Monday, September 24, 2007

seven deadly sins: Pride a

Ben Halsteen walked into his spacious new office that had been given to him recently and he sat down in his new black swivel chair. He grinned and sighed and looked around this new office the company just gave him. He walked over and started putting pictures of his family up on the wall and pride entered his heart. There was a knock on his office door and Marlene, Ben's new secretary poked her head inside.
" Mr. Firestone would like to see you in his office".
Ben walked down the plaque filled hallway past some employees who knew him and knocked on Mr. Firestone's door.
" He's waiting for you Ben" said Rose, Mr. Firestone's secretary, who had returned to her desk from stopping at the restroom.
Ben felt alone at work and did not have many friends that he spent time with.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham.

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