Sunday, August 7, 2022

Aya page 5

 Aya page 5 by ric gustafson

After the wedding, Aya and Avidan lived in a chamber in the back of Avidan's parents house. Right away, Aya realized that her new husband was not Sha'ul. She was told they had to stay in Tarsus until Avidan could complete a course and pass a Torah examination. She did not enjoy living with Avidan's parents. Matan and Zara loved the Torah and HaShem. Aya tried to see her parents as much as possible.
One day, a smiling Avidan greeted his wife. " My prayers have been answered".
" What prayers?".
" We are going to Jerusalem". He smiled. " Thanks to your brother".
Aya grinned. " What did Sha'ul do?".
" He spoke to Gamaliel". He grinned. " I have been accepted into his yeshiva".
Aya thought for a moment. " So when do we need to start packing our things?".
" My father will decide that".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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