Wednesday, September 28, 2016

encounters with Jesus: Thomas

encounters with Jesus: Thomas by ric Gustafson

After the death of Jesus, the disciples were disappointed. Their hopes and plans had been shattered. They huddled in an upper room to cry, pray and ask God why this had happened. Everyone was there except Thomas. They told him that Jesus had risen from the dead and appeared to them.
How did Thomas react?. He said that unless he saw the nail holes in his hands and put his hand into his side, he would not believe. Thomas was a practical man and needed evidence.
Eight days later, Thomas was with the other disciples. All of a sudden, Jesus appeared. He offered his hands and side to Thomas. Thomas declared " my Lord and my God". " You have seen and believed" Jesus replied. " Blessed are those who believe and have not seen".
It has been said that Thomas's missionary journeys changed the face of the East.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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