Tuesday, March 31, 2020

White Rose page 7

White Rose page 7 by ric gustafson

When we arrived in Nuremberg, we checked our suitcase into a locker.
The city had a lot of charm. The city center, shops in Bavarian design and wood trimmed walls.
We safely distributed all the leaflets.
It was now Feb 1943.
Gerhard was studying hard for his science and biology classes. He heard on the radio about the defeat at Stalingrad.
In response to the news, the White Rose was planning something special.
Hans met with Gerhard quietly. " We are planning to paint slogans all over town".
" If you are caught". Gerhard frowned at his friend. " You will be tried and executed".
" That is a risk Sophie and I will have to take".

research help: ' The Traitor' by V.S. Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 29, 2020

White Rose page 6

White Rose page 6 by ric gustafson

One day, Hans asked Gerhard if he would write a second leaflet.
He agreed.
He and Lisa attended a large Party rally. They were the only two White Rose members in attendance.
That night, Gerhard and Lisa started on the new leaflet. They were finished by 11. Gerhard wrote about the blindness of the German people.
They printed up five hundred leaflets. He helped Lisa address them.
They decided to distribute them in Nuremberg. Gerhard had never traveled to the old and storied city. The city held huge Party rallies in the early years of the regime. They decided to distribute them in the same way they did in Vienna.

research help: ' The Traitor' by V.S. Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 28, 2020

White Rose page 5

White Rose page 5 by ric gustafson

Gerhard visited his mother on Christmas day 1942. He thought about his father who was alone in his prison cell. His mother's apartment was sparse and necessities were becoming harder to get. His mother suffered greatly while his dad was imprisoned. He hoped his visit would help his mother's anguish.
It was Jan 1 1943. Gerhard was suffering from a bad cold. After recovering for a few days, he decided to visit his father in Stadelheim Prison.
Father smiled at his son. " I'm happy to see you Gerhard".
" How have they been treating you?". Gerhard grinned. " Mother misses you".
" I miss both of you". He hugged his son. " I will be released in five months".
A guard signaled that it was time to leave.
" Tell your mother hello".
They hugged goodbye.

research help: ' The Traitor' by V.S. Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 27, 2020

White Rose page 4

White Rose page 4 by ric gustafson

Gerhard wished he had a strong Christian faith like Hans and Sophie. He sneezed as he sat in a cold studio trying to write words for a leaflet. After he was done, he showed it to Hans.
" I like it".
They decided to print five hundred copies. Gerhard helped Hans stamp and seal the envelopes.
Gerhard held up an envelope. " I have now sealed my fate". He knew helping this group was high treason.
A White Rose conspirator named Lisa traveled with Gerhard to Vienna Austria to distribute leaflets.
On the way back to Munich, They were stopped by the SS.
Gerhard knew he had leaflets on him. With God's protection, they made it back without getting caught.
When Gerhard finally made it back home, he put his leaflets in a hidden dresser drawer.

research help: ' The Traitor' by V.S. Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

White Rose page 3

White Rose page 3 by ric gustafson

Hans led Gerhard into a dusty musty room. He showed him a green metal machine.
Gerhard studied the machine. " How can I help the White Rose?".
Hans grinned. " We need someone to write out our leaflets".
" Ok".
" I will do the rest". He smiled. " I will handle the stamps, envelopes and distribution".
Gerhard began to ponder what might happen if he helped these people. If he helped them, he would become a traitor or a co conspirator.
" If I help you, we might get caught". Gerhard frowned at his friend. " We could get executed".
" Sophie and I reject Hitler and his killing machine". He put an arm around Gerhard. " Our conscience leaves us with no other choice".
Gerhard smiled. He hoped that his writing of the leaflets would help Hans and Sophie.

research help: ' The Traitor' by V.S. Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

White Rose page 2

White Rose page 2 by ric gustafson

Gerhard looked at Hans. " What did the leaflets say?".
Hans smiled. " That National Socialism was a cancerous ulcer".
Sophie spoke up. " That the Nazis were a corrupt government".
" Gerhard, will you join us?".
Sophie smiled. " We need help mailing and delivering leaflets".
Gerhard told them he would think about it.
Days later, Gerhard's father was arrested by the Gestapo. He was sentenced to six months in prison.
Right then, Gerhard decided to join the White Rose.

research help: ' The Traitor' by V.S. Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 23, 2020

White Rose page 1

White Rose page 1 by ric gustafson

My name is Gerhard. It was a cold December night. I was going to visit  my friend Hans and his sister Sophie. They lived in an apartment on Josefstrasse. I had seen Sophie in an auditorium class on campus. She had brown hair and a boyish quality.
They offered me dessert and schnapps. Other people were in that apartment including a professor. I was asked how I knew Hans and Sophie. I told them I had served with Hans on the Eastern Front.
Somebody turned toward me. " Have you heard of White Rose?".
I stared back. " No".
" Hans and Sophie have taken a stand against the Third Reich".
" What do you mean?".
Hans walked over to me. " We have distributed leaflets against Hitler and the Reich here at the University".
Sophie smiled. " Will you join us?".

research help: ' The Traitor' by V.S. Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 21, 2020

the great egg souffle caper page 6

the great egg soufflé caper page 6 by ric gustafson

Elnora ran upstairs into the small kitchen. " Marjorie, I sent a young man up here with my last egg soufflé dish".
" I haven't seen him". Tiredly, she was getting ready some hot cross buns. " I sure could use it right now".
Dumbfounded, Elnora began to walk back downstairs. She stopped when she noticed the back door to the church was ajar. She walked out onto a small sidewalk. Looking to the right, she noticed the young man who had taken the hot dish. He was standing next to a green dumpster across the street.
She quietly walked across the street and up to the dumpster. She peeked around the corner of the dumpster. She noticed the young man, a young woman and four young children eating the egg soufflé dish as if they hadn't eaten in days.
" What are you doing eating our egg soufflé dish?". She pulled out her cell phone to call the police.
" Please don't call". The young man began to cry. " You have everything and we have nothing".
Elnora put her cell phone away.
The young woman spoke up. " We figured you would not miss it".
With tears in her eyes, Elnora walked back into the church. They did end up with plenty of egg soufflé to go around. Elnora sat down in a chair. She began to ponder what just happened. She realized that God was showing her the true meaning of Easter.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 20, 2020

the great egg souffle caper page 5

the great egg soufflé caper page 5 by ric gustafson

" Elnora, we're getting a lot more people than expected" Lucille Gass said loudly. She smiled as she gave a loaded tray to a church member.
Elnora quickly surveyed the long line. " How are the hot cross buns and orange juice doing?".
" Fine".
Elnora remembered she had given her only extra egg soufflé dish for upstairs.
" Elnora, we need more egg soufflé upstairs".
In disbelief, she turned around to see her friend George Weiler.
" I gave the dish to someone to bring upstairs". Horror came over her tired face. " You never got it".
" No".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 19, 2020

the great egg souffle caper page 4

the great egg soufflé caper page 4 by ric gustafson

After the 8:00 service started, more egg soufflé came. Elnora and the others warmed up more hot cross buns and poured more orange juice. She figured she had just enough for the crowd that was coming. She knew she only had one egg soufflé dish extra in case the crowd was larger than she expected.
When the service ended, the line began to form down the stairs.
" How is it going Elnora?" Pastor Greerson asked.
She noticed he was first in line.
" We're doing fine so far".
" I got in line because I'm hungry". He filled a plate and sat down.
" We need some more egg soufflé upstairs".
Elnora turned to notice a young man staring at her. He was dressed casually in jeans and a t shirt. She did not recognize him. She figured he was helping Marjorie upstairs.
" I have an extra egg soufflé dish warming up". She wiped the sweat from her brow. " You can take it". She got the dish and handed it to the young man.
" Thank you". He carefully picked up the dish. He ran upstairs.
After the crowd had died down, Elnora began to pray that more egg soufflé would be coming.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

the great egg souffle caper page 3

the great egg soufflé caper page 3 by ric gustafson

Elnora looked at her watch.
" Happy Easter Elnora" Sylvia Chase said with a smile. She had in her hands an egg soufflé dish. " The egg soufflé is here".
Soon, more egg soufflé came. Others helped Elnora pour orange juice and warm up hot cross buns.
Elnora glanced at her watch again. The time had come.
The first of the sunrise service parishoners began to come down the stairs.
" Happy Easter Elnora" Mildred Gerch exclaimed. She hugged her friend. " Christ is risen".
" Christ is risen indeed". Elnora handed her friend a plate of egg soufflé and a hot cross bun.
The sunrise service crowd was small. Elnora had just enough egg soufflé and hot cross buns to go around. When the traffic had slowed down, she sat down to rest.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

the great egg souffle caper page 2

the great egg soufflé caper page 2 by ric gustafson

Elnora put a decorative Easter basket on the serving table for a freewill offering.
" Happy Easter Elnora".
She turned around. " Pastor Greerson, I did not hear you come down".
" I just came down to see how you were doing". He quickly glanced around the room. " The sunrise service is about to begin".
" Marjorie is handling upstairs and we are doing fine down here".
" Good". He walked back upstairs.
After a while, she glanced at her watch. She wanted to see when she had to start warming up the hot cross buns. She sat down to wait for her help and the egg soufflé dishes to arrive. She began to pray that the morning would be uneventful.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 16, 2020

the great egg souffle caper page 1

the great egg soufflé caper page 1 by ric gustafson

Elnora Jensen walked quietly down the carpeted steps and turned on the lights. The large downstairs room was used as a youth room, confirmation classes. This morning it was being used for Easter breakfast. She walked over and opened some heavy purple curtains. It was a beautiful Easter morning. She turned around to notice the smiling face of Roger Corby the churches custodian.
" Happy Easter Roger". She walked over to check on the orange juice in the refrigerator.
" Happy Easter to you too". He walked over to some folding chairs. He began to set them up.
A worried look came over her face. " Did the hot cross buns get here from the store?".
" Yes, they did". He grinned. " And we should have plenty of napkins and paper plates also".
" Good". She began to get the coffee ready. She walked over and began to set up the serving table. " How is the upstairs doing?".
" Fine". He smiled. " Marjorie is getting everything organized".
" Good".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 12, 2020

God's promises: to grow spiritually

God's promises: to grow spiritually by ric gustafson

God wants us to have a Christ centered life. God wants us to grow in knowledge. God wants us to grow in understanding. God wants us to grow in wisdom. God wants us to grow in closeness with him.
So how do we grow spiritually?. We read God's Word more. We pray more. Our faith will grow. God will thank us and prepare us for future service to him.

research help: ' God's promises for new believers' by Jack Countryman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

God's promises: to obey him

God's promises: to obey him by ric gustafson

God wants us to live by his standards. Not by this world's standards. When we obey what is in God's Word, we show God our love. Jesus came and died on a cross for us. He took our punishment so we could be with him forever. God knows what is best for us. Our obedience is for our own good. Our obedience honors and glorifies God. Praise God's name.

research help: ' God's promises for new believers' by Jack Countryman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

God's promises: to serve him

God's promises: to serve him by ric gustafson

God loves us more than anything else. So we want to obey and serve him. God wants us to help others with gladness. When we serve others, we will know and witness joy and peace. God created us to have peace and joy. Serving God will give us a more personal relationship with him. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God's promises for new believers' by Jack Countryman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 9, 2020

God's promises: community with other believers

God's promises: community with other believers by ric gustafson

God created us to be part of a community. God is part of the Triune. That is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God wants us to be in fellowship with him. God wants us to be in fellowship with others also. God has given each of us a specific gift. God wants us to teach and love each other. We are special. We are God's people. Praise God.

research help: ' God's promises for new believers' by Jack Countryman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 8, 2020

God's promises: Jesus is my security

God's promises: Jesus is my security by ric gustafson

Every one of us loves security. We want to provide security for our children. But only Jesus provides genuine security. Only Jesus provides eternal security. Nothing can separate us from God's love. God's love is unfailing and is no fail. Praise God.

research help: ' God's promises for new believers' by Jack Countryman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 6, 2020

God's promises: Jesus as our example

God's promises: Jesus as our example by ric gustafson

Jesus came to this earth to model his Father. Jesus came to serve. Jesus served by teaching. Jesus taught by healing. Jesus died for our sins.
So how do we follow Jesus's example?. We do it by serving people. We can serve our family, neighborhood and church with our time, talents and finances.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God's promises for new believers' by Jack Countryman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 5, 2020

God's promises: Jesus as my Savior

God's promises: Jesus as my Savior by ric gustafson

Jesus is the Son of God. He left his Father's side in heaven. He became flesh. He came to this dark world for one reason. He took our punishment on himself. Jesus died on a cross so that we could be forgiven. His sacrifice saved us from eternal separation. Jesus is a wonderful Savior.

research help: ' God's promises for new believers' by Jack Countryman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

God's promises: Jesus as my companion

God's promises: Jesus as my companion by ric gustafson

There is a classic hymn called ' what a friend we have in Jesus'. Jesus gave us a promise. That promise was the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised to be with us always. We are never alone. Jesus is our Savior and Lord. Jesus is always our companion. Praise God.

research help: ' God's promises for new believers' by Jack Countryman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric