Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Psalms: Psalm 35: 14

Psalms: Psalm 35:14 by ric Gustafson

The psalmist proclaims that there are people he does not like or trust. But he feels sympathy for others. He feels compassion even for people he does not like. There is a lot of madness in this crazy sinful world. We need to be guided by God's Word and the Holy Spirit. We need soft hearts for those who are suffering around the world.

research help: ' Living the Ancient Psalms' by Judith Galas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 31

Gratitude 31 by ric Gustafson

Sometimes we feel as if our prayers are going unanswered by God. Can we trust him?. God is sovereign. He is loving and personal. He has not forgotten us. He wants us to wait and trust him with the answer. God is love. He knows everything. His desire is that we will be free from the bondage of sin and failure. In wisdom and mercy he loves us more than anything else. God loves us and meets all of our needs. Praise God.

research help: ' On Holy Ground' by Charles Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Line 1 page 2

Line 1 page 2 by ric Gustafson

" Good morning" a strange voice cackled.
" And whom do I have the pleasure of being my first call this morning?".
The voice hesitated. " I go by many names".
Jesse stared at Marci. " So what name should I call you?".
"The father of lies is fine".
" The father of lies?".
" Actually Jesse". The voice cackled again. " I called for two reasons".
The voice hesitated. " First of all, I know that your show reaches a lot of people".
Jesse took a sip of coffee. " Thank you".
" Second, I would like to be totally honest with my comments".
Jesse looked at Marci. " The father of lies being honest".
" I know it's a shock". The voice cackled. " I would like to with your permission".
Jesse noticed that their were no other calls. He prayed to God for strength. He put a hand on his bible for guidance. " Sure".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Line 1 page 1

Line 1 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Jesse Carter yawned as he poured coffee into a large station mug. " Marci, I am not used to this early morning shift".
" I know" the young woman replied as she combed through her wet and tangled red hair. " I'm not a morning person either". She put a plastic cup of orange juice next to the call console. She looked over and was shocked to see that the Line 1 button was red. " That's odd". She stared at the console. " Jesse, you already have a call on Line 1".
He sat down in his chair and put his coffee next to the microphone. He put his bible next to the microphone. He put on his ear phones. He silently prayed to God. He pushed the console button for Line 1. " Good morning, this is the Jesse morning show".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 29, 2018

Beautiful Gate page 4

Beautiful Gate page 4 by ric Gustafson

As Peter was speaking to the crowd, the captain of the Temple guard approached with some of the priests and Sadducees.
" Seize them".
The crowd quickly dispersed. Peter and John were thrown into jail.
The next day, the two were brought in. They now stood in front of the rulers, the elders and the scribes. The former lame man walked up and stood in between them.
One of the rulers spoke up. " By what power or in what name have you done this?".
Peter became filled with the Holy Spirit. " Rulers and elders of the people". He cleared his throat. " That by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene whom you crucified whom God raised from the dead". He pointed at the lame man. " By this name this man stands in front of you in good health".
The lame man smiled.
" He is the stone which was rejected by you". Peter smiled at his accusers. " But now has become the chief cornerstone".
Everyone there was amazed. This Peter was an uneducated man..
One of the priests spoke up. " We must confer with each other".
They talked among themselves for a while. Then one of the elders spoke up, " We command you not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus".
Peter smiled. " We cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard".
They let the two men go.

The End

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Beautiful Gate page 3

Beautiful Gate page 3 by ric Gustafson

Peter, with authority in his voice, addressed the large crowd. " You disowned the holy and righteous one". His voice hesitated. " You asked for a murderer to be granted to you".
The captain kept listening.
" You put to death the Prince of Life the one whom God raised from the dead a fact to which we are witnesses".
The crowd was listening intently.
" And on the basis of faith in his name". He smiled at the crowd. " It is the name of Jesus". He smiled again. " He strengthened this man".
The captain kept listening.
" And now, I know that you acted in ignorance". He stared at the crowd. " Just as your rulers did also".
The captain frowned.
" But the things which God said before hand by the mouth of all the prophets that the Christ would suffer". His voice hesitated again. " He has thus fulfilled". Peter pointed a finger at the crowd. " Repent and return so that your sins may be wiped away".
With disgust in his eyes, the captain walked away.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Beautiful Gate page 2

Beautiful Gate page 2 by ric Gustafson

Peter and John walked through the entrance into the Temple.
Ahead of them was the lame man that Peter had just healed. " Praise God" he yelled  He leaped into the air and came down on his now sturdy legs.
People were staring and wondering what the ruckus was all about. One man shouted " Isn't that the lame man who used to beg for alms?".
Another man pointed at him. " Yes, he sat right outside the entrance".
As the man danced, jumped and praised God, Peter raised his arm to silence the crowd. " Men of Israel, why are you amazed at this that by our own power we had made him walk".
The captain of the Temple guard was listening intently to Peter's speech.
" The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the God of our fathers has glorified his servant Jesus".
The captain, who was standing next to a nearby wall, noticed the growing crowd listening to the burly fisherman.
" The one whom you delivered and disowned in the presence of Pilate".
The captain kept listening.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 26, 2018

Gratitude 26

Gratitude 26 by ric Gustafson

According to II Kings 5, there was a Syrian captain named Naaman. He was a leper. One day, a servant brought him an order. The order was from the prophet Elisha. Naaman was coming to visit him. The prophet ordered the captain to go and wash in the River Jordan.
Naaman was outraged. He refused to do it. He had pride even though he had the dreadful disease. His servants pleaded with him. Finally he agreed. He did what the prophet ordered. He washed and he was cleansed from his disease. No matter what the task given to us by God, we need to be thankful and grateful. God will reward us for our humble step of faith.

research help: ' On Holy Ground' by Charles Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beautiful Gate page 1

Beautiful Gate page 1 by ric Gustafson

Two friends slowly walked along carrying their friend on their shoulders. They knew the route. They knew where to place their friend. They stopped and then placed him on the concrete next to the Beautiful Gate. The Gate was right next to the entrance to the Temple. They walked away.
" Alms" he yelled as he shook his tin cup.
Just then, Peter and John were walking toward the entrance.
" Alms" he yelled louder as he shook his tin cup.
Peter noticed the lame man.
The two disciples walked over.
Peter knelt down. " Look at us".
The lame man stared at Peter.
" I do not possess silver or gold". He looked at him with love and compassion. " But what I do have I give to you". He smiled. " In the name of Jesus Christ". He held him with his right hand. " Walk". Peter slowly raised him up.
The lame man's feet and ankles were strengthened.
The growing crowd around them were astonished.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 5

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 5 by ric Gustafson

" Happy Birthday Michael" Harrison exclaimed as he put the present in front of his son. " I have a feeling you are going to like it".
The young man slowly unwrapped it. He took it out of the shoebox. He smiled. " Hey, it's a bible". He got up and hugged his parents. " Thank you". He gave it to George. " Look what I got".
George sighed. " I don't believe God's Word right now". He handed it to Harry.
The teen shook his head. " My friends and I have questions about it". He handed it to David.
David also shook his head. " God's Word just doesn't make much sense to me right now". He handed it back to Michael.
The doorbell rang.
" I wonder who that is". Harrison got up from the table and walked to the front door. He opened it to reveal Pastor John.
" Pastor, what are you doing here?".
Michael blew out the candles on his cake. He held up his new bible. " My birthday wish".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Psalms: Psalm 109: 22-23

Psalms: Psalm 109: 22-23 by ric Gustafson

The psalmist proclaims that he is poor and needy. His enemies have mistreated him. He proclaims that his heart is wounded. He brings his bitterness to God. He says that people brush him aside like a locust.
He knows that God will embrace him and ease his pain. The psalmist feels like an outsider and a stranger. The psalmist wants to know if he is being too sensitive.
I pray that God will help me to break the ice and say hi to someone today.

research help: ' Living the Ancient Psalms' by Judith Galas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 4

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 4 by ric Gustafson

Harrison Sower walked up to the counter. " Order for Sower".
A young man looked at a ticket. " Three medium pizzas and salad".
" Yes". Harrison took some bills put of his billfold and gave it to him.
" George". He pointed toward his teenage son who was standing next to him. " Can you please hold onto the sacks?".
The young man handed the teen two sacks.
They walked toward the door.
" How was Bible class?".
" I used to understand God's Word". He sighed as the front door was opened for them. " I don't anymore".
" Talk to Pastor John". They walked out the front door. " Your mother and I will help you also".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 25

Gratitude 25 by ric Gustafson

As a follower of Jesus, we need a sturdy foundation for our life. Some people pick inferior things such as fame, possessions or money. The truth is in a moment all those things can quickly pass away. Instead, Jesus wants us to look toward the eternal. Matthew 7 says that the wise man built his house upon the rock. We need to give thanks of gratitude for Jesus being our sound foundation through the storms of life. Praise God.

research help: ' On Holy Ground' by Charles Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 3

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 3 by ric Gustafson

Harry Sower opened the front door. He waved to his friend who had just dropped him off. He closed the door. He put his backpack on the last step of the stairs. " Hi Mom" he said as he walked into the spacious kitchen.
" Hi Harry" Margaret replied as she was putting plastic plates on the kitchen table. " How was Bible class?".
" It was ok". His finger took some icing from the edge of the cake cooling on the counter. He put it into his mouth. " The cake tastes great". Then he frowned. " Some of my friends and I have a lot of questions for Pastor John".
She smiled as she put napkins on the plates. " I'm sure he will give you the answers you need".
He watched her put plastic silverware on the table. " Getting ready for Michael's birthday".
" The cake is done and your father is picking up the pizza right now". She grinned at her son. " Have you seen George?".
" I'm sure he's helping Dad with the pizza".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Gratitude 23

Gratitude 23 by ric Gustafson

Temptation can enter our life at any time. This situation happened to Joseph. Genesis 39 says that Joseph wondered how he could do this great evil and sin against God?. He did not give in to the temptation. Joseph was obedient to God. God blessed Joseph for not giving in. When we are facing a situation that calls for obedience, do we give in to the temptation or not?. We need to thank God for helping us with our obedience. God will bless us. Praise God.

research help: ' On Holy Ground' by Charles Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 22, 2018

Gratitude 22

Gratitude 22 by ric Gustafson

Incarceration is hard on a prisoner. Such was the case with Joseph. He should of been bitter. He did not deserve to be in prison. His situation could have turned to resentment. Instead of making life miserable, Joseph trusted God. He knew that God had a plan for his life. God turned his circumstances into love and provision. He was thankful for God's blessings.
Praise God.

research help: ' On Holy Ground' by Charles Stanley.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Psalms: Psalm 60: 11-12

Psalms: Psalm 60: 11-12 by ric Gustafson

We face enemies each day. The psalmist knows it is foolish to rely on humans to save the day. Strife is a common enemy. Without God's help, we will struggle with our sin. We cannot win without God's help. We are our greatest enemy. We try to solve our struggle with sin. The fact is we cannot do it ourselves. We need God's help and he will if we ask him. Praise God.

research help: ' Living the Ancient Psalms' by Judith Galas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 21

Gratitude 21 by ric Gustafson

During this short life here on earth, we will fall prey to sin and discontentment. Joseph did and it tested the depth of his faith. God gave him emotional strength to make it through his trials. Joseph had extreme faith in God. He worshiped and trusted God. At times, he felt rejected, lonely and fearful. But God had a plan for Joseph's life. The good news is that God has a plan for our lives as well. Praise God.

research help: ' On Holy Ground' by Charles Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Gratitude 20

Gratitude 20 by ric Gustafson

In Luke chapter 5, Peter is trying to explain to Jesus why putting the nets out during the day was not a very good idea. Peter hesitated. He was tired and wanted to rest. Peter knew that night time was the best time for the nets. He explained to Jesus that they had spent a lot of time catching nothing.
Peter finally agreed to let down the nets. Peter obeyed Jesus and obeyed by faith. They caught a large amount of fish. Peter obeyed and was rewarded and blessed.

research help: ' On Holy Ground' by Charles Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 2

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 2 by ric Gustafson

Margaret opened the phone book. She opened it to the restaurant section. She began to thumb down the page.
" Hi Mom" David Sower said as he walked through the front door. He walked into the living room and put his backpack into an easy chair. He walked into the kitchen and gave his mother a peck on a cheek. " What are you doing?".
She smiled. " I'm going to order pizza for your brother's birthday".
He grinned as he took a cutie from a nearby bowl and began to peel it. " He loves Ham and Pineapple".
" I know". She grinned as she finally found the number she wanted. " How was bible class this afternoon?".
" It was ok". He took a bit of the cutie. " Pastor John talked about the book of James".
She smiled as she took out her cell phone and dialed a number. " Did you understand what he was talking about?".
" I guess". He got up and put the peel into the trash. " Not really".
" Hello Billy's Pizza".
He picked up his backpack and walked upstairs to his room.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 19, 2018

Psalms: Psalm 102: 6-7

Psalms: Psalm 102: 6-7 by ric Gustafson

The psalmist is miserable. He could be ill or troubled with worry. He is like an owl among the ruins. The psalmist calls out to God who he knows will help him.
Sometimes sleep does not come easy when worries crowd our brain. The psalmist asks God for sleep. God refreshes us and is a source of renewal, I pray that God will grant me a good night's sleep.
Praise God.

research help: ' Living the Ancient Psalms' by Judith Galas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 1

Happy Birthday from the Sowers page 1 by ric Gustafson

Margaret Sower licked the spoon and then put it into the sink. Her son Michael entered the spacious kitchen.
He gave her a big hug. " Mom, you don't have to make a cake for me".
" Yes I do". She smiled. " It's German Chocolate". She smiled again. " It's your favorite".
" I know". He hugged her again. " I was also curious about the present I saw in the closet".
" You saw that". She grinned as she put the cake into the oven. " Yes, it is your birthday present".
" Mom, you did not have to".
" Your father and I wanted to". She hugged him again. " We love you so much".
" I love you too".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Walk: Trials and Victories

The Walk: Trials and Victories by ric Gustafson

On our spiritual walk are both trials and victories. We endure the trial and obtain the victory. In this life we learn everything. The way we act, the way we think and how we view things around us. Our trials come from different directions. God uses them to instill his character in us. This is called the fruit of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, kindness and goodness are part of this fruit. We suffer through trials. After we come through the trial we celebrate the victory with Jesus whom we love.
Praise God.

research help: ' The Walk' by Shaun Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 19

Gratitude 19 by ric Gustafson

When God gives us a promise for the future, he will open the right door. Psalm 71 says we walk by faith not by sight. God will open the right door for us to accomplish what he wants us to do. The way of faith is never by sight or human reason. The way of faith is by the sovereignty of God. Is there a need in your life?. Trust God because he has the best in store for you. Praise God.

research help: ' On Holy Ground' by Charles Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Walk: The Wonderer

The Walk: The Wonderer by ric Gustafson

There are unbelievers who have questions but have no answers. These people are called Wonderers. They wonder about the meaning of life. Is there purpose to this life?. They are restless and do not have a foundational belief. Wonderers are seeking something more. They do not know what it is. They know that life has more to offer. They just don't know how to find it.
God is looking for Wonderers. Satan is also. I pray that God finds us first. Praise God.

research help: ' The Walk' by Shaun Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 18

Gratitude 18 by ric Gustafson

According to II Samuel 12: 1-23, David had committed sin against God. The prophet Nathan came and helped David get his heart clean. David suffered heartache and pain. He had hurt his friends and his family. Above all, he hurt the God he loved.
The truth is that David loved God. David prayed to God. In gratitude, he was looking for forgiveness and restoration. When someone sins, God is still with him. God will restore his relationship with us. That is a promise he makes and keeps. Praise God.

research help: ' On Holy Ground' by Charles Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Walk: The Wanderer

The Walk: The Wanderer by ric Gustafson

Wanderers drift along in life wherever the wind takes them. These people are not looking for meaning or seeking the truth. They do not realize the aimless nature of their life. They have no control over their life's direction. Some of them have heard of Jesus and have tried church. They believe that they can take it or leave it. We are to love them and not judge. Many believers started out as Wanderers. Satan is always looking for Wanderers. Satan searches for the wounded and hurting.
God does not want us to be a Wanderer. Praise God.

research help: ' The Walk' by Shaun Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus: Jesus our Savior

Jesus: Jesus our Savior by ric Gustafson

Jesus saves. God's Word teaches us that. Sin is in our lives. God is holy and we are filled with sin. We are headed toward judgment and death. God loves so much he sent his only Son to be the payment for our sins. Jesus has saved us from the punishment of death. By his death, we can have a personal relationship with Jesus. Because of Jesus, we can be with him forever. Praise God.

research help: ' Jesus' by W Publishing Group

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 17

Gratitude 17 by ric Gustafson

A part of gratitude is trusting that God will fight our battles and give us rest. God cares for us. He will solve our problems and meet our needs. We do not need to worry or have anxiety. Psalm 71:5 says that God is the source of our confidence. We need to believe and trust God completely. God is the source of our confidence. We can tell him thank you for that. Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Jesus: Jesus the Prince of Peace

Jesus: Jesus the Prince of Peace by ric Gustafson

Jesus in John 14:27 says peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Storms come into our lives at times. Jesus promises that he will be present with us through those storms. Before becoming a follower of Jesus, we were searching for something. We were on a great quest. At our lonely times, Jesus is with us. At our happiest times, Jesus is with us. When we are far away from God, Jesus is with us. Jesus will put peace into our hearts. Praise God.

research help: ' Jesus' by W Publishing Group

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 16

Gratitude 16 by ric Gustafson

Jesus wants us to believe the best of every person. Sometimes our thoughts become negative instead of positive. According to Romans 8:5, we can choose to be led by the Spirit and not to walk in the flesh. The Holy Spirit will lead us to see the best in other people. The Holy Spirit will fill us with life and give us peace in our souls. We need to treat everyone as children of God and not adversaries. We need to see beyond peoples faults and see them as God sees them. In gratitude, we can see the best in people as God does. Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 15, 2018

Jesus: Jesus our Healer

Jesus: Jesus our Healer by ric Gustafson

Jesus healed everyone. No disease intimidated him. All power in heaven and on earth was in his fingertips. People touched by Jesus were healed, changed and forgiven of their sins. He healed so that those who witnessed it would know that he could usher in the Kingdom of God. Jesus could heal souls along with bodies. Jesus was called the Great Healer. We all long for Jesus. There is a time for healing.

research help: ' Jesus' by W Publishing Group

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 15

Gratitude 15 by ric Gustafson

Sometimes people are rude to us. How do we react?. Do we use  bad behavior or do we respond in love?. We can be thankful in gratitude that Jesus is in our life. Jesus wants us to treat people well. According to Luke 6, we are to be kind to someone we would consider an enemy. If we treat them well, we will be treated well. I pray that we will act on the Word of God and love people equally.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Ben Hur page 5

Ben Hur page 5 by ric Gustafson

Judah walked toward Arrius. The tribune noticed the black curled handsome rower. " I hear from the hortatory that you are the best rower on the ship".
Judah grinned. " He is too kind".
" How long have you been on the oars?".
" Three years".
The young tribune shook his head. " Most men don't last a year". He shook Judah's hand. " My name is Tribune Quintus Arrius". He grinned. " And you are?".
" I am the son of Ithamar of the house of Hur".
" A son of Hur?". His voice hesitated. " How did you become a slave?".
" I was accused of trying to kill procurator Valerius Gratus".
Arrius's eyes widened. " That was you?".
" Yes".
" You can go back down below".

research help: ' Ben Hur a tale of the Christ' by Carol Wallace

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus: Jesus our Teacher

Jesus: Jesus our Teacher by ric Gustafson

Everyone has a favorite teacher that they had in school. Favorite teachers took an interest in their students. They went the extra mile and motivated the students.
What did Jesus try to teach us?. Jesus taught us to pray based on Matthew 6:5-7. Jesus taught us to give based on Matthew 6:2. Jesus taught us to fast based on Matthew 6:16-18. Jesus taught us to read his Word, He taught us to attend his church. He also taught us to obey the Holy Spirit.
Praise God for Jesus the best teacher we have ever had.

research help: ' Jesus' by W Publishing Group

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 13

Gratitude 13 by ric Gustafson

Our feelings on a daily basis can be different. Some days we can feel bad or good. Some days can be exciting or discouraging. God does not want our feelings to rule our lives. If we let it, our feelings can rule over us. If we are willing to make right choices, God will give us the strength to do so. We can give God thanks and gratitude for helping us to control our feelings. Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 12, 2018

Jesus: Jesus our friend

Jesus: Jesus our friend by ric Gustafson

Sometimes we take our friends for granted. Jesus wants to be our friend forever. Jesus was a friend of a former tax collector named Levi who became Matthew. Jesus was a friend of the discouraged. Jesus was God in human form. He had compassion for children, the lonely and the disfranchised. Jesus wants us to walk with him. He wants us to spend time with him and converse with him. As Joseph Scriven wrote ' What a friend we have in Jesus'. Praise God.

research help: ' Jesus' by W Publishing Group

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 12

Gratitude 12 by ric Gustafson

We can pray long prayers or short ones, God hears them all. No matter how busy we get, we can always pray. Luke 17:13 says Jesus Master take pity and have mercy on us. Prayer is something we need to give thanks for. We can talk to God in a simple way. If we constantly pray to God, we invite him into every area of our lives. God desires that. I pray that we will. Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Jesus: Jesus the mighty warrior

Jesus: Jesus the mighty warrior by ric Gustafson

Jesus was compassionate, peace loving and peace seeking. He also showed bold and courageous behavior. According to John 2:15, he was angry because the temple was being used as a marketplace. He drove out the moneychangers with a whip.  His words were not meek or mild as he talked about certain religious leaders such as the Pharisees.
Why do we need Jesus as our warrior?. One reason is because we are at war with Satan on a daily basis. We must fight daily for our heart and our life. We need Jesus to fight on our behalf. We need Jesus to be our warrior every day.

research help: ' Jesus' by W Publishing Group

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 11

Gratitude 11 by ric Gustafson

When we are grateful, we need to spend the time and give thanks to God. Gratitude on our part shows character to God. Ephesians 5:20 says at all times and for everything give thanks. Gratitude is an attitude. We do not deserve God' grace but he freely gives it to us. We need to tell him thank you always and every day.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Jesus: Jesus the Lord

Jesus: Jesus the Lord by ric Gustafson

The most important decision we will make is do we accept Jesus or not. The question is why choose Jesus?. First, Jesus is God and Man. Jesus is God. Jesus is the Son of God. In order to reach us, he had to be man also. Jesus is human and divine. Jesus was human and promised a thief eternal life.
So how do we follow Jesus?. We are to take up the cross. We are to walk the narrow way. We are to build our life on him. We must confess him as Lord. We are to respect and worship him. We are to obey and serve him. Praise God.

research help: ' Jesus' by W Publishing Group

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 10

Gratitude 10 by ric Gustafson

One of the greatest blessings given to us by God is peace. John 16:33 says that we should have perfect peace and confidence. We should be grateful and thank God for peace. God wants us to pursue peace, have peace with ourselves and peace with those around us. We need to focus on our blessings and not worry. We need to walk in peace. In John 14:27, Jesus says " Peace I leave with you". We need to thank God for peace and walk daily in it.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Gratitude 9

Gratitude 9 by ric Gustafson

One of the keys to a joyful life is self control. According to Proverbs 25:28 says that a person who lacks self control is like a city whose walls are broken through. Without self discipline, we will regret our circumstances. God's Word teaches us to moderate and have limits. God wants us to maintain balance. We need to be grateful that God helps us to live with discipline and self control.
Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 8, 2018

Gratitude 8

Gratitude 8 by ric Gustafson

We can be thankful for the truth that God will not leave our side no matter what. According to Galatians 6:9, it says to not be weary in doing good. Sometimes life is difficult and we want to give up. No matter how bad things are, God is always with us and will solve our problem. We need to be thankful and lean on God's grace. God does not want us to quit. We need to remind ourselves that we can do all things through Jesus. Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, January 7, 2018

the life of Jesus: Jesus's birth

the life of Jesus: Jesus's birth by ric Gustafson

The life of Jesus here on this earth begins with two unlikely births. The first was to an elderly priest and his barren wife. Their names were Zechariah and Elizabeth. They bore a son and named him John. The second birth was to a man named Joseph and his virgin wife Mary. She was told that she was favored by God and gave birth to a Son. He was to be called ' Son of the Most High'. She names her oldest son ' Jesus'.

research help: ' The Life of Jesus' by Time Inc

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 7

Gratitude 7 by ric Gustafson

God wants us to have right thinking. Our thoughts are what we think. If our thoughts are negative, we will have a negative life. According to Romans 12:2, if we renew our mind with God's Word we will experience the good acceptable and perfect will of God. Negative thinking creates wrong thinking patterns.
The mind is a battlefield. Our life will be better when we think positive thoughts. We can thank God for that.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Psalms: Psalm 40:2

Psalms: Psalm 40:2 by ric Gustafson

The psalmist feels as if he is in a slimy pit filled with mud and mire. But he prays to God and asks for a rock to give himself  a firm place to stand. Sometimes we feel bogged down. We wonder why we keep making bad decisions. We feel as if we are in a pit of fear and failure. We need to turn to God to help us get out of our slimy pit. If we ask him, he will because he loves us so much.

research help: ' Living the Ancient Psalms' by Judith Galas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the life of Jesus: who is Jesus?

the life of Jesus: who is Jesus? by ric Gustafson

There were four different Gospel writers who tried to answer that question. Matthew, who was a former tax collector, focused on Jesus as a king and Messiah. Mark wrote the shortest and most action packed Gospel. He emphasized Jesus as a suffering servant. Luke, a Gentile physician, wrote about Jesus but did not know him personally. John, a former fisherman, wrote his Gospel thirty years after the others did.

research help: ' The Life of Jesus' by Time Inc

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 6

Gratitude 6 by ric Gustafson

God gives us difficult tasks to perform. God also promises a reward. Many people in the Bible were given difficult tasks to perform. God promised them all a reward. Hebrews 12:2 says that Jesus despised the cross. He endured it for the prize that was set before him. He sits at the right hand of God. God wants us to work hard for him. He promises us a reward. We need to be grateful and tell God thank you and then enjoy the fruit of our labor.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Gratitude 4

Gratitude 4 by ric Gustafson

As a child of God, he wants us to have hope and in unlimited measure. Romans 15:13 says may the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace. The verse also says to be overflowing with hope. Having hope is anticipating that something good is going to happen in your life. So what are we expecting?. Is it good or is it not?. God wants us to trust him and expect something good from him. Our God is a God of hope. Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Psalms: Psalm 25:16

Psalms: Psalm 25:16 by ric Gustafson

The psalmist cries out to God " God see me and have mercy on me". He knows that he has had transgressions. He feels detached from God and is miserable. He trusts God that he will forgive and put his troubled heart at peace.
God wants us to have self confidence. Fear and anger can steal our self confidence. The psalmist does not want to stay in doubt of himself. I pray to God to be my rock and hold me up.
Praise God.

research help: ' Living the Ancient Psalms' by Judith Galas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 3

Gratitude 3 by ric Gustafson

As a believer in Jesus, we should be alive, vibrant, active, peaceful and joy filled. According to Matthew 5:14, you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden. When we approach God with boldness  and thank him for his blessings to us, we become full of life. When we follow the Holy Spirit, we feel life. Jesus wants us to be bright lights for others in this sinful dark world. I pray that we can be. Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Psalms: Psalm 61: 2-3

Psalms: Psalm 61: 2-3 by ric Gustafson

The psalmist brings a petition to God. He asks for security from enemies. He asks for a spiritual home a rock and refuge. With every decision we make, we face the possibility of a bad one. God has promised to shelter us. I pray that God will guide me in the right direction. I want to stand with Jesus. I know that God will protect and guide me along my spiritual walk. Praise God.

research help: ' Living the Ancient Psalms' by Judith Galas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Gratitude 2

Gratitude 2 by ric Gustafson

When we have gratitude in our life, peace will come. Without peace, we have frustration and struggle. When we worry, anxiety and stress enters our life. John 14:27 says peace I leave with you my own peace I now give you. When we realize that our peace is gone we need to pray right away that God will give us his peace. He promises that he will. Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 1, 2018

Gratitude 1

Gratitude 1 by ric Gustafson

Gratitude begins with thanksgiving and prayer. As we go along our Christian walk, do we complain or are we thankful. I Chronicles 23:30 says to thank and praise the Lord. Do we think about thanksgiving in every situation?. If we spend more time with God, great blessings will come our way.

research help: ' The Power of Being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Happy New Year. Love Ric

Psalms: Psalm 143:8

Psalms: Psalm 143:8 by ric Gustafson

The psalmist wants to hear God's voice. He trusts in God's love and waits for God's direction for his life. People fear retirement for they fear losing their position and steady income. The truth is that retirement is a phase on the Christian walk. God will take care of us while we work and when we retire. People fear they will lose their identity. The truth is God loves us no matter where we are on our Christian walk. Psalm 143 asks God for forgiveness and guidance. Praise God.

research help: ' Living the Ancient Psalms' by Judith Galas

Happy New Year. Love Ric