Saturday, June 4, 2011

the end of the trail page 3

the end of the trail page 3 by ric gustafson. free write story 2
" What is that?" Howard asked as he stared at the young trail guide.
Mickey pulled another ledger from underneath the counter. " This is my boss's personal ledger".
" Personal ledger?".
" Howard, do you believe in Jesus Christ and have a personal relationship with him?".
" Yes, ever since I was young" he replied with a smile.
Mickey thumbed through the pages. He stopped on a certain page. " Yes, I see that your name is in here". " Very good" was the reply as he pointed outside. " You may proceed down the right side of the remaining trail".
" Thank you" he joyfully said as he hugged his wife and then ran out the door.
Mickey turned toward Melinda. " Melinda, do you believe in Jesus Christ and have a personal relationship with him?".
She shook her head. " My family was not christian and neither am I". " I would have to say no".
Mickey thumbed through the pages. " I'm sorry Melinda, I do not see your name in my boss's personal ledger".
" What does that mean?".
" You must go down the left side of the remaining trail".
With a frown, she walked out the door.
Mickey put the ledgers back underneath the counter.
The bell on the door clanged.
Everyone have a great Saturday. Love Ric.

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