Tuesday, February 25, 2020

the twins and the Angel of Death page 4

the twins and the Angel of Death page 4 by ric gustafson

It was in the autumn of 1930 that Josef Mengele started studying at the University of Munich. Munich in 1930 was a bustling city filled with culture. Mengele, who enjoyed opera and classical music, loved every minute of it. He enjoyed the shops, restaurants and museums the city offered.
That year of 1930, Adolf Hitler had some radical ideas. Millions came to his rallies. One of his favorite topics to rant about was racial purity. Hitler envisioned a country of blond, blue eyed men and women. He ranted about racial hygiene. He also called for the elimination of all inferior races including the Jews.
The University of Munich professors became influenced by these racist theories. Mengele chose the field of anthropology and genetics. Mengele studied that biology was destiny. He wanted to become a racial doctor. Mengele became interested in eugenics. He studied the social Darwinists.
In 1935, Mengele was preparing to graduate. The Nazis began a racial program called the Nuremberg Laws. This criteria was to determine who was a true German and who was not. Mengele graduated and applied to the University of Frankfurt. He wanted to work with Professor Otmar von Verschuer.

research help: ' children of the flames' by Lucette Lagnado and Sheila Dekel

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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