Thursday, October 17, 2024

Mr President page 5

 Mr President page 5 by ric gustafson

President John Adams loathed the press. At the turn of the 19th century, the press is partisan and personal. The second President was described as old, bald and blind. Newspapers are everywhere. 
One of the big questions in the press was should the United States get involved in European wars. Diplomatic relations between the US and France was strained. When Adams took office, he tried to clear that matter up by sending three diplomats to Paris. Anti French sentiment began. The President's Federalist Party wanted war against France. President Adams knew war would ruin the country. 
Federalist Alexander Hamilton demands the President declare war on France. Hamilton was an avowed enemy of President Adams. 
The presses hatred toward President Adams was getting worse. Adams rose at 5:00 am. He did a five mile walk. President Adams son 12 year old John Quincy walked with him. Adams had dinner at 3 with Abigail. The President and Abigail enjoyed entertaining. Abigail was 53 and the mother of 5. She managed the family farm and their cash flow. She was unafraid to share her opinions.

research help: ' Confronting the Presidents' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Jake and Elwood page 6

 Jake and Elwood page 6 by ric gustafson

John Belushi had his 27th birthday on Jan 24 1976. On the March 13 show, John performed a new character. During Chase's ' Weekend Update' John became a meteorologist. John did everything he could to stymie Chase's growing popularity on the show. No matter what Belushi did, Chase remained the star. Aykroyd performed a sketch called ' The Super Bass O Matic 76'. The inspiration for it came from watching his Aunt Helene Gougeon's Canadian talk show.
The following week, Lorne Michaels was sitting at a desk. Then he addressed John, Paul, George and Ringo the Beatles. He offered the group $ 3,000 dollars to sing three songs on the show. They refused.
For the May 8 episode, Dan and John did a sketch about the Nixon presidency. Belushi played Henry Kissinger and Aykroyd played Richard Nixon. On May 17, the show won 3 Emmy awards. For the May 29 show, Dan and John did a parody of Star Trek. 
A few weeks before the premiere of Season 2, there was trouble brewing behind the scenes of ' Saturday Night'.

research help; ' The Blues Brothers' by Daniel de Vise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mr President page 4

 Mr President page 4 by ric gustafson

On November 2 1800, President John Adams is having breakfast in the East Room. The 65 year old Adams and his wife Abigail had just moved into the Presidents House. The mansion was far from complete. The roof leaked and the outer walls was not done yet. Because the rooms were barely furnished, official business was conducted on the ground floor. Family quarters was on the second floor. An attic was on the third floor. The East Room was where Adams always ate his breakfast. 
President Adams was 8 inches shorter than President Washington. Adams likes to talk. Washington was quieter. Adams thinks about Washington a lot. They worked together for eight years. Both men worked on the Declaration of Independence. As Vice President, Adams mostly had to cast tiebreaking votes in the Senate. Adams was not invited to cabinet meetings nor did Washington ask for his advice. 
President Adams believed in American democracy. He was a diplomat in London and Paris. He signed the Declaration of Independence. 
After breakfast, Adams heads for his new presidential office. He is a solitary man and likes things quiet.

research help: ' Confronting the Presidents' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Story: sin is crouching at your door

 The Story: sin is crouching at your door by ric gustafson

The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering. But the Lord did not look with favor on Cain's offering. Cain was very angry. 
Why did God reject Cain's offering?. Maybe Cain did not offer his best to God. Maybe the attitude of his heart was not right. Maybe Cain's offering was more duty than a gift of gratitude. God knew Cain's heart. 
God cautioned Cain. He told Cain that sin was crouching at his door. Cain was angry and jealous. Cain killed his brother. 

research help: ' The Story 365 devotions' by Zondervan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mr President page 3

 Mr President page 3 by ric gustafson

President Washington's Secretary of the Treasury was a 34 year old former military aide. His name was Alexander Hamilton. In Jan 1791, Hamilton proposes taxing alcohol distilled in the US. Congress passes the bill. The first true challenge to federal authority happens. The farmers refuse to pay the tax. President Washington tries to persuade the farmers to go along with the tax. Washington fought the farmers for three years.
In 1794, 62 year old President Washington had seen enough. He had moved the nation's capital to Philadelphia. He likes it there compared to New York. Now in his second term, he has been dealing with crisis after crisis. British warships have been seizing American merchant vessels. In 1793, Thomas Jefferson resigns as Secretary of State. President Washington leads 13,000 men against the whisky rebels. Not a shot was fired. The whiskey rebels flee. A strong central government is affirmed.
On March 4 1797, President Washington is ready to become a gentleman farmer again at Mount Vernon. His farewell address was to reassure the people that the Constitution was strong and can stand on it's own. Then President George Washington stepped aside leaving America stronger than it was. America quietly awaits the next President.

research help: ' Confronting the Presidents' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 14, 2024

an uncluttered Christian life: get your mind off yourself

 an uncluttered Christian life: get your mind off yourself by ric gustafson

God never intended us to have a self centered life. We were never intended to focus on ourselves that intensely. God wants us to help others. God will take care of us. To have an uncluttered life, we need to think about others than ourselves. Our lives can be so much happier if we trust God and help others. God will provide for our needs. 
Our natural nature is to worry about ourselves and that's it. But God promises to always take care of us. We do not need to worry about it. Our new nature and uncluttered life means to worry less about ourselves and more for other people.

research help: ' the joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mr President page 2

 Mr President page 2 by ric gustafson

President George Washington's office and residence is at I Cherry Street in Manhattan New York. The three story mansion is 240 miles northeast of Mount Vernon. It was home to George and Martha and their household staff. The residence is open, there is no security detail. In addition to members of Congress, the judiciary and foreign diplomats could visit. Tuesday and Friday, others could come 
Martha Washington was not a New York gal, she was a Mount Vernon gal. She despised dressing formally and being active in the local community. Martha Washington was 57, plump and fair complexion. 
April 30 1789 was Inauguration Day. Washington was taken by carriage to Federal Hall. He steps onto a public balcony. Robert Livingston, chancellor of New York, performs the oath of office. 
Wearing a brown coat, matching vest and pants with white stockings. With his long gray hair pulled back off his face and his right hand on a bible, Washington repeats the 35 word oath of office. 
Washington picks four people to be his Cabinet. They are Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of War Henry Knox and Attorney General Edmund Randolph.

research help: ' Confronting the Presidents' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric