Thursday, August 1, 2019

beyond Titanic page 2

beyond Titanic page 2 by ric gustafson

The next morning, Charlene ate breakfast with the Titanic widows. The rain had stopped. Sunlight was starting to come through the dining room windows.
Charlene did not want to be cooped up in her hotel room. Some women from the Salvation Army gave her some clothes and some money for her trip back home. The White Star Line gave her a waiver for damages and twenty five dollars for her troubles.
After testifying at the inquiry, she was ready to leave New York City. Just outside the front entrance of the hotel, she ran into a young man. She recognized him as the young wireless operator of the Titanic.
He shook her hand. " My name is Harold Bride". He shook her hand. " I remember you and a young man on board". He thought for a moment. " Sharpston I believe".
" Yes, David Sharpston".
" Did he survive?".
Tears came to her eyes. " No".
" I'm sorry". He frowned. " He seemed like a nice guy".
I smiled. " Yes, he was".

research help: ' The girl who came home' by Hazel Gaynor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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