Tuesday, November 5, 2019

the Bread of Life: What is it?

the Bread of Life: What is it? by ric gustafson

Moses and Aaron were standing on a rock. The people were grumbling.
Moses frowned. " Now what are they grumbling about?".
" They are complaining that in Egypt they had pots of meat". He shook his head. " Here they are starving".
" God has heard there grumbling and has told me what to do". He grinned at Aaron. " Gather the people together".
Aaron gathered the people.
" God will give you plenty of meat to eat in the evening and bread to eat in the morning". Moses stared at the people. " There is one specific instruction he gave me".
The people listened very intently.
" You are to gather enough for one day at a time". Moses's voice hesitated. " Except for Friday when you can gather twice as much".
One night, quails came and covered the camp. The next morning, dew covered the camp. After it evaporated, a white flake covered the ground.
The people asked Moses and Aaron the same question. " What is it?".
It was the bread that the Lord had promised. Jesus is the Bread of Life. Praise God.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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