Thursday, January 25, 2018

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 3

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 3 by ric Gustafson

Harry Sower opened the front door. He waved to his friend who had just dropped him off. He closed the door. He put his backpack on the last step of the stairs. " Hi Mom" he said as he walked into the spacious kitchen.
" Hi Harry" Margaret replied as she was putting plastic plates on the kitchen table. " How was Bible class?".
" It was ok". His finger took some icing from the edge of the cake cooling on the counter. He put it into his mouth. " The cake tastes great". Then he frowned. " Some of my friends and I have a lot of questions for Pastor John".
She smiled as she put napkins on the plates. " I'm sure he will give you the answers you need".
He watched her put plastic silverware on the table. " Getting ready for Michael's birthday".
" The cake is done and your father is picking up the pizza right now". She grinned at her son. " Have you seen George?".
" I'm sure he's helping Dad with the pizza".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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