Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Spiritual Bubble

The Spiritual Bubble by ric gustafson.

Officer Anna Mae Zalis pulled up in front of the small yellow colored one story house and checked the sheet to make sure the address was correct. When the call came in, her partner Romero Gonzalez and her were only a few blocks away. An occupant at the address would not come out and had not come out for days. Anna Mae was a christian and carried a little pocket bible and used it sometimes in these situations.
Anna Mae yawned as she and Officer Gonzalez got out of the cruiser and walked toward the front door. Both officers were tired because their eight hour shift was about over. Anna Mae rang the doorbell as her partner stood on the opposite side of the door. Nobody answered so she rang it again. Nobody responded so she rang it a third time.
" I don't hear anything" Officer Gonzalez said as he listened and watched for anything coming from the house. " Let's go our shift is about over".
Both officers started to walk away from the house.
" Who is it?" a male voice said from inside the door. " What do you want?".
" Sir, I am Officer Zalis and this Officer Gonzalez of the police department" she said as she moved next to the door. " We would like to talk to you for a few minutes".
" Ok, come in" the voice replied as the deadbolt lock was unclicked from the inside. Both officers walked into a long entryway which led into a sparse living room.
Anna Mae heard a strange noise, turned around and saw a strange sight. A young man was standing in front of her and was wearing a strange contraption on his head. " What in the world is that?".
" I'm sorry" the young man said as he took the strange thing off of his head. " I couldn't hear you because I had my helmet on".
" What is that?" Officer Gonzalez asked as he examined the helmet.
" I built this helmet" the young man said as he picked it up and fooled with one of it's knobs. " This helmet keeps good christian thoughts in my brain and keeps bad thoughts out".
" So you've created like a spiritual bubble here in this house where nothing bad can come in".
" That's right, If I always stay in this house and wear this helmet" the young man replied as he smiled. " No bad thoughts will ever come into my head".
Anna Mae pulled out her pocket bible and opened it to a familiar scripture. " Let God give you good and pure thoughts and let him take care of you".
The young man thought for a moment. " You mean I don't need my helmet or have to stay in this house any longer".
" Nope, just believe in God and he will keep your thoughts pure". She held out her hand.
With tears coming down his face, he handed the helmet to Anna Mae. " Thank You" said the young man as he hugged Anna Mae. " My life has changed forever".

The End.

Spread peace to all you meet. Love Ric.

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