Monday, September 30, 2019

More of God: Matthew 6:33

More of God: Matthew 6:33 by ric gustafson

Matthew 6:33 states that we are to seek first the kingdom of God. This bible verse was part of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. We are to seek the kingdom of God first. We are to do this before we pursue anything else. The first thing we should ask for is mercy. We need to have the fear of God. God is rich in mercy. He loves us more than anything else. Praise God.

research help: ' More of God' by R T Kendall

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 29, 2019

More of God: Luke 11:13

More of God: Luke 11:13 by ric gustafson

God is greater than anything we can say about him. God wants us to have a hunger for his Word. When we experience God, we want more of him. According to Romans 10, if we confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart, we will be saved. With the mouth, one confesses and is saved. Saving faith comes from the heart. In saving faith, the heart must be engaged. God wants us to be thirsty for him. Praise God.

research help: ' More of God' by R T Kendall

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 28, 2019

More of God: Exodus 20:5

More of God: Exodus 20:5 by ric gustafson

So what do we mean by more of God?. We want God for his own sake. We want to focus on what God is like. We need to know his Word more and more of the Holy Spirit. We want to dignify his will for us. Salvation is our spiritual foundation. God wants to give us more of himself. God is a jealous God. God wants us to know him. God's will is pleasing, good and perfect. We need to fear the Lord. It is God's will that we want to know him better. Praise God.

research help: ' More of God' by R T Kendall

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 27, 2019

Pleasing God: love your enemies

Pleasing God: love your enemies by ric gustafson

Does God want us to love our enemies?. Yes he does. God loves the world so much that his only son gave up his life for us. So how do we love our enemies?. First, acknowledge the pain. Second, choose to obey. Third, never doubt God. Fourth, ask for the Holy Spirit's help. Fifth, ask God to help us. Sixth, do nothing vengeful. Lastly, Follow Jesus's example. Jesus loved everyone including those who hated him. We need to do the same. Praise God.

The End

research help: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pleasing God: walk in love

Pleasing God: walk in love by ric gustafson

When someone wrongs us, how do we handle it?. Do you want to teach them a lesson because you don't deserve it. God wants us to go to his Word to tell us how to handle it. I Peter 2:20 is a good bible verse to use. We are to bear patiently with suffering. That is acceptable and pleasing to God.
I Corinthians 13:4-7 gives us a good definition of love. We will have good emotional health if we have love in our life. Without love, we have nothing. We are commanded to love. God loves us more than anything else. Praise God.

research help: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Pleasing God: the heart of worship

Pleasing God: the heart of worship by ric gustafson

One of the most important things we will ever do is worship. With worship, we recognize God's attributes, mighty deeds and nature. A wrong concept of God leads to sins. A right concept of God leads to worship. Sometimes we are ignorant of God.
Sometimes we fall into the trap of false doctrine. We need to worship God in spirit and truth. Who will we worship?. A relationship with God should include worship. We need to worship together. We need to worship through trials. God loves us more than anything else. Praise God.

research help: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Pleasing God: renew your mind

Pleasing God: renew your mind by ric gustafson

God wants a transformation in us. When we are transformed, people will see Jesus in us. How can this happen?. First, our minds need to renewed. It means to make new. There is the thinking of this world. And then there is Jesus's thinking. You are what you think. We need to think of God's truth not Satan's tactics. God chose our mind to change because it is assaulted by today's culture. There is a battle of the mind. We need to think upon God. He loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 20, 2019

Pleasing God: love not the world

Pleasing God: love not the world by ric gustafson

Living a life in God is the best life we can ever have. The Apostle Paul says we should be living sacrifices. There is a huge harvest out there. If we want to please God, we must eliminate all that is displeasing to God. Don't let the world conform us. Let God's Kingdom dominate us.
Why do we fall for Satan and his lies?. Friends of the world are enemies to God. God wants the world to be dead to us. We need to guard ourselves against the world. When we deal with a crisis in our life, God is dealing with it for us behind the scenes. Praise God.

research: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Who I Am: Psalm 57:2

Who I Am: Psalm 52:2 by ric gustafson

The priority of heaven is Jesus's identity. What is an identity?. It describes you in total. It's the truth of the real you. We have a God given identity. We are on an identity journey. Things happen in life to test our identity.
Do you know who you are?. God wants to know you. He loves us more than anything else.
Praise God.

research help: ' Defined' by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pleasing God: a living sacrifice

Pleasing God: a living sacrifice by ric gustafson

God does not punish his children. God loves us. When we sin, stumble or fall, God reaches down and helps us up. God forgives our sins. Our aim should be is to please him. Pleasing God should refine our life. God wants us to have a deeper life with him. We need to present our emotions to God.  Above all we need the joy of pleasing God. Praise God.

research help: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pleasing God: a walk with God

Pleasing God: a walk with God by ric gustafson

So how do we please God?. First is that by faith we please him. We cannot please God without faith. Faith is because of our works and conduct. Faith comes from God. Faith is a gift from God. For our faith to grow, we need to read God's Word. We need to read God's Word daily. Our Christian walk is a journey. Being with God is an intimate thing. Our first love needs to be God. Praise God.

research help: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 16, 2019

Pleasing God: a pattern for change

Pleasing God: a pattern for change by ric gustafson

God wants us to have his pattern in our lives. If we focus on God and not ourselves, anxiety and bitterness will leave. When we live our life for God, good things will happen to us. God says do not worry, trust in me. James 4: 1-10 has good examples of this pattern. If we humble ourselves to God, we will live a worthwhile life.
What does God honor?. We want to live and please God. Pride in ourselves has to go. We need to humble ourselves and totally submit to God. We need to resist Satan and draw near to God.
Praise God.

research help: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pleasing God: dead to sin

Pleasing God: dead to sin by ric gustafson

So what does it take to please God?. We first must believe that God watches over us, loves us dearly and cares for us more than anything else. God loves you more than anything else. God loves us even as we stray away from him. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
According to Romans 6:11, we are dead indeed to sin. And then it is proclaimed we are alive to God in Christ. We can please God or please the flesh. We need to do the things that please God. We need to flee from temptation. In pleasing God, we have a choice. I pray it is the right and good choice.
Praise God.

research help: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 13, 2019

Pleasing God: does this please God?

Pleasing God: does this please God? by ric gustafson

God knows our name and he loves us. Because we love God, we want to please him. All things were created for his pleasure. Our greatest aim should be pleasing God. No matter what we do, our first question should be is this pleasing to God?.
We cannot please God without faith. God is aware of everything about us. God is a personal God. We cannot hide from him. To love God is to be aware of him. God is faithful and near.
How can we seek God?. We can ask him to reveal himself. We can search God's Word. We can ask God to speak to us and then listen. Lastly, we can share God's truth. Praise God.

research help: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Pleasing God: how to please God

Pleasing God: how to please God by ric gustafson

The last days are coming. What kind of person does God want me to be?. Is our actions pleasing to God?. We were created to bring pleasure to God. We were created for his pleasure. True joy comes from pleasing God. We need a deep close walk with God.
Satan will try to distract us from pleasing God. He will tell us about our failures. So how do we please God?. We please our almighty Father and then help others. Praise God.

research help: ' Pleasing God' by Kay Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 9, 2019

the Lord's Prayer: Deliver Us

the Lord's Prayer: Deliver Us by ric gustafson

It is easy to condemn and judge others. Sometimes greed consumes us. Temptation in our life is rampant. I Tim 6 says the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Money is the great temptation.
We all want more. Jesus wants us to crave less. We need to use wealth to strengthen our relationships. Jesus has called us to service to God and others. God is our Father. Praise God.

The End

research help: ' Praying like Jesus' by James Mulholland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 7, 2019

the Lord's Prayer: Forgive Us

the Lord's Prayer: Forgive Us by ric gustafson

Jesus told a parable about grace and gratitude. A man owed a king millions of dollars. He was brought before the throne because the debt was due. He could not pay it and prayed for mercy. The king forgave his entire debt. The king was incensed when the person did not treat another person with compassion.
God hates ingratitude. God always forgives when we pray to him and seek his mercy. We are not to judge others. God loves us more than anything else in this world.

research help: ' Praying like Jesus' by James Mulholland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 6, 2019

the Lord's Prayer: Give Us

the Lord's Prayer: Give Us by ric gustafson

If Jesus asked me Ric do you truly love me more than these?. Yes Lord you know that I love you. Jesus wants us to feed and care for the sheep. Feeding the sheep is a priority of God's Kingdom. Jesus says ' give us this day our daily bread. Basic human needs must be met first. Instead of feeding others, we think about ourselves. God wants us to feed his lambs. He loves us more than anything else. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Praying like Jesus' by James Mulholland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

the Lord's Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come

the Lord's Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come by ric gustafson

How do we know the will of God for our lives?. We could approach God's will with fear. We worry about making mistakes and awaiting God's anger. God wants to know about the kind of person we will become. God wants us to seek his Kingdom before our petitions and requests. When we understand God's Kingdom, we can focus on God's will. The kingdoms of this world is not God's kingdom. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done. Praise God.

research help: ' Praying like Jesus' by James Mulholland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Oz 80 page 5

Oz 80 page 5 by ric gustafson

What is the legacy of Oz?. It is a story of rich characters and a moral. The Wizard of Oz will live on in our memory. The hit Broadway musical Wicked retells the classic story from the witches point of view. As far as a legacy is concerned, yes there has been hit and misses such as Wicked and the Wiz.
Baum could never had imagined that a story for children that he wrote would endure and thrive after all this time. Thank you for reading these things from my favorite movie of all time.
Praise God.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz' by Life

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Lord's Prayer: Our Father

the Lord's Prayer:  Our Father by ric gustafson

Sometimes in this world we are lost and afraid. So which God have we prayed to?. There are lots of Gods in this world. God in scripture is Elohim. Jesus taught us to address his Father as a parent. Jesus called God ' Abba'. God wants us to have an intimate relationship with him. When I am anxious about life, God says peace be still trust me. God says focus on me not the world. God does not play favorites. God loves everyone the same. He loves us more than anything else. Praise God.

research help: ' Praying like Jesus' by James Mulholland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 2, 2019

Oz 80 page 4

Oz 80 page 4 by ric gustafson

Some people claim that 1939 was the best year for motion pictures. There was the Wizard of Oz. Another huge success at the box office was ' Gone With The Wind'. There were ten nominees at the 1940 Academy Awards. Besides the two huge nominees, there were eight other wonderful pictures.
There was ' Ninotchka' starring Greta Garbo. There was ' Mr Smith goes to Washington'  with James Stewart, There was ' The Little Princess' with Shirley Temple. Other pictures included Babes in Arms, Gunga Din and Young Mr Lincoln.
Next we will talk about the legacy of Oz.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz' by Life

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Lord's Prayer: when you pray

The Lord's Prayer: when you pray by ric gustafson

We are inclined to pray. We also easily abuse prayer. A window to our heart and mind is prayer. God knows our good prayers from our bad prayers. Sometimes we pray for the wrong reasons.
We need a proper attitude to pray. What is this attitude?. It is an attitude of humility and trust. God does not want us to pray due to pride and vanity. Jesus called this praying like hypocrites. Self interest prayer is motivated by greed. Jesus called this praying like the pagans. Jesus taught us the right way to pray. We should practice that. Praise God.

research help: ' Praying like Jesus' by James Mulholland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric