Sunday, July 31, 2022

Men of the Bible: Aeneas

 Men of the Bible: Aeneas by ric gustafson

In Acts 9, we read about a man named Aeneas. He was a paralytic and bedridden. One day, Peter was coming through Lydda. He stopped to see Aeneas. Peter only spent a few moments with him. Then a miracle happened. Peter told him in Jesus's name to get up. He got up, picked up his mat and began walking. He was healed. When the town's people saw the miracle they began to turn to Jesus.
Aeneas was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Men of the Bible: Solomon

 Men of the Bible: Solomon by ric gustafson

Solomon became King. He wanted to bring his father's dream to reality. He wanted to build a Temple in Jerusalem. This huge project required careful planning. Solomon did not want to rush the project. He knew that would bring disaster. After seven and a half years of careful planning and construction, it was completed. A Temple of beauty was on Mount Moriah.
Solomon was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Men of the Bible: Nathanael

 Men of the Bible: Nathanael by ric gustafson

Nathanael was one of Jesus's disciples. He was honest and told things the way they were. His friend Philip told him he had met the Messiah. He told him he was a prophet from Nazareth. Nathanael replied " can anything good come from Nazareth". Jesus liked Nathanael since the first time he met him. Jesus liked his honesty and integrity.
Nathanael was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Men of the Bible: Simon Peter

 Men of the Bible: Simon Peter by ric gustafson

In Matthew 16, Jesus asked the ultimate question. Jesus asked his disciples the most important question ever asked. " Who do you say I am?". The disciples were silent trying to figure out how to answer. Out of the mouth of a simple fisherman came the right answer. " You are the Messiah the Son of the living God".
Simon Peter with no formal training or education knew the answer. Peter knew Jesus was that man.
Simon Peter was a man of God. 

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Men of the Bible: Joseph

 Men of the Bible: Joseph by ric gustafson

There was a young Hebrew named Joseph. He had to endure his share of unfair mistreatment. He was a victim of his own jealous brothers. His father Jacob favored him. Joseph's brothers began a hatred toward him. One day, Joseph's brothers sold him to a band of Ishmaelite traders.
Joseph loved God. He lived for God despite his circumstances.
Joseph was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 25, 2022

Men of the Bible: Micah

 Men of the Bible: Micah by ric gustafson

There was an Old Testament prophet named Micah. He waited confidently on God. He knew that whatever happened to him in life, the Lord would be there for him. Micah waited on God. He knew that God would react on his behalf. 
Can we wait for God?. God promises to do what he says he will do. Praise God's name.
Micah was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Daniel

 Men of the Bible: Daniel by ric gustafson

The Old Testament prophet Daniel knew how to be resolute in difficult times. The only form of worship was to worship a king named Darius. The penalty for non worship of the king was death at the jaws of hungry lions. Daniel had to make a choice. 
Daniel loved God. He refused to worship the king. He prayed to God and was thrown into the lion's den. God delivered Daniel from death. Daniel was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Aya page 2

 Aya page 2 by ric gustafson

Aya walked quickly through the Jewish District. She had been talking to her friend Moselle. She did not realize how late it was. All of a sudden, She bumped into someone. It was Avidan.
" Aya". He smiled. " Shalom".
" Shalom Avidan".
" Everything is arranged". He held her hand. " We will wed the first day of the week".
Both had hardly talked to each other.
Avidan grinned. " I am looking forward to our wedding".
" If you abide by Abba's wisdom". Aya smiled. " We should be happy together".
Avidan took Aya's hand. " I know we will be".
She broke free from his touch. " I need to go teach my class".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Men of the Bible: Moses

 Men of the Bible: Moses by ric gustafson

Moses was ill equipped to do what God wanted him to do. God wanted him to return to Egypt. It was a problem and challenge that Moses had to face. Moses said to God who am I?.  Moses focused on himself instead of God. 
We all have shortcomings and weaknesses. God says to us give them to me. He promised Moses that he would be there for him. God will be there for us also.
Moses was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Aya page 1

 Aya page 1 by ric gustafson

Aya knew why her father was beaming.
" My daughter". He smiled. " We have found a proper suitor for you".
Aya gave him a puzzled stare. " Who is it Abba?".
" Avidan". Abba smiled again. " He is a fine young man".
" Abba, he's old".
" He is twenty and six". Ima corrected her. " He is only two years older than your brother".
She was talking about Sha'ul".
Ima scolded her. " He has ten years more experience".
Aya knew arguing with her parents would get her nowhere.
She went back to her bedchamber and cried.

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 22, 2022

Men of the Bible: Lot

 Men of the Bible: Lot by ric gustafson

In God's Word, Lot was called a righteous man. He lived in a wicked city called Sodom. In the midst of such evil, Lot was an upstanding man. Can you identify with Lot?. Do you live in a modern day Sodom?. Do you try your hardest to hold onto a godly life. Lot was far from perfect. He had a big love for God. He shone for God. Will we?.  Lot was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Men of the Bible: Nehemiah

 Men of the Bible: Nehemiah by ric gustafson

Nehemiah served a powerful king. His name was Artaxerxes. He always had a sunny disposition. He did not want to upset the king. It got to the point where the king asked Nehemiah why he seemed so sad. Nehemiah had a deep love for God. He spoke his heart to the king. The king showed mercy to Nehemiah. The king trusted Nehemiah to the point where he asked him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Nehemiah was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Men of the Bible: Noah

 Men of the Bible: Noah by ric gustafson

Noah was willing to stand out in a crowd. He knew what was right. People were so sinful that God expressed great sorrow over having made them. Their constant sinning offended God greatly. He decided to destroy the world and every living thing.
Noah was the exception. Noah was uniquely righteous. He remained true to God. God wants us to stand out and live by his standards. The world will judge us. But we will find favor with God and enjoy his wonderful blessings.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Men of the Bible: Adam

 Men of the Bible: Adam by ric gustafson

Adam was at the dawn of human history. He did willful disobedience to God. He made up excuses. He said that the woman gave him the fruit. He ate it. 
We do the blame shift parade for our own shortcomings. Will we own up to our own shortcomings?. We need to come clean with God. No excuses. Then God will forgive us. He will restore us.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 18, 2022

James: James 2: 14-26

 James: James 2: 14-26 by ric gustafson

There has always been a debate about faith and works. Some people think you need works to earn your way to eternal life. Salvation is not about faith and works. It is a faith that works. God wants us to have a faith that bears fruit. A faith that has no fruit is a false faith. It is a futile faith. Works are a result of salvation. We need a faith that works. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: John the Baptist

 Men of the Bible: John the Baptist by ric gustafson

John the Baptist did not self worship himself. He was a powerful preacher. He also remained humble. Instead of himself, he pointed to Jesus. He proclaimed that someone was coming after him who was far greater. For John the Baptist, it was all about Jesus. He knew he was God's messenger. In fact he encouraged his own followers to follow Jesus.
John the Baptist was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Lincoln Highway page 2

 Lincoln Highway page 2 by ric gustafson

The promise of the Lincoln Highway was to be a paved toll free and cross country highway. It was touted as a major east west route. The Lincoln Highway was to be in the memory of Abraham Lincoln. The highway was to start in New York City and end in San Francisco. The goal of the highway was to take advantage of easy terrain and avoid large cities. By 1913, the highway started in Times Square and ended in Lincoln Park in San Francisco. The Highway went through New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and then California. In Nebraska, the Highway followed the Platte River. The Highway came through Omaha, Fremont, Columbus, Grand Island, Kearney, North Platte, Ogallala, Sidney and Kimball.
Along the Highway were markers in red white and blue and an 'L' for the Lincoln Highway. U S 30 was moved north of Omaha to the town of Blair.

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Abraham

 Men of the Bible: Abraham by ric gustafson

Has God ever asked you to do something specific?. Abraham, the father of the Jewish race, was asked to do something specific. He was told by God to sacrifice his only son Isaac. He did not want to. This was the son promised by God. God wanted to see if he would obey his commands. 
Abraham was going to do what God told him to do. God saw that. God stopped him from killing the boy.
God blessed Abraham. He gave him a higher calling. Abraham was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Lincoln Highway page 1

 Lincoln Highway page 1 by ric gustafson

In 1913, Nebraska would be at the center of the United States premier roadway. This roadway was the Lincoln Highway. When it was built, it stretched for 3,400 miles. In 1913, railroads were the primary source of cross country transportation. 
On July 1 1913, manufacturer Carl G Fisher gathered a group of car industry leaders to form the Lincoln Highway Association. Their goal was to build a highway that linked the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. These men pledged ten million dollars. In Nebraska, the new highway would parallel the Union Pacific Railroad. This route would follow the Platte River and sections of the Pony Express route.
By 1924, almost 500 miles stretched across Nebraska. Most of the new road was gravel. A small part was graded earth. The rest of it was brick, concrete or asphalt.
In 1974, Nebraska was the first state to complete it's segment of I 80. Fisher's dream led to Eisenhower's system of Interstate and Defense Highways.

resource help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 14, 2022

James: James 2: 8-13

 James: James 2: 8-13 by ric gustafson

God does not want us to be involved with prejudice and presumption. Jesus is no respecter of persons. Jesus never showed favoritism. Jesus loves everybody. Jesus knows us and knows all the thoughts of our heart. Jesus loves us deeply. Jesus says admit then confess. Then forsake. God's mercy still triumphs over judgment. Praise God's name. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

God: the faithfulness of God

 God: the faithfulness of God by ric gustafson

Sometimes when storms come in life, we feel like maybe God is against us. When things happen to us, we should always remember God's faithfulness. God gives us hope. When something happens we cannot control, we can lose our hope. God is faithful. God is dependable and loyal. God is constant. 
God reveals his faithfulness through creation. God is faithful through his people. God is faithful through his Spirit. God is faithful through his Word. God is faithful through his Son.
God loves us more than anything else.

The End

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

God: the love of God

 God: the love of God by ric gustafson

Everyone looks for love. There is a universal quest for love. There is a universal answer to the quest for love. No one loves you like God does. He loves you personally.  He loves you individually. God loves everything and everybody. God loves us because of his nature and character. God's love is tough and complete. God's agape love is boundless and unconditional. 
How does God reveal his love?. He does it through creation. He does it through the Holy Spirit. Lastly, he does it through his Son Jesus. God reveals his love through the cross.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 11, 2022

James: James 2: 1-7

 James: James 2:1-7 by ric gustafson

Prejudice is based upon a fixed idea. Prejudice leads to discrimination. James takes a stand againsr prejudice. He was addressing the church. James said don't show favoritism. Jesus never showed partiality. Jesus loved the rich and the poor equally. Everyone who hears the gospel has a place at God's table.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God: the justice of God

 God: the justice of God by ric gustafson

Sometimes we think to ourselves life isn't fair. When disaster strikes around the world we ask how could God allow that to happen?. Why do bad things happen to people?. How can you believe in a good and just God when there is a lack of justice in this world?. 
What is the justice of God?. It involves honesty, fairness and lawfullness. Justice must be a standard. God must be the standard. God knows what people do and why they do it. God knows every detail of our case. There is a history to the justice of God. God reveals his justice through natural order. God reveals his justice through the human heart. God reveals his justice by being the judge. God reveals his justice through his Son Jesus. God says take comfort in my justice.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 10, 2022

James: James 2: 1-9

 James: James 2: 1-9 by ric gustafson

Discrimination is a problem in the world today. Christianity is discriminated against. James calls upon the church to address the issue of discrimination. James 2:8 talks about the royal law. We are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus gave us a new commandment. He called us to love one another as I have loved you. Jesus instructs us to love one another with his love.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 9, 2022

God: the wisdom of God

 God: the wisdom of God by ric gustafson

Wisdom is how someone uses knowledge and experience. Wisdom is seeing the big picture and make good decisions. God is the ultimate source of wisdom. We must trust God's decisions. God has staked his reputation on taking care of us. God's wisdom is larger than we could ever imagine. 
God controls his creation. Because we are his child, God only allows so much in our life. God reveals his wisdom through creation. God reveals his wisdom through redemption. God reveals his wisdom through his Son Jesus. We need to live wisely in God's Word.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 8, 2022

God: the holiness of God

 God: the holiness of God by ric gustafson

Holiness sets one apart from all else. To be holy is to be distinct, different and unique. To be holy is to be untainted by evil and sinless. Holiness divides God from everyone and everything. God's holiness refers to his majesty and his moral purity. There is no evil in God. 
God's holiness is revealed through people. Examples of this is David, Moses and Isaiah. God reveals his holiness through places. God reveals his holiness through the law. God reveals his holiness through the prophets. God reveals his holiness through his Son Jesus. God reveals his holiness through his church. 
So how do we approach God who is holy?. The answer is through the cross of Christ. By the cross we can approach God. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 7, 2022

God: the sovereignty of God

 God: the sovereignty of God by ric gustafson

Why should I worship God?. There are several reasons. First, God is before all things. God created all things. God is before all things. God knows all things. God rules over all things. God is in control of all things. That is why I worship God. 
God is sovereign he is in control. God is without equal. God loves and takes care of us. God reveals himself through his promises. God reveals himself through history. God reveals himself through prophecy. God reveals himself through his Son Jesus. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

God: the goodness of God

 God: the goodness of God by ric gustafson

There is a battle that every believer faces. God wants all of me. We want control of our own lives. It is not easy to give up all of your life. God's goodness is pleasant, desirable and generous. 
So how does God reveal his goodness to us?. First God does it through natural blessings. God gives us everything that we need to survive in this world. Second God does it through specific deliverance. Lastly, God does it through his Son Jesus. God gives us undeserved goodness.
God's goodness requires a response. We need to repent. We need to rest in his goodness. We need to step out in faith. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 4, 2022

God: how you see him?

 God: how you see him? by ric gustafson

What do you think about God?. How is your relationship with him?. Misconceptions about God can cause a barrier in our relationship with him. We were created for love and friendship with God. We all have a longing for God. We long to be close to him. The way we think of God impacts our relationship with him. Do we have a clear accurate picture of God?. We need to see God with 20/20 vision. We are made in God's image. God is all powerful. God is all knowing. God is all wise. God reveals himself to us through his Word. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

James: James 1: 26-27

 James: James 1: 26-27 by ric gustafson

Many people consider themselves religious. But are they?. Some consider themselves religious but their Christian faith is a sham. We need to show genuine Christian character. True faith is shown by our character. James talks about taking care of orphans and widows. We are to show mercy and kindness to those we encounter every day. The world is watching. Are we credible witnesses for God?.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

David 2022 page 14

 David 2022 page 14 by ric gustafson

David stared at the servant of Saul. " It is good to see you again Ziba".
" My lord". He smiled. " I am your servant".
" I remember you".
" I would give you water when you were hot and tired".
" I wanted to ask you". He stared at the servant. " Did Jonathan ever have a son?".
" Yes, he had a son". He frowned. " He is crippled in both feet".
One day, Ziba brought a teenage boy.
" My lord, this is Mephilosheth". He pointed proudly. " Jonathan's son".
" I loved your father". David smiled at the teenager. " I'll do right by you".
" Thank you my lord".
" For the sake of your father". David smiled. " I will restore your grandfather's land to you".

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

David 2022 page 13

 David 2022 page 13 by ric gustafson

Bathsheba looked at Abigail. " My husband wants to be David's Commander in Chief".
Abigail stared at the young woman. She had thick hair and smoky eyes. She had talked to her a couple of times at the well. 
" He was told that if he broke through the Jebusites first, he would become Commander and Chief of the army of Israel".
Abigail gave her a puzzled stare. " Are you sure?".
" Yes, I heard him say it to his troops".
" Isn't your father Eliam?".
" Yes and my grandfather is Ahithopel".
Abigail smiled. " Wasn't he one of the king's chief counselors?".
" Yes". She grinned. " I hope Uriah can become a Gibbor".
" I'm sure he will". Abigail grinned. " He's very ambitious".
Bathsheba frowned. " I also hope we can have a child".

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric