Friday, February 14, 2020

No Time page 11

No Time page 11 by ric gustafson

Jessica knocked on the wooden office door.
An older gentleman opened it. " Hello Jessica".
" Professor Humboldt". She smiled at Bryson. " This is Bryson". She smiled again. " He's helping me make deliveries today".
He shook Bryson's hand.
She handed the professor an envelope. " Here is your fixed watch".
Bryson noticed a book on the professor's desk. " I see you like Archimedes".
" Yes, I studied him in school". His voice paused. " He was a Greek philosopher".
" Yes, he was". He picked up the book. " He used the Greek numbering system to study infinity".
Jessica glanced at her watch. " Professor, it looks like we need to leave".
He shook Bryson's hand again. " Nice to meet you Bryson".
She opened the door to walk out.
" Bryson, I learned something very important about time from Archimedes".
" And what is that?".
He held up his fixed watch. " There is no time in heaven".
The two walked out.

research help: ' Infinity a graphic guide' by Brian Clegg and Oliver Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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