Tuesday, June 21, 2011

seven deadly sins 2011: Slothfulness a

seven deadly sins 2011: Slothfulness a by ric gustafson.

Elaine walked into Ben's office and noticed that he looked like he was daydreaming. " Mr Halsteen".
Ben looked up to see one of his employees standing in front of his desk. " Yes Elaine".
" Mr Halsteen, have you finished the monthly reports for Mr Firestone yet?".
" No, not yet" he replied with a stare. " I'm not sure if I will or not".
" Mr Halsteen, those reports are due by the end of the day".
" Will you do them for me Elaine?".
" Mr Halsteen, they are your responsibility as head of this department".
" I'm so mad at Mr Firestone" he said as anger filled his eyes. " I don't feel like doing anything for him anymore".
" Mr Halsteen" she said in a quiet voice. " Have you done the schedule including the vacation schedule?".
" No, not yet".
" Mr Halsteen, if you don't do your job you could be fired".
" I don't care anymore" he said with a sigh. " I just don't care anymore".
" Mr Halsteen, aren't you worried about your job?".
" No" Ben said in a final thought. " I don't care anymore".
" Mr Halsteen, I'll have to tell Mr Firestone you did not do the reports or the schedule".
" Do what you have to do" he said as he stood up and walked toward the door. " I don't care anymore".

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