Wednesday, September 4, 2024

no crying in baseball page 13

 no crying in baseball page 13 by ric gustafson 

In the All American Girls Professional Baseball League, there were strict rules. Wrigley and his public relations man Arthur Meyerhoff made sure of that. The female ballplayers had to attend charm school. No shorts or slacks in public. No drinking, smoking and no short hair. The female ballplayers wore a short skirted one piece uniform. Violations were course for dismissal.
When the league was playing, the ballplayers played 8 games a week for four months. The teams would travel 10 hours by bus and then play a doubleheader. Some people believed that women should not be playing baseball. For meals, the ballplayers would get $3 a day. 
When the men that were in the war came home, Wrigley was not interested in the league any longer. Wrigley sold the league to Arthur Meyerhoff. The league stopped in 1954.
An NBC reporter named Mary Wallace produced a three part series on the All American Girls Professional Baseball League. One day, her employer KCET gave her permission to attend a reunion of the league in Fort Wayne Indiana. For Wallace, it was a dream come true.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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