Friday, June 3, 2011

the end of the trail page 2

the end of the trail page 2 by ric gustafson. free write story 2

" So what do we do now?" the man asked with a fearful look on his face.
Mickey smiled and pulled a large black ledger from underneath the wooden counter. " This is one of my boss's ledgers".
" What does that ledger have to do with us?" the wife asked.
" Everyone who has ever walked the trail of life must be in this ledger". He turned to the wife. " What is your name?".
" Melinda Petsac".
" Petsac" he said as he turned the pages. He stopped on a page and thumbed through the names. " Yes, I see your name in here".
" Good" she replied with relief in her voice.
Mickey turned toward the husband. " What is your name?".
" Howard Petsac".
He quickly thumbed through the pages. " Yes, I see your name is here".
" I'm glad to hear that" he replied as he walked toward the door. " Melinda, let's get back on the trail".
" I have one more thing to discuss".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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