Thursday, September 27, 2007

seven deadly sins: Pride d

" I've gotten reports of racism in regards to promotion and work assignment based on sex not skill". " These are serious allegations that I have to investigate against you Ben" Howard said as he looked very serious at him. " What do you have to say about these allegations".
Ben cleared his throat. " Mr. Firestone, because of my ideas since I came your advertising revenue has skyrocketed and your overall sales have tripled in the last year".
" I know Ben" he replied with a sigh. " I've appreciated your dedication since you've been here". " But" Howard said as he picked up the pile of reports " these reports cannot go on". " Promise me you will fix these allegations Ben" he asked with a stern look.
" I promise Mr. Firestone" Ben said as he walked out of his office.
By the expressionless look on Ben's face, Howard was not sure.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

seven deadly sins: Pride c

" Ben" Howard Firestone said as he walked to his office window and looked out at the employees parking lot. " I started Macanac Steaks International from nothing and no money in the bank". " I'm a Christian Ben, and I built this company based on integrity, honesty and hard work". " When I started the company, there was not much competition" he said as he walked over and put his hand on the stuffed bear head above his desk". " But now with competition such as Omaha Steaks and others, times have changed".
" Mr. Firestone, what does this conversation have to do with me?".
Howard sat down in his desk chair, looked at Ben and picked up a stack of papers. " Ben, I have been getting disturbing reports about you from the supervisor below you and employees from your department".
" What kind of reports, Mr. Firestone" asked Ben as he showed no expression on his face.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

seven deadly sins: Pride b

His sudden rise at the company was affecting both his personal and family life. Ben knocked on Mr. Firestone's door and a voice said " come in". He walked into a very spacious office filled with pictures and stuffed animal heads that were on the walls all the way around the room.
Howard Firestone got up from his office chair and walked over to Ben. " Thanks for coming on short notice" he said as he pointed to a chair next to his desk " please have a seat".
" I take it you like to hunt" Ben asked as he studied the stuffed animal heads.
" I love to hunt, it's a way for me to relieve stress and anger". " Ben, you should try it sometime".
" No thanks" he replied shaking his head " I'd rather work out myself". He started to look nervous. " I'm curious as to why you wanted to see me Sir".
Mr. Firestone gave Ben a serious look. " I'll get right to the point".

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham.

Monday, September 24, 2007

seven deadly sins: Pride a

Ben Halsteen walked into his spacious new office that had been given to him recently and he sat down in his new black swivel chair. He grinned and sighed and looked around this new office the company just gave him. He walked over and started putting pictures of his family up on the wall and pride entered his heart. There was a knock on his office door and Marlene, Ben's new secretary poked her head inside.
" Mr. Firestone would like to see you in his office".
Ben walked down the plaque filled hallway past some employees who knew him and knocked on Mr. Firestone's door.
" He's waiting for you Ben" said Rose, Mr. Firestone's secretary, who had returned to her desk from stopping at the restroom.
Ben felt alone at work and did not have many friends that he spent time with.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham.