Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Walking in Grace: Psalm 5:3

 Walking in Grace: Psalm 5:3 by ric gustafson

People pray at different times of the day. There are those who choose to pray in the morning. Psalm 5:3 says my voice shalt thou hear in the morning O Lord in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up. God tells us to savor the time we pray to him. No matter the time.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sept 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Naaman

 Men of the Bible: Naaman by ric gustafson

There was a Syrian officer named Naaman, He had a serious skin disease. He was told by the prophet Elisha if he would wash in the Jordan River seven times he would be healed. At first he did not want to do it. He changed his mind and did it. He was healed. God is a God of second chances. According to II Kings 5, he began to serve God.
Naaman was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the footsteps of Jesus page 3

 the footsteps of Jesus page 3 by ric gustafson

Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness. Jesus and the devil had a conversation three times. Satan whispered to Jesus to do something he knew he should not do. The first conversation was about food. Food is one of our basic needs. Jesus was hungry. He said no to Satan quoting Deuteronomy 8:3. In their second conversation, Satan invites Jesus to jump off the pinnacle of the Temple. I'm sure Jesus thought about it. He did not jump. The third and final conversation Satan told Jesus he could have more riches than he could ever imagine if he would fall down and worship him. Jesus refused with the words of Matthew 4.

research help: ' The Way' by Adam Hamilton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Walking in Grace: Proverbs 3:6

 Walking in Grace: Proverbs 3:6 by ric gustafson

According to Proverbs 3:6, in all your ways acknowledge him. No matter what we do in this life, God says acknowledge me. The verse also says and he will make your paths straight. God knows everything about us past, present and future. God knows what we are to do for him. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sept 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Enoch

 Men of the Bible: Enoch by ric gustafson

There was a man named Enoch. According to Hebrews 11, Enoch pleased God. He walked with God. He relied on God. Enoch enjoyed God's companionship. Enoch obeyed his commands. One day, Enoch disappeared and went to heaven. God wants us to walk with him every day like Enoch.
Enoch was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the footsteps of Jesus page 2

 the footsteps of Jesus page 2 by ric gustafson

Jesus walked five miles west to a flat desert. He would of walked the north side of Jericho and near the Wadi Qelt. To the north of Jericho are Judean wilderness mountains. Mount Qurantal is known as the Mount of Temptation. The wilderness of Judea is dry and arid. This is where Jesus spent the next forty days and nights. 
There is a cave half way up Mount Qurantal. It is said Jesus slept here during the forty days. This cave has become the Monastery of the Temptation. The cave was an anchor for Jesus. Jesus walked, he prayed and he was tempted.

research help: ' The Way' by Adam Hamilton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 29, 2022

Walking in Grace: Proverbs 15:4

 Walking in Grace: Proverbs 15:4 by ric gustafson

Words can have 2 different effects. According to Proverbs 15:4, the soothing tongue is a tree of life. The other effect according to the bible verse is that a perverse tongue crushes the spirit. So we have the choice of what our words will be. God wants our words to be gentle and life giving. 
Praise God's name.

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sept 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the footsteps of Jesus page 1

 the footsteps of Jesus page 1 by ric gustafson

There is a place in the Jordan River near Jericho. On the Jordan side of the river is ruins of Byzantine churches. On the Israeli side of the river is a small gift shop that sells robes and towels. Soldiers on both sides watch as Christians come to this spot to remember the baptism of Jesus the Christ.
One day, John was baptizing in the Jordan. He smiled as he recognized his younger cousin. John was six months older. He knew his cousin would play a big role in God's plans. John baptized Jesus. Why did he do this?. The sinless man identified with sinful people. Later he told his disciples that he had come to seek and to save the lost. Jesus identified with sinners. Jesus identifies with us.

research help: ' The Way' by Adam Hamilton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Caleb

 Men of the Bible: Caleb by ric gustafson

At age 85, Caleb could of been happy with what he had accomplished. He and Joshua led a younger generation into the Promised Land. God granted them victorious over enemy tribes. Caleb knew that God had promised him possession of the land four decades before.
Caleb knew that God kept his promises. He wanted to defeat the Anakites who lived in the hill country. According to Joshua 14:12, Caleb knew that God was with him. Caleb drove the enemy out because God promised him he would. 
Caleb was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Walking in Grace: Matthew 11:28

 Walking in Grace: Matthew 11:28 by ric gustafson

It is easy to go go go and not think about resting. Matthew 11:28 says come unto me and I will give you rest. God says slow down and I will give you rest from all of your burdens. Our soul needs rest and the Holy Spirit will help us. The Holy Spirit will tell us when it is time to rest. God commands us to rest. God loves us more than anything else. 

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sept 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Jairus

 Men of the Bible: Jairus by ric gustafson

There was a man named Jairus. In Luke 8, he is mentioned as a synagogue leader in Capernaum. One day he saw Jesus. He knew what he had to do. He knew approaching Jesus and begging him to heal his deathly daughter was risky. He fell at Jesus's feet with courage. As ill as his daughter was, he knew Jesus was his only answer. He knew about Jesus's miracles. He knew Jesus could heal his daughter. He took a huge step of faith. Jesus did what he asked. Praise God's name.
Jairus was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Men of the Bible: Apollos

 Men of the Bible: Apollos by ric gustafson

Apollos was a gifted educated Jewish man from Alexandria. In the synagogues, he taught the Word of God. But he did not fully understand Jesus's death and resurrection. One day, he visited Ephesus. There he met Aquila and Priscilla. They helped him understand the death and resurrection of Jesus. Apollos moved to Corinth. There he met the Apostle Paul. Apollos became a great teacher of God's Word.
Apollos became a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking in Grace: James 1:26

 Walking in Grace: James 1:26 by ric gustafson

It is easy to lash out at people with our words. God wants us to control our words. James 1:26 tells us to keep a tight rein on our tongues. God wants us to use our words to glorify him. Our tongues could deceive us. Jesus says I can control your words if you will let me. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sept 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 26, 2022

Men of the Bible: Josiah

 Men of the Bible: Josiah by ric gustafson

According to II Kings 23:25, there has never been a king like Josiah. Josiah did what was pleasing in the Lord's sight. His ancestor was David. He did not turn from doing what was right. Josiah's father was Amon who was a wicked king. Josiah became king at age 8. He told Hilkiah to begin repairing the Temple. He gathered the people and led them to renew their covenant with God.
Josiah was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking in Grace: Philippians 1:3

 Walking in Grace: Philippians 1:3 by ric gustafson

The years just fly by, Philippians 1:3 says I thank my God every time I remember you. The years go by so fast. Children grow up and then leave to be on their own. Loved ones pass away. God reminds us to cherish the time that we have with others. Changes come with each passing year. God never changes. Jesus never changes. The Holy Spirit never changes. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sept 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Walking in Grace: Luke 11:1

 Walking in Grace: Luke 11:1 by ric gustafson

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Jesus taught them the Lord's Prayer. No matter what storm comes our way in this short life here, we can pray the Lord's Prayer. Jesus reassures his disciples and us that no matter what happens to us, he will take care of it for us. He promises that he will always be with us and that all will be well. God's goodness always prevails.

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sept 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Nicodemus

 Men of the Bible: Nicodemus by ric gustafson

There was a Pharisee who wanted to know Jesus. His name was Nicodemus. He had a lot of questions he wanted to ask him. One night, he came to see Jesus. He probably learned more that night than he had expected to. Before the evening ended, Nicodemus knew Jesus. After that night, he became a secret believer. According to John 7, Nicodemus stood up for Jesus when many others wanted to do away with him. He also helped with Jesus's burial.
Nicodemus was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 22, 2022

Men of the Bible: Stephen

 Men of the Bible: Stephen by ric gustafson

In God's Word, there was a man of courage. His name was Stephen. Even though he knew what would happen to him, he spoke out for Jesus all the time. 
Eventually, the religious leaders in Jerusalem charged him with blasphemy. The penalty for that is stoning.
At Stephen's stoning was a young man named Saul. Later, he became Paul. Paul's preaching would change the world forever. Stephen became the first Christian martyr.
Stephen was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking in Grace: Proverbs 14:29

 Walking in Grace: Proverbs 14:29 by ric gustafson

It is easy to get angry and quick tempered. Proverbs 14:29 says he who is slow to anger has great understanding. It is so easy to get quick tempered. Proverbs 14:29 also says but he who is quick tempered exalts folly.
When we are angered and quick tempered, we need to turn to the Father of all creation. God will help us have a healthy emotional balance each day. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sept 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Walking in Grace: Romans 8:26

 Walking in Grace: Romans 8:26 by ric gustafson

Sometimes we do not know what to pray for. This is a weakness. God does not want us to pray in our flesh. God wants us to pray with the help of the Holy Spirit. It is hard to pray when troubles of this world distract our praying. Praying with the help of the Holy Spirit will be gainful. God listens to our prayers and he will act. He promises us that. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sept 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Zerubbabel

 Men of the Bible: Zerubbabel by ric gustafson

A man named Zerubbabel was leading Jews back to Judah. They were in Babylonian captivity. God wanted Zerubbabel to be in charge of reconstructing the Jerusalem Temple. Zerubbabel needed the people's help. After 16 years, the project was still not finished. 
Zerubbabel felt discouraged. One day according to Zechariah 4, the prophet came with a message. He told Zerubbabel to rely on God instead of his own strength. Zerubbabel's faith was renewed. The project was completed.
Zerubbabel was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Walking in Grace: Psalm 1:3

Walking in Grace: Psalm 1:3 by ric gustafson

Psalm 1:3 says like a tree planted by streams of water which yields it's fruit in season. God reminds us that there is a time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says for everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. God reminds us to make the most of the season we are in. God reminds us that for everything there is a season. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sept 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 19, 2022

Walking in Grace: Psalm 56:3

 Walking in Grace: Psalm 56:3 by ric gustafson

In this life, it is easy to be fearful. Bad things will happen to us. Psalm 56:3 says when I am afraid, I put my trust in you. The author of this psalm knew who to turn to when he was afraid. God says to us when you are afraid turn to me. God will calm and guide us through all of our bad times. God is faithful and will never abandon us. God loves us more than anything else. 

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts Aug Sep 2022

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Men of the Bible: Heman

 Men of the Bible: Heman by ric gustafson

Heman had a leading role in conducting the service of rededicating the Temple. This was during Hezekiah's rule. And then a storm came into his life. He felt that the Lord abandoned him. He wrote Psalm 88 to tell the Lord how he felt. Even in his despair, he did not give up hope. He declared that the Lord was the God of his salvation. Praise God's name.
Heman was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking in Grace: Psalm 73:28

 Walking in Grace: Psalm 73:28 by ric gustafson

Some people are introverts. They would rather be alone than with others. Psalm 73:28 says but as for me the nearness of God is my good. God says I love you come close to my love. God says don't push away from me come closer to my love. God loves us so much. God wants to flood us with his grace. God says come out of yourself and into my love.

research help: ' Walking in Grace' by Guideposts

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Men of the Bible: Baruch

 Men of the Bible: Baruch by ric gustafson

Baruch was a scribe who served the prophet Jeremiah. He had a reputation for being reliable. He recorded Jeremiah's prophecies. Sometimes he had to say them out loud also. He came when Jeremiah was in a prison cell. Even in the face of opposition and setbacks, Baruch was committed to Jeremiah.
Baruch was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Walking in Grace: Isaiah 55:13

 Walking in Grace: Isaiah 55:13 by ric gustafson

Isaiah 55:13 says ' instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress'. Everyone has thorny days. Days when nothing goes right. Days of despair and discouragement. Jesus says when those days come I will come and take care of them for you. He will sooth your fears and surround you with peace. Instead of a thorn will be a beautiful cypress. We need to trust in Jesus every day. He promises to be there for us.

research help: ' Walking in Grace August September 2022' by Guideposts

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Men of the Bible: Nehemiah

 Men of the Bible: Nehemiah by ric gustafson

Nehemiah understood the importance of giving God all the credit in all things. God gave him an important job of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. The walls were in ruin and the city was defenseless against attack. Nehemiah surveyed the problem, prayed about it and came up with a plan. Nehemiah was able to do the job in fifty two days. God received all the credit.
Nehemiah was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 15, 2022

Aya page 6

 Aya page 6 by ric gustafson

One day, Aya got on a wagon loaded with provisions for a new home. Avidan's father provided a wagon, a mule and a family to go with them to Jerusalem. Avidan's father gave Aya some instructions.
" When you get to Jerusalem". He smiled. " Sell the wagon and the mule".
Avidan's parents gave them a beautiful carved bench.
Aya embraced her father. " Thank you Abba".
Ima gave her daughter a large platter.
Abba embraced his daughter. " Goodbye sweet Aya".
Aya embraced her parents goodbye.

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Bartimaeus

 Men of the Bible: Bartimaeus by ric gustafson

One story in God's Word is about a blind man named Bartimaeus. This blind man had heard about the healings of Jesus. He knew he was coming to Jericho along with his followers. As Jesus walked by him, he knew it was now or never. He shouted for Jesus's attention. People told him to be quiet. Then he shouted louder for Jesus's attention. Jesus stopped. With one command, Bartimaeus was able to see. In an instant, a blind beggar became a follower of Jesus.
Bartimaeus was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 14, 2022

James: James 2: 18-19

 James: James 2: 18-19 by ric gustafson

A faith without producing fruit is futile. Our works emerge from our true faith. A faith with works is a faith that works. Fruit is of genuine faith. Obedience out of love. The fact of the matter is that without true saving faith, our faith is false and futile. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Jeremiah

 Men of the Bible: Jeremiah by ric gustafson

Jeremiah looked at the ruins of what was Jerusalem. Babylon destroyed the city killing tens of thousands and marching others back to Babylon. After seeing all this, he had a shocked mind and a broken heart. Jeremiah cried out to the one he loved. That was God. In Lamentations 3, Jeremiah talks about his faithful love of the Lord. 
Jeremiah was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Men of the Bible: Abel

 Men of the Bible: Abel by ric gustafson

Abel had his heart in the right place. He brought his first born lambs to God as a sacrifice. Abel did this because of faith. Abel was a righteous man. God approved of his gifts. Based on Hebrews 11:4, Abel speaks to us by his example of faith. Abel's faith pleased God. 
Abel was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 12, 2022

Men of the Bible: Isaiah

 Men of the Bible: Isaiah by ric gustafson

One day, Isaiah stood in the Temple in God's presence. He felt inadequate. He knew he wasn't fit to serve God. He knew he wasn't fit to stand in his presence. But God had a purpose and a plan for Isaiah. A seraph touched Isaiah's lips with a burning coal. Isaiah's guilt was removed. His sins were forgiven.
God asked Isaiah to speak his message. Isaiah replied ' here I am send me'.
Isaiah was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 11, 2022

James: James 2 14-17

 James: James 2: 14-17 by ric gustafson

Some people claim to have faith. We need to back that with our actions. Matthew 7:20 says ' by their fruits you will know them'. James is warning people against a false claim to faith. James says faith without fruit is a false faith. A faith without works is dead.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Cornelius

 Men of the Bible: Cornelius by ric gustafson

Cornelius was a Roman officer. He was very generous and freely gave to others. God noticed his generous nature. One day, God sent an angel to Cornelius. This terrified him. It also encouraged him. God made sure Cornelius heard the Gospel. Cornelius became the first Gentile convert.
Cornelius was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Men of the Bible: Timothy

 Men of the Bible: Timothy by ric gustafson

Timothy was a protege of the Apostle Paul. Paul taught him to run away from temptation. He warned Timothy to run away from the temptation of loving money. Paul encouraged Timothy to seek righteousness, a godly life, faith, love and gentleness.
Timothy was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Men of the Bible: Crispus

 Men of the Bible: Crispus by ric gustafson

There are examples in God's Word of men who stand out in a crowd. In Acts 18, one such man is Crispus. He led the synagogue in Corinth. This man became a Christian because of the Apostle Paul. His family became believers also. Crispus took a stand at a time when doing so was dangerous. It was dangerous to profess that you were a believer. Crispus being a Jewish synagogue leader stood out in a crowd. Regardless of the cost, Crispus professed his faith in Jesus.
Crispus was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 8, 2022

Men of the Bible: Elijah

 Men of the Bible: Elijah by ric gustafson

Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal thanks to God. He ended a drought in Israel by calling rain down from the sky. Then bad news happened. Zezebel, the wife of King Ahab, wanted to kill Elijah. Spiritually and emotionally spent, Elijah laid down under a broom tree and poured out his heart to God. Elijah loved God. God restored him. 
Elijah was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Men of the Bible: Barnabas

 Men of the Bible: Barnabas by ric gustafson

Barnabas means ' Son of Encouragement'. Barnabas convinced Jerusalem believers to accept Paul after he became a believer. Barnabas encouraged believers in Antioch to remain true to the Lord. He encouraged Paul on his missionary journeys. Barnabas encouraged John Mark at the beginning of his ministry. Barnabas was a good man full of the Holy Spirit.
Barnabas was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Aya page 5

 Aya page 5 by ric gustafson

After the wedding, Aya and Avidan lived in a chamber in the back of Avidan's parents house. Right away, Aya realized that her new husband was not Sha'ul. She was told they had to stay in Tarsus until Avidan could complete a course and pass a Torah examination. She did not enjoy living with Avidan's parents. Matan and Zara loved the Torah and HaShem. Aya tried to see her parents as much as possible.
One day, a smiling Avidan greeted his wife. " My prayers have been answered".
" What prayers?".
" We are going to Jerusalem". He smiled. " Thanks to your brother".
Aya grinned. " What did Sha'ul do?".
" He spoke to Gamaliel". He grinned. " I have been accepted into his yeshiva".
Aya thought for a moment. " So when do we need to start packing our things?".
" My father will decide that".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Men of the Bible: Titus

 Men of the Bible: Titus by ric gustafson

God calls people to handle difficult ministerial assignments. One man was a young man named Titus. He was a protege of the Apostle Paul. God sent Titus to the island of Crete. The place had a reputation for cruelty, lack of discipline and gluttony. Titus had strong character. He could solve problems. He also had the gift of a problem solver. Titus got the job done.
Titus was a man of God. 

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Aya page 4

 Aya page 4 by ric gustafson

Aya watched her Ima enter with a wooden chest. Inside were her bridal garments. Included was a embroidered tunic and two golden cords. This was a symbol of a virgin. Then her Ima brought out jewelry. This included a gold chain, pearl earrings and several gold and silver bracelets. Then Ima finished by putting a gold diadem from a velvet bag on her daughter's head.
" You have always been our princess". Then she put a crown on her daughter's head.
" May HaShem bless you".
Ima kissed her daughter on both cheeks. Lastly, Ima put a veil over the crown.
Then Avidan arrived with his companions.
To the sounds of drums and shouting, Aya was led to her parents courtyard.

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 5, 2022

Men of the Bible: Jude

 Men of the Bible: Jude by ric gustafson

Jude was a New Testament authorof an epistle. He challenged believers to defend the faith. In Jude's day, challenges to the Christian faith came from all directions. False teachers spread wrong ideas about sin and God's grace. 
Jude challenged the church. Jude stood for godliness and morality. Jude stood up for what was right. Will we do the same?. Jude was a man of the Bible.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Men of the Bible: Ezekiel

 Men of the Bible: Ezekiel by ric gustafson

Ezekiel was an Old Testament prophet. God asked this prophet to deliver a message to people in a dark time in Israel's history. God told him that he would not see positive results. Ezekiel went to where God told him to go. He preached the message God gave him. He left the results to God.
Ezekiel was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Men of the Bible: Job

 Men of the Bible: Job by ric gustafson

Job had difficult times. His circumstances seemed hopeless. But Job was a man who loved God. He lived and walked in integrity. He suffered terribly and without cause. He asked God ' why?'. Even in the midst of his suffering, he found comfort in God's promises. Job had hope. Do we?.
Job was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 1, 2022

Aya page 3

 Aya page 3 by ric gustafson

The bearded man turned around. Hulpa had just washed his feet.
Aya smiled. She knew who it was.
" Sha'ul".
She threw her arms around her older brother. " We knew you were coming".
" You have grown little sister". He smiled. " You will be a beautiful bride".
She smiled. " I am betrothed to a scholar".
" Yes Avidan". Sha'ul smiled again. " Is he going to study in Jerusalem?".
" He's happy in Tarsus".
" Ask him about studying in Jerusalem?".
" I will".
Sha'ul embraced his little sister again. " I've missed you".

research help: ' The Apostle's Sister' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Men of the Bible: Levi

 Men of the Bible: Levi by ric gustafson

Levi became Matthew the Apostle. Pharisees wondered why Jesus would call a tax collector to be one of his Apostles. Tax collectors worked for the Roman government. They had corrupt business practices. Jesus knew that Levi was a sinner and needed to repent. Levi did not call himself a righteous man. He knew that he was a sinner. Once he opened his heart to Jesus, his past ceased. Jesus set him on a new course. He became one of Jesus's chosen twelve.
Matthew was a man of God.

research help: ' Men of the Bible' by James Stuart Bell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric