Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Ben Hur Prelude: Judea's Political World

Ben Hur Prelude:  Judea's Political World by ric Gustafson

One province gave Rome a lot of trouble. This province was Judea. Judeans thought of the Romans as an occupying power. The central city of Judea was Jerusalem the ancient city of David. Romans in Jerusalem felt out of place with it's hills and streets that wandered in all directions. To Rome, the Middle East was trouble. To Romans, Judea was full of religious extremists who wanted to kill them or themselves.
There were two major parties in Judea. The Sadducees were the party of the priests. They denied the resurrection. The Pharisees used the Law of Moses as a strict code of behavior and fashion. They believed that God's Law was the only true Law and followed it to the letter. These two groups hated each other. A man named Herod became King of Judea. He was an evil man.

research help: ' The World of Ben Hur' by Mike Aquilina

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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