Saturday, November 30, 2019

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 1

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 1 by ric gustafson

The Christmas jack in the box bounced up to the podium. " Are we all here?".
" Christmas Dog".
" Here".
" Red Christmas Choo Choo".
" Here".
" White Nutcracker".
He bounced into the room. " Here".
" Miss Gulch".
All the ornaments looked around the room.
" Has anyone seen the new Hallmark Christmas ornament?".
" I'll get you my pretty".
" It looks like Miss Gulch has arrived".
" And your little dog too".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

being thankful: we will rejoice

being thankful: we will rejoice by ric gustafson

According to Psalm 118:24, we will rejoice and be glad in it. It is a decision on our part to enjoy the life Jesus has given us. We can decide to be happy and enjoy the life we have now. God wants us to enjoy our journey here now. We need to have a positive mind set that we are going to have joy on our spiritual journey. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

being thankful: change the world

being thankful: change the world by ric gustafson

God wants us to help other people. God wants us to love each other. God will bless us. Helping others can change the world. God wants us to live in love.
Genuine love is different. God's way is gratitude and love. We need to be a blessing to others. We need to put on love. We need to live like Jesus. We need to do good to others.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 25, 2019

being thankful: God helping us

being thankful: God helping us by ric gustafson

As sinful people, we want to handle our own circumstances. God wants to take care of it for you. We struggle and get frustrated trying to solve our own problems. God says let me change it. God is in control of our lives. He always has. He always will. God encourages us to enjoy the wait. It takes patience to wait on God. When we wait, we honor God. He loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Oz 80 page 6

Oz 80 page 6 by ric gustafson

Bert Lahr was born and raised in New York City. Lahr's original name was Irving Lahreim. Lahr dropped out of school at 15. He joined a children's theater company. In the 1930's, Lahr headed to California. In Hollywood, Lahr was cast in the Wizard of Oz. His role was the Cowardly Lion. He was a source of comic relief and stole every scene he was in.
After Oz, Lahr was in musical comedies in the 1940's and 1950's. He admitted that he was typecast as a lion.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz' by Topix Media and Newsweek

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

being thankful: pray say and do

being thankful: pray say and do by ric gustafson

According to Romans 12:3, faith is given to everyone. But that faith needs to be unleashed in order for it to do any good. Are we full of faith?. Are we using our faith?. How do we release our faith?. Our faith is released by praying, saying and doing what God asks us to do. We invite God in by praying. We talk to God by saying. We do what God is asking us to do. We need to be thankful for the faith God has given us. Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 22, 2019

being thankful: plugged in

being thankful: plugged in by ric gustafson

What is the plug into the power of God?. That plug is our faith. A lamp can only give light when it is plugged into a power source. Unplugged, it will not work.
Are we unplugged?. Has fear stolen our faith. God wants us to have a new attitude. God will plug us in with faith, boldness and courage. That is his promise to us. Praise God.

research help: ' The Power of being Thankful' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Palestine bread: Khubez

Palestine bread: Khubez by ric gustafson

This is a common bread with meals. You need 14 oz of instant yeast. Warm water and sugar. Three and one fourth cups of all purpose flour. Three tablespoons of olive oil. 1-2 teaspoons of sesame seeds.
Mix yeast and warm water in a large bowl. Then add sugar and stir. Add flour and olive oil. Knead into a dough. Let the dough rise for an hour. Preheat oven to 465. Shape dough into balls. Let balls rise for 10 minutes. Flatten balls into pita shape. Bake for 5 minutes. Drizzle with olive oil and then sprinkle with sesame seeds.

research help:  ' Baladi' by Joudie Kalla

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Palestine bread: taboon bread

Palestine bread: taboon bread by ric gustafson

This bread is cooked in a clay oven called a taboon. Some people bake it on hot stones. You need two and a half cups of all purpose flour. One and a half cups bread flour. Instant yeast. Sugar and salt. Warm water. Olive oil.

Combine and mix until a dough forms. Set it aside for 30 to 45 minutes covered with a dish towel. Make 6 balls on a floured surface. Cook the dough in a dry frying pan for 1-2 minutes on each side. When done should be fluffy and soft.

research help: ' Baladi' by Joudie Kalla

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

our daily bread store page4

our daily bread store page 4 by ric gustafson

Fran stood behind a tree. She watched as customers walked out of Wilma's store. She watched as they walked by her smiling. What surprised Fran was that hardly anyone was leaving with actual bread.
She stopped a customer. " This is a bread store right?".
" It sure is".
" How come you don't have any bread?".
" You should go in and check it out for yourself".
Fran quietly walked in. She walked past a rack of Palestine bread. She was shocked. Hardly anything looked like an actual bread store.
Wilma walked out of the backroom holding a bible.
" Wilma". She gave her a perplexed stare. " Why is there hardly any actual bread in this bread store?".
Wilma smiled as she opened the bible. " Give us this day our daily bread".
" What are you talking about?".
" Daily bread involves more than just physical bread".
" It does!".
" Daily bread includes our physical and spiritual bread".
" What about our hunger?".
She walked over and got a loaf of the wheat bread. She put it into a sack. " Our daily bread provides what we need from day to day". She put her bible into the sack. " I'm going to give you my bible". She gave Fran a hug. " Study the Lord's Prayer".
Fran picked up the sack and left.
A customer walked in.
" Welcome to Our Daily Bread Store".

The End

research help: the Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 17, 2019

our daily bread store page 3

our daily bread store page 3 by ric gustafson

Fran was fuming as she stared across Highway 86. " The nerve of that Wilma Anderson" she muttered to herself. Just then, two of her favorite customers came out.
" Good morning Fran" Walter Fleming exclaimed as he munched on a slice of fresh bread. " It's a beautiful morning today".
" Yes it is". She smiled. " Thanks for coming in this morning".
" Doris and I love your homemade white bread".
" I'm glad to hear it".
He stared across the Highway. " Have you been over to ' Our Daily Bread Store?".
Fran frowned. " No, I haven't".
" She has some special bread that is out of this world".
" Oh really".
The elderly couple leaves.
Resentment and anger came to Fran's face.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 15, 2019

our daily bread store page 2

our daily bread store page 2 by ric gustafson

With anger in her eyes, Fran stared across Highway 86. " The nerve of that woman".
" I thought she used to be your best friend".
" When we were kids". She frowned at her grandson. " We stopped being friends when she became a Christian".
" Why are you so angry?".
" Because she opened a bread store across the highway from mine".
George smiled. " I would not worry about her".
" And why not?".
" Your store is doing fine". He grinned. " I would not worry about it".
He left.
Deep down inside, anger and rage started to show in Fran's heart.
The nerve of that Wilma Anderson.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Oz 80 page 5

Oz 80 page 5 by ric gustafson

Jack Haley came from Boston. He started out singing in community and church events. At 17, he came to Philadelphia. He worked at a switchboard and as a bellhop. In his off hours, he practiced tap dancing. In vaudeville, he became part of a song and dance duo. In the early 1930's, he came to Hollywood. He made 20 pictures between 1932 and 1938. Then he caught the eye of the producers of the Wizard of Oz. Playing the Tin Man cemented him into film history. His son Jack Haley Jr married Liza Minnelli in 1974. Liza Minnelli was the daughter of Judy Garland.
Next, we will look at the Cowardly Lion.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz' by Topix Media and Newsweek

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

our daily bread store page 1

our daily bread store page 1 by ric gustafson

Fran took a sip of her coffee. She was staring across Highway 86. " What do you think George?".
" Well, as your grandson and your accountant". He smiled. " It's possible".
" Great". She hugged her grandson. " I've always wanted to own my own bread store". She smiled. " Ever since I was a little girl".
" Your mother enjoyed baking bread".
" Oh yes". She adjusted her red hat. " Every day after school, I would smell fresh bread".
" And that has always been your dream".
" Yes". She hugged him again. " Thank you for helping me fulfill my dream".
" Your welcome Grandma".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

the Bread of Life: free bread at Ragu's

the Bread of Life: free bread at Ragu's by ric gustafson

The young waiter, sporting a dark beard and a white apron, walked up to the table. " Good evening,welcome to Ragu's". He handed the couple menus.
" Thank you" replied Henry Carlson. " We heard that your Italian cuisine and your bread are world famous".
" Thank you". He poured water into their glasses.
Louise Carlson smiled. " We also heard that Wednesday is free bread night".
" That's true". He smiled. " A lot of people come just for that". He looked at them. " Do you need a few more minutes to look over the menu?".
" No, we usually order the same thing". He handed the young waiter the menus. " I will have the spaghetti and meatballs". He smiled at Louise. " My wife will have the ravioli". He smiled at the waiter. " And of course plenty of your bread".
He came back with the bread. " Your meals should be out shortly".
Twenty minutes later, their meals came.
" Oh young man, can we have some more bread?".
" Of course, I am the Bread of Life".
Later, the waiter brought their bill. " Is there anything else I can do for you?".
" Yes, can we have an order of bread to go?".
" Sure". Jesus smiled. " He who comes to me will never go hungry". He took their credit card.
He brought back their card and a box with bread in it. " Thank you for coming to Ragu's".
Henry signed the bill. " Thank you for a fine meal and the great bread".
The couple left.
Jesus smiled as another couple walked in.
" Good evening, welcome to Ragu's".

The End

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Bread of Life: Capernaum part 2

The Bread of Life: Capernaum part 2 by ric gustafson

Someone yelled at Jesus. " Please Sir give us this bread".
" I am the Bread of Life". Jesus looked at the crowd with love in his eyes. " He who comes to me will never go hungry". His voice hesitated. " I have come not to do my will but the will of him who sent me".
Some of the people in the crowd began to grumble.
" Is this not the son of Joseph of Nazareth". Someone yelled. " How can he say that he came down from heaven?".
" I am the Bread of Life". Jesus smiled. " Your forefathers ate the manna but died".
More people began to grumble.
" The bread I give is from heaven". He smiled again. " who ever eats this bread will not die".
Someone yelled. " How can this be?".
" I am the living bread that came down from heaven". His voice again hesitated. " This bread is my flesh which I gave for the life of the world".
Someone yelled. " How can you give us your flesh to eat?".
" Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood". Jesus sighed. " This person will have eternal life and will be with me forever".
The crowd dispersed.

The End

research help: the Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 10, 2019

the Bread of Life: Capernaum part 1

the Bread of Life: Capernaum part 1 by ric gustafson

I got off the boat along with a crowd of people. All of us were searching for the Rabbi. The day before, five thousand people were in one place and very hungry. The Rabbi had us sit down. He held up a knapsack and then blessed it.
Out of this knapsack came loaf after loaf of bread. We ate this bread and some fish until we were satisfied. Twelve baskets of pieces were collected.
After witnessing this miracle, we wanted to make him our king. We tried to find him but he disappeared. We found out he had left by boat for Capernaum. The next day, we went looking for him. We found him in a synagogue.
" You are looking for me not because of a miraculous sign". Jesus looked at them. " But because of the bread that had just filled you".
Someone yelled. " What sign are you going to do for us?".
Jesus stared at the crowd.
" Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert".
" It was not Moses who gave you the bread". Jesus grinned. " But my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 9, 2019

the Bread of Life: the five thousand part 2

the Bread of Life: the five thousand part 2 by ric gustafson

Aron noticed some men pointing at the crowd and throwing up their hands in desperation.
Jesus looked at Phillip. " Where shall we buy bread for all these people to eat?".
Phillip stared back. " Wages earned in eight months". He shook his head. " Would not be enough to buy bread for everyone to have one bite".
Andrew noticed Aron. " Boy, what's your name?".
" Aron".
" What's in your knapsack?"
" Five small barley loaves and two small fish".
" Please come with me".
Andrew and Aron walked up to Jesus.
Jesus gave Aron a big smile.
" Master, this is Aron". Andrew smiled at the boy. " He has five small barley loaves and two small fish in his knapsack".
" Tell the people to sit down". He smiled again at Aron. " Bless you Aron".
Aron started to walk away.
Jesus lifted the knapsack toward heaven and blessed it.
Aron couldn't wait to get home and tell his mother what had just happened.

The End

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

defined by God: uniquely designed

defined by God: uniquely designed by ric gustafson

God has made all of us unique. No one is exactly the same as we are. God designed and crafted each one of us according to Psalm 139. We need to appreciate and tell God thanks for making us his own. We are imperfect and our families are imperfect. We are broken people living in a broken world. God wanted us to be born at this time in history. Praise God and thank him for creating us.

research help: ' Defined' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Bread of Life: the five thousand part 1

The Bread of Life: the five thousand part 1 by ric gustafson

Aron ran out of the front door of the house. His mother was working in a small vegetable garden.
" Mother, can I go fishing down at the Sea?".
" Sure". She smiled at her son. " I'll make you a little lunch to take with you".
He went to the side of the house and picked up his fishing stick.
His mother came out with a little knapsack.
" Here are five small barley loaves".
" Thanks Mother". He began to walk down the dusty road.
It did not take him long to reach the Sea of Tiberias. He found his favorite fishing hole. As he sat on a rock, he caught two small fish. He put them into his knapsack. He got up to find a new fishing spot.
As he walked, he noticed a large amount of people gathered on a mountain side.

research help: the Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

defined by God: source of our identity

defined by God: source of our identity by ric gustafson

Who knows our true identity?. God does. Do we trust him or run away?. Are we trusting ourselves or God?. God has perfect knowledge of us. God has complete ownership of us. God has ultimate authority over us. God proclaims in Exodus 3:14, I am who I am. God is One. God is present. God is powerful. God is pure. God is true. God is light. God is life. God is faithful. God is eternal. The simple truth is that God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Defined' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 7, 2019

defined by God: a confused identity

defined by God: a confused identity by ric gustafson

What do you and I believe?. Who do we believe in?. Our feelings come from different sources. We are composed by three things. We have a body that is a temple according to I Cor 6:19. We have a soul. It is our mind, will and emotions. It can impact our feelings. We have a spirit. Love, joy and peace are spiritual fruit. God can renew our minds. He can save our souls.  He can restore our souls. Words are very powerful. Jesus loves us more than anything else.
Praise God.

research help: ' Defined' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

defined by God: an identity

defined by God: an identity by ric gustafson

Jesus is the priority of identity. Jesus's identity was the priority of heaven. In the desert, Satan attacked Jesus's identity. Jesus's ministry was based on who he was. An identity describes who you are. We are all on an identity journey. An identity is strengths and weaknesses.
Do you know who you are?. In Jesus, we have eternal life. Praise God.

research help: ' Defined' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Bread of Life: What is it?

the Bread of Life: What is it? by ric gustafson

Moses and Aaron were standing on a rock. The people were grumbling.
Moses frowned. " Now what are they grumbling about?".
" They are complaining that in Egypt they had pots of meat". He shook his head. " Here they are starving".
" God has heard there grumbling and has told me what to do". He grinned at Aaron. " Gather the people together".
Aaron gathered the people.
" God will give you plenty of meat to eat in the evening and bread to eat in the morning". Moses stared at the people. " There is one specific instruction he gave me".
The people listened very intently.
" You are to gather enough for one day at a time". Moses's voice hesitated. " Except for Friday when you can gather twice as much".
One night, quails came and covered the camp. The next morning, dew covered the camp. After it evaporated, a white flake covered the ground.
The people asked Moses and Aaron the same question. " What is it?".
It was the bread that the Lord had promised. Jesus is the Bread of Life. Praise God.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's promises: Love

God's promises: Love by ric gustafson

According to Romans 5:5, God has given us the greatest love there is. Jesus's love for us is agape. Agape is self sacrificing love. We want to live for God and others. According to II Peter, we have the power to live a godly life. In Jesus, we are on a lifelong journey. He wants us to serve others. God wants us to imitate his Son. It is a blessing to love Jesus. According to I Cor 13:13, the greatest of these is love. God and his Son Jesus love us more than anything else. Praise God.

The End

research help: ' Everything You Need' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 3, 2019

God's promises: Godliness

God's promises: Godliness by ric gustafson

How do you define godliness?. Godliness is becoming more like God every day. We want to become like Jesus every day. If you want to know God, look at his son Jesus. Godliness starts when we see God through his son. We are God's possession. We are God's pilgrim. We are God's platform and he wants us to proclaim him to the world.
So how do we use our Christian identity?. Our identity is in God. Godliness is about ownership. Godliness is about citizenship. We need to keep our eyes on heaven.
God loves us more than anything else. Praise God.

research help: ' Everything You Need' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 2, 2019

God's promises: Perseverance

God's promises: Perseverance by ric gustafson

Perseverance means to bear up under. Perseverance is mentioned in II Peter 1:5-6. Perseverance describes someone who remains steadfast in the face of severe trials. Perseverance produces trust. Perseverance produces transformation. We need trials to form our character. Our problems need to be put into perspective. We need to tackle life step by step. We need people to encourage us. We must refuse to quit.
How did Jesus persevere?. He shattered the gates of hell. He forgave us. We must keep our eyes on him. He loves us more than anything else. Praise God.

research help: ' Everything You Need' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric