Saturday, March 28, 2020

White Rose page 5

White Rose page 5 by ric gustafson

Gerhard visited his mother on Christmas day 1942. He thought about his father who was alone in his prison cell. His mother's apartment was sparse and necessities were becoming harder to get. His mother suffered greatly while his dad was imprisoned. He hoped his visit would help his mother's anguish.
It was Jan 1 1943. Gerhard was suffering from a bad cold. After recovering for a few days, he decided to visit his father in Stadelheim Prison.
Father smiled at his son. " I'm happy to see you Gerhard".
" How have they been treating you?". Gerhard grinned. " Mother misses you".
" I miss both of you". He hugged his son. " I will be released in five months".
A guard signaled that it was time to leave.
" Tell your mother hello".
They hugged goodbye.

research help: ' The Traitor' by V.S. Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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