Sunday, January 31, 2021

Lazarus page 9

 Lazarus page 9 by ric gustafson

Peter invited Lazarus to join the others in his boat. He would take them back to Capernaum. Lazarus now believed that Jesus was the promised Deliverer of their people.
They began to row. All of a sudden, the wind began to shake the boat. Lazarus became sick to his stomach. The violent wind tossed the boat.
Peter, James, John and Philip rowed harder. After four miles, Judas shouted in terror.
" It's a ghost".
Someone shouted. " God have mercy".
Lazarus watched as an apparition appeared from the mist.
" It is I don't be afraid".
Lazarus smiled with relief. It was Jesus.
At the stern of the boat, Lazarus and Matthew helped Jesus get in.
When they got back to shore, Lazarus noticed that the Sea and the wind were quiet.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 30, 2021

who we are?: we are defined

 who we are?: we are defined by ric gustafson

When storms come in our life, it is easy to question who we are. Jesus in Matthew 7 says come to me and I will comfort you. We are to love God and Jesus with our entire self. Our spiritual heart contains our true beliefs, our deepest values and our greatest desires. Most important is the condition of our heart. Our identity is on earth and in heaven. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Defined who God says you are' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus page 8

 Lazarus page 8 by ric gustafson

Lazarus stared at the mass of people. He figured it must be at least twenty five thousand gathered there. He figured it must be at least five thousand males there. Jesus's disciples were frantic. They were wondering how much bread it took to feed that many people. 
Then, one of the disciples found a boy in a striped tunic. He was carrying a bundle of five loaves and two fish. Jesus told them to put the people into groups. Jesus thanked the boy. He took a loaf and blessed it. Loaf after loaf came out of that bundle. The people ate until they were satisfied. Twelve baskets of leftovers were collected. Lazarus had just witnessed another miracle.
People wanted to make Jesus their King.
Jesus quickly and quietly left.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 29, 2021

who we are?: part of God's plan

 who we are?: part of God's plan by ric gustafson

God wants us to live through his grace. God gives us grace. God blesses us with grace. God has an endless supply of grace. Grace is never to be paid back. God is always truthful. God is merciful and forgiving. God gives us grace like a river. God has an epic plan for each one of us. God's judgments are true and righteous. We need to be humble by what God has done for us. We do not deserve grace but God gives it to us all the time. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Defined who God says you are' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, January 28, 2021

who we are?: testing our faith

 who we are: testing our faith by ric gustafson

As a believer, God wants us to know that we are saved. Satan will try to tell us different. He will try to get us to doubt ourselves. God gives us salvation as a free gift. God promises salvation to those who repent and trust his Son Jesus. Jesus paid the price for our sins. Salvation is a gift from Jesus. God wants us to follow his commands. God wants us to confess that his Son Jesus is the Christ. God wants us to repent. God is always for us not against us. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Defined who God says you are' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Lazarus page 7

 Lazarus page 7 by ric gustafson

One day, Lazarus and Martha were visiting the vast vineyard of their sister Mary. Then Mary told them that Jesus was there with his disciples.
They sat down next to Jesus. He told them a parable about a man with two sons.
Jesus looked at Lazarus. " I saw you at the wedding at Cana".
" Yes the wine". He smiled. " I have never tasted anything so rich".
" Mary tells me you own your own vineyard".
" Yes, near Jerusalem".
Then Jesus explained to everyone that he was the true vine and that his Father was the vinedresser.
Lazarus watched Jesus perform many miracles. The greatest miracle was when he raised a twelve year old girl from the dead.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus page 6

 Lazarus page 6 by ric gustafson

One day, Lazarus was talking to Nicodemus.
" I'm sorry I must leave quickly". He glanced around. " Caiaphas is concerned about Jesus of Nazareth".
Lazarus looked puzzled. " The Rabbi from Nazareth?".
Nicodemus smiled. " You have heard of him".
" Actually I have met him". His voice hesitated. " At a wedding in Cana".
Just then, Caiaphas walked up. " Nicodemus, don't be late to the council meeting". He grinned. " Or we'll have to start without you".
Later, Lazarus made a thank offering at the Temple.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus page 5

 Lazarus page 5 by ric gustafson

Lazarus and Martha were traveling to Cana for a wedding. They avoided Samaria by crossing to the east side of the Jordan River. They stayed in Joppa and skirted around Sepphoris. They reached Cana a day early.
Lazarus was shocked to see Jesus of Nazareth there. His sister Mary had decided not to come. At one point, Jesus was standing next to Lazarus. " You were at the Jordan with John?".
" Yes I was".
Jesus grinned. " A true prophet".
The ceremony began, The groom was dressed in white. 
Lazarus blessed the wine.
Then the party began. There were so many people in attendance, the wine quickly ran out.
Jesus's mother talked to her son.
He told the servants to fill 6 large water pots.
The Master of Ceremonies took a pitcher to the bridegroom.
He drank. He smiled.
In Lazarus's eyes, it was a miracle.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 25, 2021

who we are?: lost and then found

 who we are?: lost and then found by ric gustafson

In one of Jesus's parables are three stories. This is from Luke 15. The first is the lost sheep. The second was a lost coin. The third is called the Prodigal Son. They speak of the importance of identity. God's identity. God is our owner. We are very valuable to God. We are lost. When we stray, God wants us back. We were sought and found by Jesus. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Defined who God says you are' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, January 24, 2021

who we are: broken and imperfect

 who we are: broken and imperfect by ric gustafson

God is the ultimate architect. His ways are better and higher than ours. We need to trust and follow him. The problem is that we want to go our own way. God's Word calls it sin. It is the opposite of loving God. It leads to death. Everyone is broken by sin. Every person is born this way. We are sinners by nature. We are all broken by God's law. Our personal sin is still sin. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Defined who God says you are' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Lazarus page 4

 Lazarus page 4 by ric gustafson

A new friend of Lazarus's came to visit. His name was Porthos. He was a Greek Jew. They talked about the weather, crops and John the Baptist. He left the following morning.
Out of concern for his friend Judah, Lazarus rode to Jerusalem. He went to the Antonia Fortress and found a Roman centurion named Centurion Longinus. He inquired about the fate of his friend and his family. For the safety of his family, the centurion told Lazarus to leave the situation alone. Later, another friend told him Judah was a galley slave in a Roman warship.
Lazarus knew his cousin's wedding at Cana was coming soon. He did not know if his young widowed sister was coming or not. He dreaded the encounter.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 22, 2021

who we are?: made in God's image

 who we are?: made in God's image by ric gustafson

God designs everything unique in his creation. We were created to be God's image and to be like him. In God's image we have rich value. In God's image we have dominion over the earth. In God's image we have resemblance to the human form. In God's image we have intimacy with God and others. In God's image we represent glory. We are unique and we were made in the image of God.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' Defined who God says you are' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, January 21, 2021

who we are?: uniquely designed

 who we are?: uniquely designed by ric gustafson

God created us and made each of us unique. Every one of us is an original masterpiece. We did not make ourselves, Are we happy with God's design of us or not?. When we reject God and how he made us, our heart becomes hard and prideful. Do we honor our parents?. We all have imperfect families. We are broken people living in a broken world. God shines a light in our darkness. God wants us to seek him and find him, Our lives and days are not random but planned. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Defined who God says you are' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Lazarus page 3

 Lazarus page 3 by ric gustafson

Judah and Lazarus watched as Jesus approached John in the river.
" Behold the Lamb of God". It began to rain. " Who takes away the sin of the world".
Jesus waded into the water. He stood next to John. He spoke quietly to John. Then John sank to his knees in the water. Jesus helped him up.
Then John baptized him.
Then Lazarus noticed thunder and a loud voice.
" Beloved Son I am well pleased".
Lazarus looked at Judah. " Did you hear that?".
" Hear what?".
They walked into a nearby village in the rain.
They went back home the next morning.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Lazarus page 2

 Lazarus page 2 by ric gustafson

Lazarus enjoyed working in his vineyard. His vines were beautiful and lush. At the edge of Lazarus's vineyard was the estate of Herod Antipas.
Lazarus heard news about John the Baptizer. He had called Herod and his wife adulterers. He was calling religious leaders vipers and false shepherds.
One day, Judah told him he wanted to see this Baptizer in person. The next day, they rode past where Lazarus's wife and son were buried. They rode to the edge of the wilderness of the Jordan. They could see bands of common folk flocking toward the Baptizer. They were walking next to mostly young strong men. They walked behind some boulders. Then they heard the Baptizer's voice.
" Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?". He was preaching from the riverbank. Lazarus observed him. He was built like a laborer. He had a braided beard. He was dressed in camel skin. He wore a wide leather belt.
They watched as John scolded the Pharisees and the other religious leaders. They knew the longer they stayed, trouble might start. They left and camped overnight under the stars.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 18, 2021

who we are?: the source of our identity

 who we are?: the source of our identity by ric gustafson

Who knows our true identity?. God does. God has perfect knowledge of us. God has complete ownership of us. God has ultimate authority over us. We say who is God? and who is us?. Our identity is linked to the nature and attributes of God. Sin is unlike who God is. Lying is the absence of truth. Hatred is the absence of love. Death is the absence of life. God says to us I am who I am.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Defined who God says you are' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, January 17, 2021

who we are?: a confused identity

 who we are?: a confused identity by ric gustafson

We live in a time of identity confusion. Some identity is God given and some is not. What we believe about God is central to our Christian life. When we lie about our identity, our thoughts and emotions get tangled up. We are made up as a body, soul and spirit. The Bible says our body is a temple. Our soul is our mind, will and emotions. Our spirit affects our feelings. The human heart can be selfish and wicked. God wants us to turn away from sinful desires. Words are powerful. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Defined who God says you are' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 16, 2021

who we are?: identity matters

 who we are?: identity matters by ric gustafson

Identity describes who you are. It's the truth about the real you. God has given you an identity. We are on an identity journey. Circumstances tests our identity. According to John 8:32, the truth will set you free. Life is complicated. God wants us to open our heart. He wants to tell us what he wants to do in our life. As one of God's own, we have a purpose. God wants us to fulfill that purpose. 
According to John 17:3, life is eternal life. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Defined who God says you are' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus page 1

 Lazarus page 1 by ric gustafson

Tears came to the eyes of Lazarus. Even though it was his 30th birthday, he was sad. Thirty days ago, his wife Eliza had died in childbirth along with his newborn son. Today was the end of his official mourning. It was spring and time to go back to his vineyards. His friend Judah informed him about the new Roman governor. His name was Pontius Pilate.
Judah grinned. " I have other news my friend".
" What news?".
" There is a new prophet". He smiled. " His name is John".
" Is he a true prophet of the Lord". His voice hesitated. " Or a fool".
" I need to go see for myself".
When they reached Lazarus's home, his sister Martha had a huge meal prepared for them. She kept the house, vineyards and servants in good shape while he was gone.
Lazarus enjoyed the evening with his friend. He still missed his wife and son.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 15, 2021

Martha page 19

 Martha page 19 by ric gustafson

One morning, Martha had a breakfast of bread and fruit. She was tired and she was lonely.
There was a knock at the gate. She opened it to reveal Nathan.
" Hello Martha". He smiled. " Did Zilpah present my proposal?".
" She did". She sighed. " And the reasons why".
" Martha, I want to be more than a friend".
She gave him a puzzled look. " What do you mean Nathan?".
He grinned. " I wish you to be my wife".
" Nathan". She smiled. " I would be honored to be your wife".
" I am the most fortunate of men".
They embraced.

The End.

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Martha page 18

 Martha page 18 by ric gustafson

Lazarus watched Jesus ascend into a cloud. Then two angels told them that he would return the same way. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was John.
" Religious leaders are plotting your death". The disciple frowned. " Your life is in danger".
" Thank you my friend for the warning".
" We will manage Lazarus". Martha sighed. " Your safety is more important".
They quickly returned home. Martha gathered provisions for her brother's journey.
Thomas spoke up. " I have relatives in Damascus". He smiled. " They will take care of you".
" Thank you Thomas".
Thomas grinned. " They are believers".
When it was time to leave, Lazarus embraced his sister. " Thank you for being more than a sister to me".
He began to walk down the road.
Martha cried.

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Martha page 17

 Martha page 17 by ric gustafson

Lazarus led his sister to a canopy. It was open and there Mary joined Thomas in marriage. Rabbi Hezekiah officiated. It was a simple ceremony with profound words. Tears welled up in Martha's eyes. It was a subdued group.
Hezekiah blessed the new couple.
The celebration was brief. The guests left for home early. Mary's wedding dress was put back into a small chest.
One day, they were invited to come to the Mount of Olives. There, they saw the remaining ten disciples. In the middle of the group was a smiling Jesus. Overcome with joy, all three ran over and embraced him. 
" Master".
They touched his wounds.
" All things must be fulfilled which are written in the law".
Martha grinned. " Yes Lord".
" You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the end of the earth".
" Yes Lord".
Jesus quietly began to rise into the air. He disappeared into a cloud.

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 11, 2021

Martha page 16

 Martha page 16 by ric gustafson

Jesus, Martha and Mary walked toward a tomb. Martha saw tears come down her Master's face. They stopped in front of a tomb with a large stone against the entrance.
" Take away the stone".
" Lord, there is a stench". Martha frowned. " He has been dead four days".
" Just believe".
Nathan, Simon and Tobias moved the heavy stone from the entrance.
Jesus looked up. " Father, thank you for hearing me". He quietly walked up to the entrance. " Lazarus, come forth".
From the darkness came a wrapped figure. 
Martha and Mary cried with joy.
" Loose him and let him go".
" Sister". Martha embraced Mary. " Our brother is restored to us".
Jesus and his disciples stayed with them for two days.
On the third day, they had to leave.
Martha embraced Jesus. " Thank you Master for bringing back my brother".
" It gave me joy to restore one I love dearly to his family".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Martha page 15

 Martha page 15 by ric gustafson

Martha was sad. Her brother had been dead for four days. 
Just then, Judith ran up to her. " Jesus is coming". She smiled. " He is just outside Bethany".
Martha wasn't sure what to tell her Master. She was mad at him for not coming when Lazarus was really sick.
Jesus came.
" Lord, if you had been here". She frowned at Jesus. " My brother would not have died".
Jesus smiled. " Your brother will rise again".
Martha gave him a puzzled stare. " I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day".
" I am the resurrection and the life". He looked at Martha. " Do you believe that?".
" Yes Lord". She grinned. " I believe that you are the Messiah".
" Please go fetch your sister".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Martha page 14

 Martha page 14 by ric gustafson

Lazarus helped Nathan in his blacksmith shop. One night, he came home with a slight cough. Over time, the cough worsened and settled in his chest.
Anna the healer came. She made a drink of herbs and hot water. It did not help. Poultices on his chest did not help either.
Martha, Mary and Nathan prayed fervently for healing for their brother. Then an idea came to Martha.
" We must send for Jesus". She smiled. " He will know what to do".
" I will go get him". Nathan put his cloak on. " I will bring him to you".
Martha watched their friend leave.
" I hope Jesus get's here in time".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, January 8, 2021

Martha page 13

 Martha page 13 by ric gustafson

Martha was tired as she swept the courtyard. With the help of Mary, she was also preparing a meal. They found out Jesus was coming to visit. Later, he arrived with Thomas, Matthew and Judas Iscariot. 
When Martha was ready to put out the platters of food, she looked for her sister to help. She could not find her anywhere. Then she saw her at Jesus's feet as he talked about prayer.
Frustrated, she walked over to Jesus. " Master, do you not care she has left me alone to serve?". She frowned. " Please tell her to help me".
" Martha Martha you are worried and troubled about many things". He smiled at Mary. " Mary has chosen that good part which will not be taken away".
Martha stepped back. She wanted to cry but she could not. She had just been rebuked by her Master. She sat down on a bench. She was unsure what to do next.
Later, Simon invited Jesus to his home the next time he came to Bethany. Jesus accepted.
Early the next morning, they left.

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Martha page 12

 Martha page 12 by ric gustafson

One day, Martha smiled. Jesus had arrived with three of his disciples.
Lazarus hugged Jesus. " Master, we grieve over your cousin John".
" Thank you my friend". Jesus smiled. " Your prayers are needed".
Mary washed their feet.
Martha walked up to Jesus. " Master, we have prepared a room for you".
Jesus and the three stayed for two days.
One morning, Jesus informed them they must leave. " We must return to Capernaum". He hugged Lazarus. " The other disciples will meet us there".
Jesus smiled at Martha and Mary. " I will be back at Passover".
" Master, should you return to Jerusalem?". Anxiety filled Martha's heart. " The leaders plot to get rid of you".
" Do not be concerned about me". Jesus grinned at Martha. " My time has not yet come".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, January 4, 2021

Martha page 11

 Martha page 11 by ric gustafson

One night, Lazarus and his sisters were sitting in the courtyard.
" There is a rumor". He sighed. " The Sanhedrin is looking for a way to get rid of Jesus".
Martha became angry. " He's done nothing wrong".
" I have other bad news". He sighed again. " Herod beheaded John the Baptist".
Mary began to cry. " Wasn't he a cousin to Jesus?".
" Yes".
Martha thought for a moment. " Did they bury him?".
" Yes they did". His voice hesitated. " Mary, did Thomas tell you when they will be heading here again?".
Mary blushed. " Thomas told me they have started south again".
" Good". Martha grinned. " We need to prepare for their arrival".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Martha page 10

 Martha page 10 by ric gustafson

Jesus smiled at Martha, Lazarus and Mary. " Let me introduce my disciples".
Martha listened as she and Mary set out the meal.
" This is Matthew our record keeper". He had a piercing gaze.
" This is James and his brother John".
" This is Thomas". He smiled at Mary.
" This is Peter and his brother Andrew".
" This is Philip, Nathaniel, James and Simon".
" And this is Judas son of James and our treasurer Judas Iscariot".
The men enjoyed the meal Martha prepared.
At one point, Lazarus asked Jesus a question. " Master, let me follow you?".
" You are needed here". Jesus smiled. " There will come a day when you will serve me".
Lazarus grinned. " Master, our home is yours".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Martha page 9

 Martha page 9 by ric gustafson

Martha could not believe the sad news of late. Her father had passed away. Thaddeus, whom she loved and wanted to marry was killed in battle. Now, the wedding of Lazarus and Shua was off. Shua married a man named Tekoa.
Before going back home, Lazarus and Martha decided to seek out this new Rabbi named Jesus. They found him at the Temple. He was speaking to the Pharisees. Martha studied him. He was tall, had a thick beard and a dark complexion. 
" You search the Scriptures". Jesus sighed. " But you are not willing to come to me".
Lazarus turned to a man next to him. " Why are the leaders upset at this Rabbi?".
" He healed a paralyzed man on the Sabbath". His voice hesitated. " It is unlawful to do so".
Lazarus walked up to Jesus. They talked. He walked back to Martha. " We must return quickly".
" Why is that?".
" I invited Jesus and his disciples to come to our house".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric