Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sheba page 1

Sheba page 1 by ric Gustafson

So who was the Queen of Sheba?. First of all she was a pagan queen. But she prized wisdom above power. Her story in the Bible is in I Kings chapter 10. We will start her story there.
I Kings was compiled around 535 BC. The material was taken from older records and temple archives. First century historians called Sheba the queen of Egypt and Ethiopia. Most scholars place her country were now is the country of Yemen. This was in the southwest part of the Arabian Peninsula. Sheba was also known as the ' the Queen of the South'. Sheba was an unmarried woman of royal blood a virgin queen.
Sheba heard about Solomon and his relationship to the Lord. According to I Kings 10:1, she decided to go see Solomon. It was to be a long 1500 mile journey through the Arabian Desert. Then she would have to travel across the land of Moab, past the Salt Sea, across the Jordan and then through Canaan to get to Jerusalem.

research help: ' It's good to be Queen' by Liz Curtis Higgs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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