Friday, December 8, 2017

the birth of Jesus page 15

the birth of Jesus page 15 by ric Gustafson

A star went before the Magi until it came and stood over where Jesus was. When they entered where Jesus and his mother were, they fell down and worshiped him. Jesus is now a young child. Jesus is wrapped in a blanket. They opened their treasures. The three gave gold, frankincense and myrrh to Jesus. They gave gold to symbolize kingship and worth. In frankincense, Jesus is recognized in a priestly order. Myrrh was given to show what would happen to Jesus later in life. The Magi leave. In a dream, God warns them not to return to Herod. They travel home on a different route.

research help: ' The Birth of Jesus' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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