Monday, September 30, 2024

Prayer: prayer of tears

 Prayer: prayer of tears by ric gustafson

In God's Word, Penthos is the Prayer of Tears. We should weep over our sins and the sins of the world. We need tears of repentance. Sin cuts us off from the fullness of God's presence. God wants us to have a heart sorrow and a holy mourning. We need tears and thank God for patience and mercy toward us. 
People in the Bible wept. Jeremiah was the weeping prophet. Job, Isaiah even the Apostle Paul cried. Some people consider tears as deep joy. We cry because we are sinners. 
We need a broken repentant heart. We need to turn again toward God. We need a weeping lamenting heart.
We need, we pray daily for the gift of repentance. This is the Prayer of Tears.

research help: ' Prayer finding the heart's true home' by Richard J Foster

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

no crying in baseball page 27

 no crying in baseball page 27 by ric gustafson

Then, the cast and crew flew to Evansville Indiana. Actress Kelli Simpkins, playing one of the Rockford Peaches, was from Evansville. The city was located on the Ohio River bordering Kentucky. The city manufactured automobiles, appliances and construction equipment. The town welcomed Penny and her cast and crew.
Tom Hanks and his family lived in a ranch style home outside of Evansville. A security guard took Hanks to the set. People generally left Geena Davis alone. Madonna stayed in McCutchanville, a township, which was just north of Evansville. At the time, Madonna was seeing rapper Vanilla Ice.
In New Harmony Indiana, Megan Cavanagh prepared to film Marla Hooch's audition scene. For the scene, Penny had picked Ribeyre Gym. The Gym was made of bricks from 1924. Penny was going to have stand in Shelly Niemeyer do the hitting. Megan told Penny she could do the scene herself. Coach Hughes then threw the ball to Megan several times. Megan was told to make as much contact with the bat as possible. It was convincing. Penny used her footage for the film.
Huntingburg Indiana Mayor Connie Nass struck a deal with Penny. They could remake their rundown stadium for the film on the condition they leave it as is for the city to enjoy. Penny took the bait.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Andy and Don page 1

 Andy and Don page 1 by ric gustafson

On the evening of Feb 15 1960, Don Knotts and his wife Kay were playing bridge. They were in the living room of their friends Pat and Marjorie Harrington. Their Spanish colonial home was on Le Conte Avenue in Westwood. Both men were anxious to turn on the TV at 9:00 pm. The two had met on the set of ' The Steve Allen Show'. The sketch comedy show had recently moved from New York to Hollywood.
Both men were sad. Shortly after relocating from the East Coast, the show was cancelled. Harrington was glad he got a guest shot on the show that was before their show. That show was ' The Danny Thomas Show'. 
At 9:00 pm, Harrington turned on the set. When Knotts saw who came on the screen, he smiled. It was his old friend Andy Griffith. Six years prior, Knotts and Griffith were in a Broadway show called ' No Time for Sergeants'. They became friends right away. On the TV, Knotts watched a pilot where his friend was playing a sheriff in a town called Mayberry.
That night after the show was over, Knotts had an idea. The next morning, Knotts called his friend. Griffith was thrilled to talk to his old friend. Don told Andy he enjoyed watching the pilot. Then he asked Andy one question.
" Don't you think Sheriff Andy Taylor ought to have a deputy?".

Research help: ' Andy and Don' by Daniel de Vise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Prayer: prayer of the forsaken

 Prayer: prayer of the forsaken by ric gustafson

If we desire communion with God, we will pray this prayer. Have you tried to pray and felt nothing?. Have you felt like God are you there?. Has it seemed that God was hidden from us?.  Sometimes our heart feels like God is gone and we feel nothing. All Christians go through this at one point or another. This feeling can happen at any time. It could be the death of a child or spouse. It could of been a crisis in your marriage or job. 
When God is silent, we are silent. We examine ourselves from the inside not the outside. We begin to fear?. Does God love me?. We need faith in God alone. When we feel that way, our soul can become thirsty. We are parched. Our thirst can lead us to prayer.
Even when nothing happens, we need to keep praying. We need to pray, worship and listen for God's voice. Even when there is no answer, we must continue praying. We must wait in silence.
The truth is in God's time and his way, our desert will go away, Then we will be in a land flowing with milk and honey. That is God's promise. We can believe that.

research help: ' Prayer finding the heart's true home' by Richard J Foster

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Prayer: simple prayer

 Prayer: simple prayer by ric gustafson

Sometimes we want to pray. Sometimes we don't. Something stands between wanting to and not wanting to pray. 
People think that everything has to be just right in order to pray. We want to be in control and in charge of praying. But God tells us to simply come to him in prayer. We come to prayer with motives merciful, hateful, loving and bitter. We do not have to be bright or pure to come to God in simple prayer. God is thrilled that we pray to him mixed motives and all.
We must set everything off to the side and just pray. God says come just as you are. God will accept our prayers just as they are. Simple prayer is the most common form of prayer in God's Word. We are ordinary people bringing ordinary concerns to a loving Father. 
We need to pray to our loving Father. Why? because he loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Prayer finding the heart's true home' by Richard J Foster

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 27, 2024

an uncluttered Christian life: crossing the finish line

 an uncluttered Christian life: crossing the finish line by ric gustafson

According to Philippians 3, the Apostle Paul said I press on toward the goal. Many people take on too many new projects at a time. They start working hard on the projects. Then they lose interest. They do not commit to finish the project. It remains undone. People multitask and take on too much. Their life becomes cluttered.
The Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 3, to do a project well and finish it. When we complete the commitment, we will be satisfied. Then our mind will be uncluttered. We can move on to the next dream, project, new ideas and new goals.

research help: ' the joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Prayer: an invitation

 Prayer: an invitation by ric gustafson

God longs for our presence. He mourns when we reject him. He grieves when we stay away from him. God says to us come home to me. His arms are stretched out to receive us. 
God knows where we have been. Noise, crowds, push and shove run our lives. But God invites us home. Home of serenity, joy and peace. He wants our friendship and our company. 
What is the key to God's heart?. It is prayer. God's heart is wide open. Old painful memories keep us away from God. God's Son Jesus is the door. 
God welcomes us through prayer and his Son to come home to his heart. I pray we will.

research help: ' Prayer finding the heart's true home' by Richard J Foster

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 26, 2024

no crying in baseball page 26

 no crying in baseball page 26 by ric gustafson

On July 29 1991, Penny transformed Wrigley Field from 1991 to 1943. Skyboxes were covered in canvas. Retro billboards were installed in the back of the stadium. The Chicago Cubs set strict ground rules. Cast members and cameramen were the only ones allowed on the field. There were no Dolly shots and plastic mats were placed underneath the equipment.
Tom Hanks came to Wrigley along with his 13 year old son Colin and Jon Lovitz. Everyone involved that day enjoyed being at Wrigley Field. Gloria Mallah was hired to help Bonnie Hlinomaz be Penny's personal assistant. Gloria and Bonnie helped Penny to get going in the morning. Tim Bourne, the unit production manager, would get Penny something from craft services. Penny wore a baseball cap, hair in a ponytail and always had a headset around her neck. Being a part of the production, Mallah found out how chaotic it really was. 
Mallah watched as Petty and Davis worked on the first scene of the film. She watched as the two actresses tried to milk a cow. After watching the dailies, Gloria would drive Penny back to her rental home.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Zodiac unmasked page 3

 Zodiac unmasked page 3 by ric gustafson

Detectives Richard Amos and Art Langstaff returned to headquarters. They requested from the Criminal Identification and Investigation division in Sacramento for a record of Robert Hall Starr's previous arrests. They thought to themselves that Starr had talked to Cheney after the Northern California murders. Also the letters from the person calling himself Zodiac were mailed after Starr and Cheney's New Years Day discussion. The two detectives believed Cheney's story.
The detectives got the report back from the C I and I. Robert Hall Starr's social security number date of birth Dec 18 1933 unmarried living with mother in Northern California. Starr had worked for the Watsonville Public Schools. His father had died in March. That was the same time Zodiac had broken a five month letter writing dry spell.
Starr had attended Cal Poly San Luis O Bispo in the late 1950's and early 1960's.
Detective Langstaff drafted a letter. He sent it to the Homicide and Sex Crimes Detail San Francisco Police Department.

research help: ' Zodiac Unmasked' by Robert Graysmith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Story: Where Are You?

 The Story: Where Are You? by ric gustafson

Before Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they were comfortable free of sin and their fellowship with God was open. God had given them a beautiful garden home and was meeting all of their needs. Why would they want anything else?. 
Then the serpent came. He told them they could be like God. They could be independent. All they had to do was eat the fruit. They ate. Their eyes became open. They were naked. They made coverings of fig leaves. God called to Adam. " Where are you?".
God called out to Adam " Where are you?". Adam began to explain. Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the serpent. Even though Adam and Eve embraced sin rather than God, God did not turn his back on them.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

no crying in baseball page 25

 no crying in baseball page 25 by ric gustafson

Penny asked a Laverne and Shirley friend Eddie Mekka to be Madonna's dance partner for the jitterbug scene. Madonna wanted Tony Savino to be her partner. Penny compromised and let both men dance with her.
On July 10 1991, shooting began. The first scene shot was the wedding of Marla Hooch and her beau Nelson. The scene was from the middle of the script. Movie scenes are usually shot out of order. The next scene filmed was the Charm School scene. Actress Ellie Weingardt played the charm school instructor. She judged the female baseball players on their hair and their eyebrows. On July 12, the film ' Point Break' opened. Some of the cast went to it because Lori Petty was in the film.
The next scene filmed was the train scene involving Davis, Petty, Eddie Jones, Jon Lovitz and Megan Cavanagh. Then the production filmed in the Harvey's conference room.
For the Suds Bucket saloon scene, a Chicago watering hole named Fitzgeralds was used. Fans watched the filming from behind barricades. Instead of dancing in the scene, Dottie tells them at the end that they must leave because Lowenstein was coming.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

an uncluttered Christian life: more isn't always better

 an uncluttered Christian life: more isn't always better by ric gustafson

Society tells us more is better. Having more is better than having less. Proverbs 13 tells us different. The more that we have the more cluttered our life is. The more commitments we make, the more complicated life gets. Actually, sometimes having more makes life worse. It's better to have quality over quantity. 
It's easy to get into the temptation of more is better than less. God says don't get into that temptation.

research help: ' The joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jeremiah page 3

 Jeremiah page 3 by ric gustafson

Jeremiah yawned as he watched some of Joash's sheep. He stared and counted to make sure all of them were still there. They were. He leaned his back against a tree trunk.
" Jeremiah".
Startled, he jumped to his feet and turned.
" Hannah".
The daughter of Gershom the miller smiled.
" You seemed oblivious to everything".
Jeremiah grinned. " I watch my flock".
" Have you spoken to your father?".
Jeremiah grinned. " I have".
" Well, what did he say?".
He held her face in his hands. " Father said yes".
Hannah began to cry with joy.
" I am to be betrothed to Hannah".

research help: ' He Who Wept' by Thom Lemmons

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

no crying in baseball page 24

 no crying in baseball page 24 by ric gustafson

Shooting was to begin July 10 1991. In Chicago at the Illinois Institute of Technology, the actress's boot camp began. Coach Bo Hughes wanted to make sure the players skill sets were good for the camera. O Donnell's was good. Lori Petty had a good windup. Davis had trouble at first with bruises all over her shins. 
Geena Davis was 35 and just divorced from actor Jeff Goldblum. She played baseball within her physical limits. She got a drama degree at Boston University and then moved to New York. She got a role in Sydney Pollack's ' Tootsie'. Davis brought a different energy to Dottie compared to Debra Winger. Her salary for the role was in the same range as Madonna's.
Madonna worked hard during the shoot. She woke up at 4 am every morning. She jogged 8 to 10 miles. She trained from 8 to noon with Coach Hughes. Then she spent time working on a jitterbug number for one of her scenes. Madonna and O Donnell were bonding well. Despite all the training, Madonna had trouble hitting and throwing. Penny put her in center field.
Injuries increased when modern mitts were replaced by period mitts. When sliding into bases started, bruises and injuries increased. Over time, the actresses hitting got better. On June 12, the Chicago Bulls led by Michael Jordan won their first championship title.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

no crying in baseball page 23

 no crying in baseball page 23 by ric gustafson

Penny knew about Madonna. Her reputation gave her the moniker of the most notorious woman on the planet. Penny had read in a magazine article that the pop star had an ambition to become a movie star. 
Her first movie was 1985's ' Desperately Seeking Susan'. She played a jaded downtown punk princess. She also appeared in ' Shanghai Surprise' ' Who's That Girl' and ' Dick Tracy'.
Madonna went to see Penny. Penny just wanted to see if the pop star could play. Coach Joe Russo told Penny she was trainable. Rosie O Donnell and Madonna became very close friends while shooting the film. Penny nicknamed the two Ro and Mo.
When Debra Winger found out Madonna had joined the cast, she was livid. CAA represented both Winger and Madonna. When Penny got tired of listening to Winger's tirades, she asked Frank Price to take care of the situation. The studio payed Winger about $ 3 million to go away.
One day, Ganz and Mandel told Penny that Geena Davis would love to play Dottie Hinson. Davis met Penny at her house. Right away, Penny could tell that she could play.
Penny had found her Dottie.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

no crying in baseball page 22

 no crying in baseball page 22 by ric gustafson

Rosie O Donnel never thought she would be asked to return and audition again. She read again for the role of Marla Hooch. Penny had a different character in mind. The role was that of Doris Murphy a bawdy infielder. Megan Cavanagh read again this time for the role of Marla Hooch. She got the role. 
Freddie Simpson was chosen to play Ellen Sue Gotlander. Lindsay Frost was picked to play all the way Mae. Anne Ramsay was chosen to play Helen Haley. Ann Cusack was picked to play Shirley Baker. Renee Coleman was chosen to play Alice Gaspers. Bitty Schram was picked to play Evelyn Gardner.
Eventually, Lindsay Frost had to leave the cast. She was in an NBC pilot. The Sci Fi serial was called ' Nightmare Cafe'. 
Penny had to find someone else to play all the way Mae. In Penny's mind, there was only one female who could play that role.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Zodiac unmasked page 2

 Zodiac unmasked page 2 by ric gustafson

Detective Richard Amos and Detective Art Langstaff pulled up to the computer bookkeeping business. They had come south to Manhattan Beach hoping a tip they had received would pan out. Sandy Panzarella and Donald Cheney were eager to talk. They stood outside the front door of their business. The two detectives could tell Cheney was eager to talk.
Cheney stared at the two detectives. " I know who Zodiac is".
Both detectives grinned. " We have been told that a lot over the years".
" He lives on Fresno Street in Vallejo". Cheney frowned. " His name is Robert Hall Starr".
Amos and Langstaff looked at each other dumbfounded.
Cheney continued. " At his apartment, I noticed two .22 caliber revolvers and a long rifle Winchester".
Amos looked at Langstaff. " His first two victims were killed with a .22 caliber semiautomatic".
Langstaff nodded. " His next victims were killed by a .22 long rifle".
Cheney continued. " Starr took me to Lake Herman Road".
Amos frowned. " That's where the two kids were killed". He shook Cheney's hand.
" Thank you for the tip".

research help: ' Zodiac unmasked' by Robert Graysmith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 16, 2024

Jeremiah page 2

 Jeremiah page 2 by ric gustafson

Hilkiah slowly walked along a stone wall. He needed a cane to walk. Hilkiah was the Priest of Anathoth. Hilkiah's clan had lived in this village since the days of Solomon. The clan had quietly lived just to the south of Mount Moriah.
Later, Hilkiah stood up at a table with a loaf in one hand and a cup in the other. It was time for the blessing. 
" Blessed art thou, Eternal our God King of the Universe".
Hilkiah looked at his family seated around the table. At one end sat his oldest son Joash and his wife. Next to her sat Zeruah his only daughter. At the other end of the table sat his wife Libnah. Next to her was his youngest son Jeremiah. Next to Jeremiah was his middle son Lemuel. 
" And given us the fruit of the vine to drink". Hilkiah stared at his oldest son. " How was the plowing today Joash?".
" The rain made the ground soft". He smiled. " We should be ready to plant barley two days from now".
Hilkiah looked at Jeremiah. " Jeremiah, how was your day today?".
Beginning to cry, Jeremiah looked at his father. " Father, it was a bad day today".
" What happened?".
Sobbing, Jeremiah told his father about what happened to his goat Whitefoot.

research help: ' He Who Wept' by Thom Lemmons

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

no crying in baseball page 21

 no crying in baseball page 21 by ric gustafson

Penny began to work on casting. To play Dottie Hinson, Penny first looked at Demi Moore. She was not chosen because she was expecting her first daughter with Bruce Willis. Penny also looked at Kyra Sedgwick, Robin Wright and Elizabeth McGovern. In March 1991, Penny chose actress Debra Winger.
Penny's first choice for Dottie's kid sister Kit was actress Moira Kelly. Then Penny found out she had broken a leg wrapping up her current movie. Other actresses Penny looked at were Sandra Bullock, Ally Sheedy, Patricia Heaton and Teri Hatcher. After six months of auditions, Lori Petty won the role.
Tom Hanks called his friend Penny. He really wanted to play the role of Jimmie Dugan. The studio was reluctant because Hanks had had five movie flops in a row. But Penny and Tom were good friends. She went to bat to get him the role.
As far as the studio was concerned, Hanks was an expensive risk. Hanks knew that this secondary character role would either greatly help get his career back on track or destroy it. Hanks had just left William Morris and signed with CAA. He was hoping this role would save his career.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Jeremiah page 1

 Jeremiah page 1 by ric gustafson

Jeremiah heard the crack of the thunder. He was trying to get the goat to come back. " Whitefoot, come back".
The goat continued moving along the edge of the canyon. Jeremiah looked up. He could hear the thunder. He knew a downpour was coming. Jeremiah loved the goat. He had saved it from being killed by his father at birth.
Just then, a lightning bolt struck a tamarisk tree on the rim of the gorge. The sudden noise scared the goat. To Jeremiah's horror, the goat in panic backed up and slipped off the edge of the canyon. Jeremiah could hear the goat's bleating as it fell down the crevice to the darkness below.
Sobbing, Jeremiah walked back home in the pouring rain. When he got to his front doorstep, a strong wind blew him through the front door.
" Shut that door!" yelled Jeremiah's older brother Lemuel.
Jeremiah's mother Libnah walked into the room. " Be still Lemuel".
She got down on the floor and held her youngest son. " What's wrong my son?".
Sobbing, Jeremiah told his mother about the goat falling down the crevice.
Libnah held Jeremiah close as he wept.

research help: ' He Who Wept' by Thom Lemmons

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

no crying in baseball page 20

 no crying in baseball page 20 by ric gustafson

After completing ' Awakenings', Penny was offered a production deal. Jon Peters and Peter Guber worked for Sony Pictures Entertainment. Sony's movie division acquired Columbia Pictures from the Coca Cola Company for $ 3.4 billion. Dawn Steel was replaced by Frank Price. Penny liked Frank Price. Price liked Penny. Sony promised Penny as part of her deal, she could make her baseball film. Sony paid $ 7 million to release ' A League Of Their Own' from Fox.
' Awakenings' opened in Jan 1991. It grossed $ 52 million in ticket sales. Reviews were mixed. It turned out that at the 1991 Oscars, Penny was not nominated for Best Director. ' Awakenings' was nominated for Best Picture. Robert DeNiro was nominated for Best Actor. Robin Williams was not.
Penny did find out that her ex husband's film ' Misery' was to come out the same day as her film. Penny called her ex husband Rob Reiner and stopped it from happening. ' Misery' debuted in November 1990. It made $ 61 million. Actress Kathy Bates was acclaimed for her role of a deranged fan who kidnaps a bestselling author. 
After Jan 1991, Penny was now ready to begin her next film. It was called ' A League Of Their Own'.

research help: ' No Crying in Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Story: pleasing to the eye

The Story: pleasing to the eye by ric gustafson

When someone tells you not to do something, your instinct is to do it. Eve looked at that tree. What could be so bad about that fruit?.  The fruit was good for food. The fruit was pleasing to the eye. It was also desirable for gaining wisdom. Eve took some and ate it. Adam was with her. She gave some of the fruit to him. He ate it. Their eyes opened. They were naked.
Being like God sounds great. Except that God said no don't do it.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 13, 2024

an uncluttered Christian life: Galatians 6:4

 an uncluttered Christian life: Galatians 6:4 by ric gustafson

We try to be like other people. But there is a reason God made us just the way we are. God does not want us to be like other people. When we compare ourselves to others, it clutters our life. God did not make us to be like anyone else. 
God gives us freedom to be ourselves. God just wants us to be the best we can be. When we think this way, life become more simple and less cluttered. God is happy when we just try and be ourselves.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Zodiac unmasked page 1

 Zodiac unmasked page 1 by ric gustafson

Robert Hall Starr got out of the Volvo. The chestnut colored stucco two story house was on the east side of Fresno Street. As he walked toward a side screen door, he looked up to see his mother watching him from an upstairs window. He walked down to his cellar room. His mother had no clue what he did in his cellar room.
Starr loved living in Vallejo California. It was a water town. Starr loved the water. At one time, Starr was a potential Olympic swimmer. Vallejo was considered a water town. After the death of his father, Starr had let his once trim athlete body go. He was frequently fighting with his mother Bernice.
In San Francisco at the Hall of Justice Homicide Inspectors Bill Armstrong and Dave Toschi were looking for a man who called himself the Zodiac Killer. The two inspectors were convinced that the one who had been killing in the Bay area for years resided in Vallejo. Based on the chilling letters sent to the SFPD where he described his fascination with water, the inspectors sensed he lived in Vallejo. It was a water town. Because he loved the water so much, the inspectors figured the killer was a swimmer or a sailor. What the inspectors needed was a break in the case.

research help: ' Zodiac unmasked' by Robert Graysmith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 12, 2024

biblical questions: is God omnipresent?

 biblical questions: is God omnipresent? by ric gustafson

What does omnipresence mean?. Psalm 139 says that God is omnipresent or present everywhere. It is not saying that God is physically distributed throughout the universe. Omnipresence means that God is present in all his fullness to every part of creation. 
God does not want us to think of him in locational terms. According to John 4, God is Spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. According to Psalm 139, God is always there. We cannot go anywhere where God is not there. God loves us and is always holding our hand.
Why?. Because God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The complete Bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Story: Did God really say?

 The Story: Did God really say? by ric gustafson

The serpent's tongue spilled out the word. " Did God really say?. The serpent said that word in disbelief. Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?. The serpent said you mean you can't eat from any of these beautiful trees?.
Eve took the bait. Eve told the serpent that God was very strict with her and Adam. She told the serpent that they could eat from any of the trees except for one. It was the tree in the middle. She told the serpent that they could not even touch it. Satan made his pitch. He told Eve that if they ate from that tree, they would be like God. Eve took the bait.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

no crying in baseball page 19

 no crying in baseball page 19 by ric gustafson

29 year old Megan Cavanagh tried out for the film. She impressed Rod Dedeaux with her batting skill. The actress wanted to play the role of Marla. She had large and round hazel eyes. She was a sketch comedian with the Second City touring company. Actress Lori Petty knew she could play baseball. At the time of the tryout, Petty was on a Fox crime show called ' Booker'. Petty had just finished a film called ' Cadillac Man'. Petty had moved to New York City at 18 to pursue acting.
Two films about baseball had done well at the box office. The first was ' Field of Dreams'. The other film was ' Major League'.
The first two actors cast was Jon Lovitz. He was cast to play a scout called Ernie Capadino. Jim Belushi was cast as Jimmie Dugan. Tracy Reiner was cast as Betty Horn. She joined Rosie O Donnell and Megan Cavanagh as cast members.
Ganz and Mandell could tell trouble was brewing behind the scenes. The production start date was moved back from April to July. The budget was getting larger. The writers and Penny knew what the problem was. Director David Anspaugh had to go.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Story: I will make a helper

 The Story: I will make a helper by ric gustafson

Adam was God's friend. God knew what he needed. Adam did something special for God. Adam named every animal God created. According to Genesis 2, when Adam was done, there was no suitable helper for him. Adam did not even need to ask God for a helper. God already knew what Adam needed. 
While Adam was asleep, God took one of Adam's ribs. God made a woman from that rib. Now Adam had a companion a gift from his friend God. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

No crying in baseball page 18

 No crying in baseball page 18 by ric gustafson

Penny began production for ' Awakenings' in October 1989. Ganz and Mandel finished the script for ' A League Of Their Own' before that date. Fox Studio Chairman Joe Roth couldn't wait for Penny to finish ' Awakenings'. Roth hired Director David Anspaugh to direct ' A League Of Their Own'.
In Feb 1990, hundreds upon hundreds of ladies converged on the University of Southern California's Dedeaux Field to try out for the film. Penny put the actresses into three categories Athletes, Trainable and Hopeless. 
Rod Dedeaux and Bo Hughes graded the actresses on hitting, catching, and fielding. Those who tried out included Courteney Cox, Cindy Crawford, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kelly Preston and Brooke Shields.
One of the natural athletes who tried out was Rosie O'Donnell. O'Donnell, a standup comedian and veejay, figured she might have an advantage. She grew up in Commack New York. She grew playing baseball with the boys just like Penny did.

research help: ' No Crying in Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Story: you will certainly die

The Story: you will certainly die by ric gustafson

We need boundaries. Boundaries mean freedom. As far as the Garden of Eden, there was one boundary. God told Adam what that boundary was. He told Adam that he was free to eat from any tree in the garden. Then God told Adam the boundary. He told Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God established this boundary because he loved Adam. 
God has established boundaries for us. If we live within the boundaries God has established for us, We will have freedom and life will go well.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Story: the sixth day

 The Story: the sixth day by ric gustafson

God blessed the man and woman. He told them to be fruitful and increase in number. He told them to fill the earth and subdue it. God saw all that he had made. To God, it was very good. There was evening and there was morning. The sixth day.
God created human beings in his image. He gave humans the job of caring for his creation. God called his work very good. God created humans last. Humans are the crown of God's creation. We can be in relationship with God the eternal one. God is our Savior and Redeemer. We have the privilege to be welcomed by God. To be his child and friend. God says we are very good.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotionals' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

no crying in baseball page 17

 no crying in baseball page 17 by ric gustafson

While Ganz and Mandel were working on the script, another script appeared on Penny's desk. It was called ' Awakenings'. Penny began to read it. As she read it, the story began to consume her. The story was about a Bronx neurologist and his work with catatonic survivors. Penny cried as she read the script. The story was adapted from a 1973 memoir written by Dr Oliver Sack. She loved the way screenwriter Steven Zaillian treated chronically ill characters as human beings.
On a personal level, Penny remembered dealing with her own mother and Alzheimers. When she finally put the script down, she knew she had to direct the movie. Penny asked Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro to play the lead roles. Both said yes.
On March 29 1989, Penny watched the 61st Academy Awards at a friends house. Her film ' BIG' had two nominations. Tom Hanks for Best Actor and Gary Ross Anne Spielberg for Best Original Screenplay. Hanks lost the statuette to Dustin Hoffman. It did not matter to Hanks. His star was on the rise. Also on the rise was Geena Davis. She won for Best Supporting Actress for a film called ' The Accidental Tourist'.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 8, 2024

biblical questions: the Holy Spirit in you?

 biblical questions: the Holy Spirit in you? by ric gustafson

Is the Holy Spirit in us?. That is not saying that the Holy Spirit is physically in us. It does mean that we have an intimate personal relationship with him through faith and repentance. It is a relational term not a locational term. 
According to Scripture, the Holy Spirit is not a physical being. According to I Corinthians 6:19, do you not know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have from God and you are not your own. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The complete bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Blood on the Moon page 3

 Blood on the Moon page 3 by ric gustafson

John Wilkes Booth was born to fame. John, who was number 5 of 6 surviving children, was doted on by his parents. John, Edwin and Junius became famous thespians. The youngest son Joseph became a doctor. A daughter Asia became a writer. The oldest daughter Rosalie did not want fame and fortune.
John's father Junius Brutus Sr was an alcoholic and displayed erratic behavior. At times, he showed brilliance on the American stage. Junius Brutus Booth was born in London in 1796. He was the middle of three children. At the age of 17, Junius made his professional theater debut. 
While on tour in Belgium, Junius met Adelaide Delannoy. Junius married Adelaide on May 8 1815. In 1820 while performing in London, Junius met Mary Ann Holmes. She got pregnant and Junius had to flee with her to the US. They settled in Bel Air Maryland in June of 1824.
In 1842, Mary Ann's son Richard found out where his father's family was living. Adelaide came and divorced Junius in April 1851. This was the day young John Wilkes turned 13. 
Junius Brutus Sr died on a river steamer on November 30 1852.

research help: ' Blood on the Moon' by Edward Steers Jr

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Story: God's handiwork

 The Story: God's handiwork by ric gustafson

We were created in God's own image. We were not an accident. We were created and crafted. Ephesians 2:10 says you are God's handiwork. Not only was our body created, but so was our inmost being. God was the model. You were created in God's image.
In our inmost being is God's image. We have the ability to think, reason, understand good and evil. create and invent, make choices and have a sense of justice and love. Everyone has this image our enemies and our neighbors. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 7, 2024

no crying in baseball page 16

 no crying in baseball page 16 by ric gustafson

Ganz and Mandel began to write a script. They wanted two sisters to be at the center of the plot. The eldest sister was to be called Dottie Hinson. Dottie's kid sister was to be Kit Keller. Kit was a feisty pitcher compared to her catcher sister. Dottie's husband is fighting in WW II. Dottie and Kit are on an amateur all girl softball team. A scout comes to one of the games. He notices Dottie's skills right away. He invites her to a tryout for a woman's only baseball league. The league was to be funded by Walter Harvey the candy bar king.
Dottie at first tells the scout no. She's a war wife and can't just leave to try out for professional baseball. Kit pleads with Dottie to go to the audition and take her along. The next day, they hop on a train heading to Harvey Stadium.
Ganz and Mandel wrote that Dottie and Kit would play for the Rockford Peaches. In real life, the Peaches were the league's most winning team. The coach of the Peaches would be Jimmie Dugan. Ganz and Mandel based Dugan on famed slugger Jimmie Fox. Foxx in real life was a heavy drinker.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 6, 2024

biblical questions: refusing forgiveness?

biblical questions: refusing forgiveness? by ric gustafson

According to Matthew 6:12, forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. Do we have to forgive those who refuse to reconcile with us?. Our debts are small change compared to the infinite debt we owe God. God wants us to forgive those who wrong us. Forgiveness is a two way street. It leads to the restoration of fellowship. Someone must be willing to forgive. Then there has to be somone who wants to be forgiven. To be forgiven, we must be repentant. 
God offers us forgiveness. We must be willing to do the same for others.

research help: ' The complete Bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

no crying in baseball page 15

 no crying in baseball page 15 by ric gustafson

Serving ice tea, Penny listened to Kelly and Kim's pitch for a fictional film adaptation of ' A League Of Their Own'. In October 1987, Kelly and Kim were invited to Penny's birthday party. Celebrity birthday guests included Bruce Willis, Demi Moore and Robert DeNiro. Penny as a director was hot. Her film ' BIG' grossed $151 million. She now had a permanent office on the Fox lot. 
In Penny's office, storylines from Lowell Ganz, Babaloo Mandel, Kelly and Kim were thrown at her. Kelly and Kim were hoping Penny would make them producers on the film. One idea from the pair was a climactic championship game. Another idea was to have a catcher named Helen and her 19 year old younger sister.
In November of 1988, Penny snuck into the Baseball Hall of Fame. She did not want to be noticed. She wanted to see a new exhibit that was opening. It was called ' Women In Baseball'. One of the league's stars came also. Her name was Dottie Collins. At one time, she was the league's star pitcher and strikeout queen. 
One hurdle remained. Bill Pace and Ronnie Clemmer ran Longbow Productions. They wanted to make their own film about the league. The news frustrated Penny. She would not have it. A producer named Brenda Feigen started working on the other film. To end Feigen's complaint against Penny, she was given money. Penny won. The complaint went away. Now they could really start working on the film.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Story: according to it's kind

 The Story: according to it's kind by ric gustafson

When something has been created, is it by chance?. Or was it created by God?. Genesis 1:21 says that God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing according to it's kind. And God saw that it was good. 
We need to look around at God's creations. None of it is by accident. Every aspect of creation points to our Creator God. God is behind it all. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

no crying in baseball page 14

 no crying in baseball page 14 by ric gustafson

Reporter Mary Wallace enjoyed the reunion of the All American Girls Professional Baseball League. So much so, she produced a three part series on the league. She focused on the players from California. The series came about because of Kelly Candaele and Kim Wilson. Kelly was fascinated that his mother played in the league. And at her advanced age, she could still play. When Kelly and Kim met Mary Wallace, their fascination with the league grew.
Kim Wilson spent five years going through vintage reels and collected players memories. ABC station KCET agreed to air the series. The station sent Kelly and Kim to the reunion of the league in Indiana. Mary Wallace went along to conduct interviews.
Kelly and Kim's documentary series was called ' A League Of Their Own'. The documentary was full of stories and nostalgia. In March, it aired on KCET. In September, it aired on PBS. Because of the success of the documentary, Kelly and Kim began to write a script treatment.
One day, Kelly and Kim heard from Charlie Wessler. Penny wanted to see the script treatment for ' A League Of Their Own'.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

biblical questions: Amen?

 biblical questions: Amen? by ric gustafson

We end our prayers with Amen. Is that a ritual?. Does Amen just mean that's all. Or does Amen mean may it be so in accordance with the will of God. Prayer brings us into conformity with God's will. 
Amen is a direct reference to Jesus. Jesus taught us to pray your will be done. Revelation 3:14 says refers Jesus as the Amen the faithful and true witness the ruler of God's creation. 
Amen is not just a formality. Amen can close a prayer fraught with meaning.

research help: ' The complete bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Story: he also made the stars

 The Story: he also made the stars by ric gustafson

The heavens declared the glory of God. The heavens are vast. God made the Earth. God made Jupiter. God made Saturn. God made Uranus. God made Neptune. God made the Sun. God's heavens declare his glory. God holds the planets in their orbits. 
God loves us more than anything else. He numbers the hairs on our heads. We are his children. Not the heavens or the stars are more important to God than us his children.
God holds our hand. We are the most important thing to God. Praise his holy name.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

no crying in baseball page 13

 no crying in baseball page 13 by ric gustafson 

In the All American Girls Professional Baseball League, there were strict rules. Wrigley and his public relations man Arthur Meyerhoff made sure of that. The female ballplayers had to attend charm school. No shorts or slacks in public. No drinking, smoking and no short hair. The female ballplayers wore a short skirted one piece uniform. Violations were course for dismissal.
When the league was playing, the ballplayers played 8 games a week for four months. The teams would travel 10 hours by bus and then play a doubleheader. Some people believed that women should not be playing baseball. For meals, the ballplayers would get $3 a day. 
When the men that were in the war came home, Wrigley was not interested in the league any longer. Wrigley sold the league to Arthur Meyerhoff. The league stopped in 1954.
An NBC reporter named Mary Wallace produced a three part series on the All American Girls Professional Baseball League. One day, her employer KCET gave her permission to attend a reunion of the league in Fort Wayne Indiana. For Wallace, it was a dream come true.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Story: and it was so

 The Story: and it was so by ric gustafson

Look what happened when God said ' and it was so'. Plants need water. So God designed a water cycle. God designed evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Plants need sunlight. God placed the earth a certain distance from the sun so this planet could sustain life. God created plants for warm, wet, cool and dry climates. Plants need carbon dioxide. The animals God created need oxygen. Plants need the right nutrients, the right temperature and protection from the elements. 
When God says and it was so he means it. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Story: out of nothing

 The Story: out of nothing by ric gustafson

According to Genesis 1, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. We know the power of words. Some words encourage us. Some words hurt us. Human words are powerful. Words tear down. Words build up. 
The truth is God's words are more powerful than ours. When God uses the words ' God said', those are very powerful words. Things happened. God created where there was nothing. 
Because of God we are chosen, we are loved, we are provided for, we are protected and we are God's children. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

blood on the moon page 2

 blood on the moon page 2 by ric gustafson

As soon as Abraham Lincoln became President in 1860, the death threats started. He would receive presents from people in the South. All of them were poisoned. One day, Lincoln received a letter warning him of an assassination plot. Some of the letters Lincoln received were from deranged people venting their hatred. Death threats against Lincoln continued throughout his presidency. According to John Milton Hay, who was one of Lincoln's 2 private secretaries, Lincoln kept a folder with all the threatening letters sent to him.
One threat to Lincoln was very serious. It was called the Baltimore plot. It was started by a group called the ' National Volunteers'. It was started in the summer of 1860 by William Byrne. Byrne was a Baltimore businessman. At first, the group wanted to aid the presidential candidacy of John Breckinridge. When Lincoln became president, the group became violent. The group came up with a plan to intercept and kill the president when he would make a stop in Baltimore.
Lincoln's train was scheduled to stop at the Calvert Street Station in Baltimore shortly after 12 noon on February 23. Then Lincoln was to travel by carriage to a luncheon in the city. Then the president was to board another train to take him to Washington. 
Luckily, Allan Pinkerton's detective agency discovered the plot before hand and warned Lincoln before his scheduled stop. Lincoln changed his travel plans and passed through Baltimore nine hours ahead of schedule.
United States Marshal for the District of Columbia Ward Lamon pleaded with Lincoln to have a bodyguard or some kind of protection. It was not until October of 1864, that Lincoln agreed to White House protection. Lincoln felt protection was a discomfort than help.
What Lincoln did not know was that a young actor was watching his every move.

research help: ' Blood on the Moon' by Edward Steers Jr

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 1, 2024

biblical questions: your will be done?

 biblical questions: your will be done? by ric gustafson

According to Matthew 6, your will be done. Why should we pray this way?. We need to pray that God is in charge of every aspect of our life. We are under God's control not ours. 
We would be in trouble if God gave us everything we ask for. We don't know what's best for us. We see only the here and now. God sees the whole picture of our lives.
Our will must be submitted to God's will. God knows what is best for us. God has every detail of our lives under control. God is the originator of our faith, our salvation even our prayers. When our will is lined up with God's will, God will 100 percent answer our prayer.

research help: ' The complete bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric