Thursday, September 29, 2016

Devil's Food page 1

Devil's Food page 1 by ric Gustafson

Roy McReed pressed the white garage door button. He opened the kitchen door and walked into the spacious newly remodeled kitchen. " Hi sweetie".
" Hi honey" Margaret McReed replied as she put down a carving knife. " I'm just finishing up our Halloween pumpkin".
He yawned as he put his brown briefcase on top of a wooden hutch. " Work was really busy today". He walked over and opened a white refrigerator. He peered inside. " Have you seen my Hostess treats?".
" Yes, next to your cheese slices".
He took out the familiar red, white and blue package. He opened it and took a long bite. " I love these things".
She stared at her husband. " What are they?".
He took another bite. " Hostess Devil's Food zingers".
" Oh". Her voice hesitated. " I need you to do something for me".
He gave her a peck on the cheek. " Anything".
" I need you to go to the store and purchase our Halloween candy for tomorrow".
" Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 24

Pilate page 24 by ric Gustafson

Pilate studied the note that was just handed to him. It was from Herod Antipas. He was returning the prisoner to him. The note also invited him and Claudia to a dinner party.
He looked up to see that the prisoner and the crowd had returned. He stared at Caiaphas. " You have brought this prisoner before me under a charge of subversion". He looked at the crowd. " I do not find this man guilty of the charges". He stared again at Caiaphas. " I will therefore flog him for disturbing the peace and let him go".
The crowd screamed. " Crucify him".
Pilate was concerned. This hearing was getting out of hand.
All of a sudden, he smiled. " As is the custom each Passover". His voice hesitated. " I will release one prisoner".
He stared at the unruly crowd. " Jesus Bar- Abbas or Jesus of Nazareth?".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Pilate page 23

Pilate page 23 by ric Gustafson

Pilate stared at the crowd. " Is there anyone who can offer evidence in favor of this prisoner?".
No one came forward.
" Again is there anyone who will testify on behalf of this prisoner?".
Rabbi Jonathan spoke up. " My Prefect, this man is a born trouble maker".
" Why do you say that?".
" This man's teachings are stirring up the people in Galilee and spreading all the way here".
" Rabbi, did you say that this prisoner is from Galilee?".
" Yes my Prefect". His voice hesitated. " He came from Nazareth".
Pilate's eyes lit up. " So this prisoner is under the authority of Tetrarch Herod Antipas".
Caiaphas spoke up. " Yes Prefect he is".
Pilate smiled. " Is the Tetrarch in Jerusalem at the moment?".
Caiaphas looked at the others. " Yes Prefect he is".
" I will send the prisoner over to him".
" As you wish, my Prefect".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

encounters with Jesus: Thomas

encounters with Jesus: Thomas by ric Gustafson

After the death of Jesus, the disciples were disappointed. Their hopes and plans had been shattered. They huddled in an upper room to cry, pray and ask God why this had happened. Everyone was there except Thomas. They told him that Jesus had risen from the dead and appeared to them.
How did Thomas react?. He said that unless he saw the nail holes in his hands and put his hand into his side, he would not believe. Thomas was a practical man and needed evidence.
Eight days later, Thomas was with the other disciples. All of a sudden, Jesus appeared. He offered his hands and side to Thomas. Thomas declared " my Lord and my God". " You have seen and believed" Jesus replied. " Blessed are those who believe and have not seen".
It has been said that Thomas's missionary journeys changed the face of the East.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

encounters with Jesus: Judas Iscariot

encounters with Jesus: Judas Iscariot by ric Gustafson

One thing is for sure, Judas Iscariot was a necessary evil. Very little is known about Judas's past. His last name was a reference to his place of origin in southern Judea. According to the gospels of John and Matthew, Jesus predicted that one of his disciples would betray him. Some references say that Judas returns the money to the priests and then commits suicide. His life and death are a mystery. Did he end his life because of guilt?. Was his fate predetermined or did he have a momentary lapse of reason?.
Without Judas, the entire course of human history changes.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 22

Pilate page 22 by ric Gustafson

Jesus looked at Pilate. " My authority comes from elsewhere".
" So, you are a king?".
" It is as you say that I am a king" Jesus replied in a quiet voice. " For this I was born and for this I have come into the world".
Pilate scratched his chin. " And why have you come into this world?".
" To bear witness to the truth".
The Prefect stared at Jesus with a quizzical look. " What is truth?".
Jesus did not reply.
Pilate shook his head in confusion. He clapped his hands. Flavius walked over. " Take the prisoner, we are going back outside".
They walked back outside. Jesus was now standing next to Pilate. The Prefect faced the crowd. " I find no fault in him". He stared at Caiaphas. " What evidence do you have against this man?".
" My Prefect, we have several witnesses".
Several people came forward saying that the prisoner claimed to be a Messiah. They also said that he used magic and sorcery to do his many miracles.
Pilate noticed that Jesus was silent.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sheba page 2

Sheba page 2 by ric Gustafson

According to I Kings 10:1, Sheba wanted to travel and test King Solomon with hard questions. According to I Kings 10:2, Sheba arrived in Jerusalem with camels carrying spices, gold and precious stones. The ancient city was abuzz with the arrival of a great caravan. Sheba showed Solomon her riches at the start to cover expenses her stay might incur. After this, Sheba got to talk with King Solomon. She talked with Solomon about things that she had on her mind.
According to I Kings 10:3, Solomon answered all of her questions. No question of Sheba's was too hard for Solomon to answer.

research help: ' It's good to be Queen' by Liz Curtis Higgs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 21

Pilate page 21 by ric Gustafson

Pilate looked at Caiaphas again. " What charge do you bring against this man?".
The chief priest spoke up. " We found this man subverting this nation".
Someone yelled from the left of the prisoner. " He forbid the payment of tribute money to Caesar".
Caiaphas grinned at the Prefect. " He claims to be Messiah a king".
Pilate was silent for a moment. This was the worst  charge according to Roman law. This accusation meant high treason. " I will examine him in private". He walked back into the reception hall.
Flavius led the prisoner in.
Jesus now stood in front of Pilate. " Are you the King of the Jews?".
Jesus raised his head and stared at the Prefect. " Do you ask of your own accord or did others tell it to you concerning me?".
" What, am I a Jew". He frowned at Jesus. " What have you done that your own priests and nation brought you here before me?".
" My kingship is not of this world". His voice hesitated. " If it were, my followers would fight to defend me".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Pilate page 20

Pilate page 20 by ric Gustafson

" Please move my chair outside facing the esplanade".
After the aides had done that, Pilate walked outside and sat down. He noticed that Caiaphas, Annas, Helcias and Jonathan standing next to the prisoner. Other members of the Sanhedrin stood to the left. Behind the prisoner stood several Pharisees, Sadducees and members of the Temple guard.
Pilate began to stare at the prisoner. He frowned at the unkept bound and powerless man. To Pilate, he did not look like a king.
He turned toward the priests. " What charge do you bring against this man?".
Someone yelled. " If he were not a prisoner, we would not have brought him before you".
" Very well". He pointed toward the prisoner. " Take him out of this court and judge him according to your own law".
Caiaphas spoke up. " We are not allowed to put anyone to death".
Pilate knew that this was not a normal hearing.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sheba page 1

Sheba page 1 by ric Gustafson

So who was the Queen of Sheba?. First of all she was a pagan queen. But she prized wisdom above power. Her story in the Bible is in I Kings chapter 10. We will start her story there.
I Kings was compiled around 535 BC. The material was taken from older records and temple archives. First century historians called Sheba the queen of Egypt and Ethiopia. Most scholars place her country were now is the country of Yemen. This was in the southwest part of the Arabian Peninsula. Sheba was also known as the ' the Queen of the South'. Sheba was an unmarried woman of royal blood a virgin queen.
Sheba heard about Solomon and his relationship to the Lord. According to I Kings 10:1, she decided to go see Solomon. It was to be a long 1500 mile journey through the Arabian Desert. Then she would have to travel across the land of Moab, past the Salt Sea, across the Jordan and then through Canaan to get to Jerusalem.

research help: ' It's good to be Queen' by Liz Curtis Higgs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

encounters with Jesus: Peter

encounters with Jesus: Peter by ric Gustafson

Peter was the most dynamic of Jesus's twelve disciples. After he started following Jesus, his awe of him grew. Peter knew that Jesus was the one they were waiting for. He knew that Jesus was the Messiah who would save the world. Peter had bouts of courage, cowardice, understanding and confusion.
Peter was a typical Galilean. He had a frank and headstrong character. He followed Jesus even though he was imperfect. Peter experienced Jesus's greatest miracles. He did not understand everything that was going on and asked a lot of questions. To Peter, seeking the truth was more important than looking smart.
Peter's life was changed forever after meeting Jesus. He watched Jesus ascend into heaven. When Peter began his ministry, he brought the gospel to the Gentiles.
Peter was crucified by Nero in 64 A.D.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Pilate page 19

Pilate page 19 by ric Gustafson

As the two shackled men were led away, Caiaphas's servant walked up. " Malchus, what is this interruption?".
" I'm sorry my Prefect" the young servant replied. " This is a serious situation".
" What situation?".
" My Lord Caiaphas and members of the Sanhedrin are outside waiting for you".
" Why are they waiting for me?".
" They are waiting for you to confirm their verdict against the Rabbi from Galilee".
" They have already tried him".
" Yes my Prefect". Malchus grinned. " There has already been two trials".
" And what was their verdict?".
" Guilty" Malchus exclaimed. " They seek the death penalty".
Just then, a centurion walked in. " My Prefect, a huge crowd is gathering in front of the palace".
Pilate frowned. " Flavius, I know".
" My Prefect, should I bring in reinforcements?".
" Yes, but keep them out of sight for now".
Pilate now stared at the young servant. " Malchus, tell your Master that I will see the prisoner".
" My Prefect".
" Yes, Flavius".
" They have to remain outside the Praetorium to avoid defilement".
Pilate shook his head. He remembered their custom.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

encounters with Jesus: Matthew

encounters with Jesus: Matthew by ric Gustafson

The addition of a tax collector to Jesus's group shocked both believers and non believers alike. At the time, being a tax collector was frowned upon along with prostitutes and other sinners. After a visit to Capernaum, Jesus encounters a tax collector named Levi. He had a booth set up along the main road leading to the city. His job was to levy taxes upon travelers for the goods they carried.
Jesus simply said to Matthew ' follow me'. He dropped everything and followed Jesus. He was met with skepticism from the other disciples. Matthew's decision to follow Jesus was life changing. He left a life of greed and his old life for a new life with Jesus. He wrote the Gospel of Matthew which detailed his time as an Apostle.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 19, 2016

encounters with Jesus: the Sons of Thunder

encounters with Jesus: the Sons of Thunder by ric Gustafson

One day, Jesus was walking along the Sea of Galilee. He noticed two fisherman brothers mending their nets. He asked them to join him. They did with no hesitation. From then on, the brothers followed Jesus during his ministry. The two brothers along with Peter became Jesus's inner circle. Jesus named them the Sons of Thunder because they had stormy tempers at times.
James was known as James the Greater. John was known as the disciple Jesus loved. James was likely the first Apostle to be martyred. John died as an old man around the age of 94.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Encounters with Jesus: John the Baptist

Encounters with Jesus: John the Baptist by ric Gustafson

John the Baptist was a special person in Jesus's life. He baptized Jesus and was also instrumental in building anticipation for the messiah to come. He preached to the people of Israel that a savior was coming. John the Baptist is mentioned in all four gospels.
According to Mark, John the Baptist was described as the one to prepare the people for the coming of a savior. The only gospel that mentioned John 's life as a child was Luke.
John was beheaded at the request of Herodias and her daughter.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Encounters with Jesus: the Temple Rabbi's

Encounters with Jesus: the Temple Rabbi's by ric Gustafson

There is only one biblical story of Jesus as a child. When Jesus was 12, he was with his family as they traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. This was a yearly trip. The family would travel in huge caravans for protection and company. After it was over, they began the trip back home. On the way, they discovered that Jesus was missing.
Joseph and Mary returned to Jerusalem and began to search for him. After three days, they found him in the Temple. He was sitting with scholars and doctors talking with them. He was listening to them and asking them questions.
Mary was upset and fearful at the same time. She asked why he had not returned with them. He asked them why they were looking for him. He was in his Father's house.
Jesus went home with his parents and were obedient to them.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 15, 2016

the miracle on Titanic page 12

the miracle on Titanic page 12 by ric Gustafson

David and Charlene were walking on the deck. It was nearly empty. They stepped onto a lift that brought them downward. It stopped, the door opened and they walked through what looked like a Turkish bath. They opened a glass door which led to a nice sized swimming pool. They took off their shoes  and put their feet into the warm water.
David noticed sunshine coming in through the portholes. " How long have you been a Christian?".
She smiled. " I became a Christian during my first year of bible college". She glanced around the stark white room. " One of my professors influenced my decision".
A sloping set of wooden stairs was at one end of the enclosed pool.
" Are you a Christian David?".
They stood up and put their shoes back on.
" I'd rather answer that later".
She smiled again. " David, would you like to eat with my brother and I tonight?".
" Your brother!" David replied in shock. " I thought he was a boyfriend or husband".
" No!". She giggled. " I would love to meet your mom".
" I'll ask her".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

encounters with Jesus: Simeon

encounters with Jesus: Simeon by ric Gustafson

Forty days after Jesus was born, he was brought to a temple in Jerusalem. A sacrifice was given of a pair of doves  or two young pigeons.
Also at the temple that day was a man named Simeon. He was a prophet and elderly. He was there along with a prophetess named Anna. He took the baby Jesus into his arms and blessed God. He proclaimed that now that he saw Jesus he can depart this life in peace.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

the miracle on Titanic page 11

the miracle on Titanic page 11 by ric Gustafson

David and Charlene walked through the second class section of the ship. " Are you of the Moton Construction Company?".
" Yes, my father started the company". They began to walk up a spiral staircase to first class. " My father's company was an advisor with the construction of this beautiful ship". They walked to the end of a hallway, opened two massive doors and found themselves staring at the crowning feature of the massive ship.
" This Grand Staircase is a work of art" David exclaimed. They gazed upward at the wrought iron and glass dome overhead. " So what are you doing in Southampton England?".
Charlene smiled. " I 'm a second year student at a private bible college". Her voice hesitated. " I'm going to California to visit my family".
They noticed more passengers were enjoying the Grand Staircase.
" How about you?".
" I came with my mother to visit relatives here in England".
He noticed the bible in her hand. " Are you a Christian Charlene?".
" Yes David, I am".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

voices of Titanic: Lifeboat 1

voices of Titanic: Lifeboat 1 by ric Gustafson

This lifeboat was launched from the starboard side at 1:05 am. This lifeboat had a capacity of 40 but only had twelve on board. There were seven crew members on board. The passengers were Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon, his wife Lady Lucy Duff Gordon, Laura Mabel Francatelli, Abraham Solomon and Charles Stengel. The lifeboat was under the watch of Lookout George Symons.
Lucy Duff Gordon was a well known fashion designer. The Gordon's spent time with Mr and Mrs Thayer. On the night of the disaster, they met Mr and Mrs Edgar Meyer in the lounge. She was awakened by a funny rumbling noise. The lifeboat was the Captain's emergency boat. Inside the boat were stokers and George Symons.
Lifeboat 1 was the second boat to be rescued by the Carpathia.

research help: ' Titanic Voices' by Hannah Holman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 12, 2016

Encounters with Jesus: the MAGI

Encounters with Jesus: the MAGI by ric Gustafson

The word magi comes from the ancient Persian. The Persians believed in astrologers and priests. The magi's were a caste of priests who practiced Zurvanism. Only the book of Matthew mentions the magi. According to Matthew, wise men from the East observed the Star of Bethlehem. This led them to Bethlehem. They honored Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Before they left, God spoke to them in a dream and warned them not to return to Herod. These wise men went back home a different way. God told Joseph to flee with Mary and their son to Egypt until Herod died.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Encounters with Jesus: Joseph the Father of Jesus

Encounters with Jesus: Joseph the Father of Jesus by ric Gustafson

Mary and Joseph were engaged to be married. When she tells Joseph what the angel told her, he could not believe it. He could of easily walked away from Mary and made his simpler. He decided to stay with Mary through good times and bad.
After Jesus's birth, Joseph is mentioned only once more in the gospels. Joseph went through day to day life protecting and raising God's son. Joseph did all of that for Jesus because God asked him to.
Joseph was Jesus's father on earth.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Fill My Cup: a Cup of mercy

Fill My Cup: a Cup of Mercy by ric Gustafson

Sometimes we fail as humans. We make mistakes, poor decisions, hasty judgments and bad comments. Some of these behaviors are intentional and some are not. Failure leads to greater truth.
Jesus chose people with flaws to be his followers. Jesus's disciples were ordinary people. God reaches out to us through our ordinary lives. We need to forgive ourselves. We need to ask for the forgiveness of God and others.
God extends the Cup of Mercy to us.

research help: ' The Cup of our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Encounters with Jesus: Elizabeth

Encounters with Jesus: Elizabeth by ric Gustafson

There was childless couple named Elizabeth and Zachariah. They wanted a child but were beyond childbearing age. One day, an angel named Gabriel appeared to Zachariah. He told him that Elizabeth would bear a son. They were to name him John. Zachariah was doubtful. It happened as the angel said.
When Elizabeth was six months along, she was visited by Mary. She was frightened and excited at her own pregnancy and had no one to talk to. Elizabeth blessed Mary and the child inside her.
Elizabeth and Zachariah's son became John the Baptist.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Encounters with Jesus: Mary the mother of Jesus

Encounters with Jesus: Mary the mother of Jesus by ric Gustafson

The question arises how could Mary a 16 year old virgin give birth to the Son of God?. She simply asked the angel how?. The angel replied that the Holy Spirit would come upon her. She said  let it be with me just as you say.
She gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem in a stable in dirt and straw. Later they had to flee to Egypt to avoid the wrath of King Herod. She watched his miracles starting with the miracle at a wedding. She followed her son through three years of ministry. She watched in agony as he endured the cross. For three days, she agonized not knowing if her son was alive or dead. On that Sunday, she went to the tomb to help anoint her son's body.
She encountered Jesus by being his mother.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

voices of Titanic: Lifeboat 8

voices of Titanic: Lifeboat 8 by ric Gustafson

Lifeboat 8 was more than likely the first launched from the port side of the doomed liner. Second Officer Charles Lightoller was in charge of loading the boat. Able Seaman Thomas Jones was placed in charge of the boat. A total of 39 were on board.
First Class Passenger Ella White was traveling to New York with her maid Amelia Bessetti. Her reaction to the impact was that of going over marbles. She entered Lifeboat 8 from the top deck. Both her and her maid were rescued.
First Class Passenger Countess Rothes took charge of the boat as it sailed through the night. She was an expert with an oar and helped the boat stay afloat. The boat tried to row toward a light in the darkness. The light eventually faded and then went awy.
First Class Passenger Constance Willard was basically pushed into the lifeboat by two men. At the last moment, a baby was put into her arms and asked to save it. Later, the doomed liner sank into the cold Atlantic Ocean.

research help: ' Titanic Voices' by Hannah Holman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Fill My Cup: an empty Cup

Fill My Cup: an empty Cup by ric Gustafson

Humans want to be filled. They want to feel good and that life would go well. Our spiritual life is a cycle. This cycle consists of emptying, filling, dying, rising, accepting and letting go. Our full cup gets emptied. It needs to be filled up again.
Sometimes our cup empties with our help and sometimes not. This emptying can be painful but full of growth. Our emptied lives can sometimes make us feel useless. It can also make us feel fruitless and non productive.
God promises that he will fill our cup again.

research help: ' The Cup of our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 5, 2016

Fill My Cup: a chipped Cup

Fill My Cup: a chipped Cup by ric Gustafson

As humans, we are chipped like a cup. We have flaws and try to hide them. As humans, we have flaws and inadequacies. We are not perfect cups. We have chips, bumps, scratches and cracks. We have inner and outer imperfections.
God wants us to know that our flaws are his greatest treasures. Our flaws remind us daily that we need God. Even though our cups are chipped, we need to keep them clean of sins.

research help: ' The Cup of our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

voices of Titanic: Lifeboat 3

voices of Titanic: Lifeboat 3 by ric Gustafson

Lifeboat 3 was the third lifeboat launched on the starboard side of the doomed liner. This boat was filled with first class passengers and some crew. Fifth Officer Lowe and First Officer Murdoch were in charge of filling the boat. There were fifty people on board this lifeboat.
First Class Passenger Elizabeth Shutes was a governess traveling with two other women. That Sunday night, she felt a strange quivering. Someone knocked on her door and told her that the liner had struck an iceberg. They got dressed, put on life vests and went up to the Boat Deck. There two men helped her into Lifeboat 3. As they rowed away from the Titanic, she sat next to Mrs Hays and Mrs Davidson.
Edith Graham was in Lifeboat 3 along with her daughter Margaret and their governess Elizabeth Shutes. She described the sound of the iceberg hitting the ship as a grinding tearing sound. Her daughter tried to go back to sleep. Mr Roebling and Mr Case helped the women get into the lifeboat.
Robert Daniel was a First Class Passenger on the lifeboat. In 1914, he married Mary Smith who also survived the sinking.

research help: ' Titanic Voices' by Hannah Holman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Fill My Cup: a thirst to fill

Fill My Cup: a thirst to fill by ric Gustafson

As humans, we are never satisfied. We hope and thirst for something else. We hope for something different. We are an empty cup waiting to be filled.
When we shake off our satisfaction, our inner thirst for God will come forth. We can ask God for living water for our thirsty soul. Through the living water, we can thirst for peace of mind and heart. We can ask for acceptance of ourselves, harmony with our family and others.

research help: ' The Cup of our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 2, 2016

Fill My Cup: a cluttered Cup

Fill My Cup: a cluttered Cup by ric Gustafson

As humans, we have cluttering in our lives. We have inner clutter including anxiety, resentment and mistrust. A negative spirit can clutter our spiritual lives. Spiritual clutter can throw us off balance. Spiritual clutter can take over our mind and emotions. Even our prayer life can become cluttered .
We need to let God sort through and discard our spiritual clutter.

research help: ' The Cup OF Our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Fill My Cup: listening for God

Fill My Cup: listening for God by ric Gustafson

God often speaks to us in whispers. Sometimes, we can miss hearing that small voice. An essential for spiritual growth is to be an attentive listener. We need to open our mind and heart and empty our spiritual clutter.
God is in the midst of our spiritual growth. When we deeply listen to God, we discover he is everywhere.
We need to listen to God. What do we hear?.

research help: ' The Cup of our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric