Tuesday, August 30, 2022

the footsteps of Jesus page 2

 the footsteps of Jesus page 2 by ric gustafson

Jesus walked five miles west to a flat desert. He would of walked the north side of Jericho and near the Wadi Qelt. To the north of Jericho are Judean wilderness mountains. Mount Qurantal is known as the Mount of Temptation. The wilderness of Judea is dry and arid. This is where Jesus spent the next forty days and nights. 
There is a cave half way up Mount Qurantal. It is said Jesus slept here during the forty days. This cave has become the Monastery of the Temptation. The cave was an anchor for Jesus. Jesus walked, he prayed and he was tempted.

research help: ' The Way' by Adam Hamilton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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