Then he heard a familiar voice.
" Paul".
He turned to see his friend. " Luke". They embraced.
Paul smiled. " You saved the Prefect's daughter".
" I did". He grinned. " Jesus gave me steady hands".
" I have a favor to ask". He grinned. " Will you deliver a note to Timothy?".
" Of course". His voice hesitated. " I will finish your writing".
" Thank you Luke".
Tears began to flow down Luke's face. " I will miss you my friend".
" To live is Messiah". They embraced. " To die is gain".
" One more thing".
" Yes".
" Priscilla and Aquila have successfully escaped through the aqueduct". He grinned. " They are safe now".
Paul smiled. " Praise God".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Paul page 16

Paul page 16 by ric gustafson

Mauritius wiped tears from his eyes as he led Luke into the sickroom.
" My daughter is dying". He led the physician to her bedside. " Can you help her?".
Luke noticed swelling and bruising on her side. " Her chest is filling with blood".
Mauritius frowned. " What can I do to help?".
" Find my friends Aquila and Priscilla". He handed him a list. " Tell them I need these things".
He brought back everything that was on the list.
Luke released blood beneath her skin. Then he sewn the incision with needle and thread. Later, Luke fell asleep by her side.
The next morning, Mauritius woke him up. " My daughter is improving". He smiled. " I owe you my thanks".
" You are welcome".
" Please stay". He hugged the young man. " I will be forever in your debt".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Paul page 15

Paul page 15 by ric gustafson

Paul opened his eyes. He was sore and his head hurt. He frowned. His friend Luke had just been taken away by Mauritius and sent to Circus Maximus. There he will die with other Christians.
Sitting next to a stone wall,  Paul looked up and began to pray out loud. " I cannot do this alone". His tired eyes looked up to heaven. " Lord, help me finish the race".
In another part of town, Priscilla was crying on Aquila's shoulder. " They have taken Luke to be killed in the arena".
" Cassius and some men tried to rescue Luke and Paul". Aquila shook his head. " They failed".
Priscilla began to cry. " I cannot bear losing both Luke and Paul on the same day".
He hugged his wife tightly. " We will pray that does not happen".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Paul page 14

Paul page 14 by ric gustafson

Mauritius frowned at Luke. " Why are you here again to visit this prisoner?".
Luke smiled. " I come in Christian love".
" No". He gave him a stern look. " You have come to plan an uprising".
" An uprising". Luke looked puzzled. " For what purpose?".
" To take vengeance on the emperor".
Paul spoke up. " We are considered as sheep to be slaughtered".
Mauritius stared at Luke. " You will turn your writing over to me".
" Why?".
" So I can study them for possible charges". His voice hesitated. " You are to remain in this cell with this prisoner until I am finished reviewing these pages".
Later that evening.
Priscilla woke up her husband. " Luke did not come home last night".
Aquila yawned. " He may have been detained".
" We need to pray for his safety and safe return".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Paul page 13

Paul page 13 by ric gustafson

Luke was sorting through scribbled sheets.
Priscilla shook her head. " I can't believe it's only seven days before Paul leaves us".
" After he was baptized". Aquila's voice hesitated. " How did he escape Damascus?".
" He was lowered to safety in a basket".
Priscilla grinned. " Praise be to God".
" Then what did Paul do?".
Luke grinned. " He spent three years in Arabia".
Priscilla was puzzled. " Why would he go there?".
" He wanted to learn from Jesus".
Aquila smiled. " Like Peter and the others?".
" Yes".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Paul page 12

Paul page 12 by ric gustafson

" Paul, are you there?".
The old man opened his eyes. He had been having a bad dream. He envisioned the bloody face of Stephen.
" Paul, are you ok?".
The old man smiled. It was Luke. " I feel the heaviness of the sins of my past".
" God has promised to work all things for the good".
Tears began to flow down the old man's cheeks. " I am not yet done with this life".
Luke grinned. " I know".
" One day, while coming to Damascus". Paul sighed. " A powerful light made me blind".
" It was Yeshua".
" Yes". The old voice hesitated. " I was in a strangers bed for three days".
" Then what happened?".
" I was given my sight back". Paul grinned. " And then I was baptized in the Abana River".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Paul p 11

Paul page 11 by ric gustafson

Luke bit into a slice of fresh bread made by Priscilla. " Tell me how you first met Paul?".
Aquila grinned. " We first met him in Corinth".
Priscilla smiled. " We were looking for an experienced tentmaker".
" I heard he had trouble at the local synagogue".
" Yes". Aquila bit into a grape. " He tried to convince Jews and Greeks that the Messiah had come".
Luke sighed. " So what happened?".
" He decided to preach to the Gentiles".
Priscilla bit into a slice of fresh bread. " Paul introduced us to God's Son".
Aquila frowned. " It's hard to believe Paul will be leaving us in a few days".
Luke smiled. " His stories will live on".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 6, 2020

DDay 76

DDay 76 by ric gustafson

On the eve of June 6 1944, General Dwight Eisenhower spent time with his troops. Instead of being jovial,  he was solemn. He stayed with his men until the last aircraft took off.
June 6 1944 was one of the most important battles in US history. Six divisions had to grab a toehold of defended French coastline.
The day started in confusion. Plans fell apart because of weather, enemy resistance and bad luck. By the day's end, nearly 156,000 men were on French soil. They had come in 6,900 ships and landing craft. Also in 11,500 planes. DDay,  known as Operation Overlord used a lot of deception in their planning. They staged fake aircraft and used phony radio traffic. Landing craft known as Higgins boats transported the troops to the beaches. These boats were named after Andrew Higgins from Nebraska. Early June 1944 was the worst English Channel weather in twenty years. But there was a break on June 6. Eisenhower gave the green light.
About 20,000 US and British airborne troops dropped behind enemy lines. Their mission was to block roads and clear paths to the beach. The Germans were convinced no invasion would happen that week.
On Utah beach, Brig General Theodore Roosevelt Jr led some of the troops. On Gold, Juno and Sword beaches, British, Canadian and French forces fought with honor.
The toughest beach on DDay was Omaha beach. They were shot at as the ramp doors came down. The water was neck deep or higher. Many soldiers drowned. At the seawall, ad hoc groups of men formed. By noon, about 600 soldiers made it to the tops of the bluffs. By the evening of DDay, a foothold was established on Omaha beach.
Men that day lived and died for our freedom.

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Paul page 10

Paul page 10 by ric gustafson

Luke held up his pen. " Tell me about Stephen?".
" I was a few years older than he was". His tired voice hesitated. " I first met him when he was a first year boy studying under a different rabbi".
" Did you become jealous of him?".
" Yes". Paul sighed. " His answers were thoughtful and original".
" Why were the Temple leaders against him?".
" They were jealous of his gifts".
" What did he say to the Sanhedrin to insult them?".
" What he said that day to the Sanhedrin was blasphemy".
" Then what happened?".
" Everyone in that assembly except for two carried Stephen out and stoned him".
" Who were the two who did not?".
Paul grinned. " Gamaliel and Nicodemus".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Paul page 9

Paul page 9 by ric gustafson

There was a knock on the door.
" Enter".
Severus and Eubulus entered. The burly guard had his arms bound behind his back.
Mauritius held up a parchment. " This says you have been charged with treason". His powerful voice hesitated. " How do you plea?".
" Guilty". The burly guard smiled. " I am a follower of Jesus".
" Now why would a Roman guard". He frowned. " Become a follower of a carpenter who was executed years ago".
" I was on the execution detail for Peter's execution".
" Who is Peter?".
" One of Jesus's closest disciples". Eubulus shook his head. " His execution really shook me to the core".
" And why is that?".
" He asked us to hang him upside down".
Mauritius scratched his chin in puzzled thought. " And why would he do that?".
" He did not want to die like Jesus the Son of God".
Later, Eubulus was saved from execution by an angel.

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Paul page 8

Paul page 8 by ric gustafson

Luke picked up a pen. " Tell me about your earlier life".
" I was born in Tarsus". Paul sighed. " There I studied the Torah".
" What about after secondary school?".
" My family moved to Jerusalem". He sighed. " I studied under the Sanhedrin".
" Gamaliel was your teacher".
" That is correct".
" What did he teach you?".
" He taught me about oral traditions over the Law".
Luke sighed. " You told me about Jesus healing a man with a withered hand".
Paul frowned. " There is a sad ending to that story".
" What is that?".
" The Pharisees began plotting to kill Jesus".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 1, 2020

Paul page 7

Paul page 7 by ric gustafson

" I miss Barnabas". Paul sighed. " Any news from my old friend?".
" No, I have not heard much about him".
Luke scratched his chin. " Tell me about him".
" He introduced me to the other disciples".
Luke sighed. " Didn't he go with you on a missionary journey?".
" Yes". Paul grinned. " We traveled to Cyprus and preached in their synagogues".
" I heard after that you two had a falling out".
" That's true".
" Over what?".
" Two things". Paul's tired voice trailed off. " The first was over young John Mark".
" What was the second?".
" We had a disagreement about the table fellowship between Jews and Gentiles".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric