Monday, August 12, 2019

a life in Jesus: self discipline

a life in Jesus: self discipline by ric gustafson

Our spiritual journey involves self discipline. Along that journey, we experience personal growth, blessings and spiritual rewards. Our Christian self discipline comes from the Holy Spirit. Our right actions produce fruit. To the Apostle Paul, Christian self control was very important.
What is self discipline?. It is choosing to do what's right when you feel like doing wrong. Jesus spoke of self discipline and self control. The problem is that we have two natures. We have an old nature. And we have a new nature which is the nature of God. In Romans, Paul describes this conflict. These two natures are always in conflict. God will help us conquer that conflict. He loves us more than anything else. Praise God.

The End

research help: ' A life beyond amazing' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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