Saturday, September 28, 2024

Prayer: simple prayer

 Prayer: simple prayer by ric gustafson

Sometimes we want to pray. Sometimes we don't. Something stands between wanting to and not wanting to pray. 
People think that everything has to be just right in order to pray. We want to be in control and in charge of praying. But God tells us to simply come to him in prayer. We come to prayer with motives merciful, hateful, loving and bitter. We do not have to be bright or pure to come to God in simple prayer. God is thrilled that we pray to him mixed motives and all.
We must set everything off to the side and just pray. God says come just as you are. God will accept our prayers just as they are. Simple prayer is the most common form of prayer in God's Word. We are ordinary people bringing ordinary concerns to a loving Father. 
We need to pray to our loving Father. Why? because he loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Prayer finding the heart's true home' by Richard J Foster

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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