Friday, March 27, 2020

White Rose page 4

White Rose page 4 by ric gustafson

Gerhard wished he had a strong Christian faith like Hans and Sophie. He sneezed as he sat in a cold studio trying to write words for a leaflet. After he was done, he showed it to Hans.
" I like it".
They decided to print five hundred copies. Gerhard helped Hans stamp and seal the envelopes.
Gerhard held up an envelope. " I have now sealed my fate". He knew helping this group was high treason.
A White Rose conspirator named Lisa traveled with Gerhard to Vienna Austria to distribute leaflets.
On the way back to Munich, They were stopped by the SS.
Gerhard knew he had leaflets on him. With God's protection, they made it back without getting caught.
When Gerhard finally made it back home, he put his leaflets in a hidden dresser drawer.

research help: ' The Traitor' by V.S. Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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