Friday, July 8, 2022

God: the holiness of God

 God: the holiness of God by ric gustafson

Holiness sets one apart from all else. To be holy is to be distinct, different and unique. To be holy is to be untainted by evil and sinless. Holiness divides God from everyone and everything. God's holiness refers to his majesty and his moral purity. There is no evil in God. 
God's holiness is revealed through people. Examples of this is David, Moses and Isaiah. God reveals his holiness through places. God reveals his holiness through the law. God reveals his holiness through the prophets. God reveals his holiness through his Son Jesus. God reveals his holiness through his church. 
So how do we approach God who is holy?. The answer is through the cross of Christ. By the cross we can approach God. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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