Saturday, December 28, 2019

who's coming? page 1

who's coming? page 1 by ric gustafson

The doorbell rang. Franklin Munche walked over and opened the door. An older couple smiled at him.
" Hello John and Doreen". He ushered them into his decorated foyer. " Welcome to my New Year's Eve party".
" Franklin, we would not miss it". They handed him their coats. They walked over to talk to some guests.
Franklin walked upstairs and put their coats on his bed. As he came back downstairs, the doorbell rang again. He opened the door.
" Happy New Year Franklin" exclaimed George Kimball. His wife Margaret was standing next to him. They were ushered into the foyer. " How's the party going?".
" Ok". He took their coats. " It's even better now that you and Margaret are here".
He took their coats and put them on the bed. As he came back downstairs, the doorbell rang again.
He opened the door.
His friend Moochie was standing there smiling.
" Happy New Year Moochie".
His friend ran in. " He's coming".
Franklin gave his friend a strange look. " Who's coming?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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