Thursday, September 15, 2016

the miracle on Titanic page 12

the miracle on Titanic page 12 by ric Gustafson

David and Charlene were walking on the deck. It was nearly empty. They stepped onto a lift that brought them downward. It stopped, the door opened and they walked through what looked like a Turkish bath. They opened a glass door which led to a nice sized swimming pool. They took off their shoes  and put their feet into the warm water.
David noticed sunshine coming in through the portholes. " How long have you been a Christian?".
She smiled. " I became a Christian during my first year of bible college". She glanced around the stark white room. " One of my professors influenced my decision".
A sloping set of wooden stairs was at one end of the enclosed pool.
" Are you a Christian David?".
They stood up and put their shoes back on.
" I'd rather answer that later".
She smiled again. " David, would you like to eat with my brother and I tonight?".
" Your brother!" David replied in shock. " I thought he was a boyfriend or husband".
" No!". She giggled. " I would love to meet your mom".
" I'll ask her".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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