Monday, July 1, 2024

True Grit page 27

 True Grit page 27 by ric gustafson

After leaving the dead bodies at Mr McAlester's, Mrs McAlester served us a nice country dinner. We even had buttermilk. LaBoeuf had his injured arm cleaned and tightly bound. Cogburn had a blacksmith put a shoe on his horse Bo. LaBoeuf had his Sharps rifle repaired.
Marshal Cogburn was anxious to leave.
" Well baby sister, the time has come for me to move fast". His voice hesitated. " It's a hard day's ride to where I am going".
I stared at the Marshal. " No, I am coming with you".
" Mrs McAlester will see to your comfort".
" Let her stay". LaBoeuf grinned at me. " She's already come this far".
" I will be back tomorrow or the next day with Chaney".
I stamped my foot in protest. " I am not quitting when we are so close".
" Cogburn, she's won her spurs".
Cogburn held up a hand. " All right, let it go".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Chosen: Matthew 16: 18-19

 Chosen: Matthew 16: 18-19 by ric gustafson

Simon's brother Andrew became an early disciple of Jesus's. Simon was emotional. He told Jesus he cannot wash his feet. Simon was impulsive.  He drew his sword and cut off an ear of Malchus. To avoid being arrested, he denied knowing Jesus 3 times. 
So why did Jesus call Simon Peter?. The name Peter means ' rock'. Jesus makes us what we are not. Jesus's power changed an unruly fisherman into one of Jesus's inner circle. 
Why did Jesus do this?. Jesus accepts us who we are. Jesus knows what we will become.
Jesus loves you and me more than anything else.

research help: ' The Chosen devotional' by Broadstreet Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

True Grit page 26

 True Grit page 26 by ric gustafson

Marshal Cogburn heard the shot. Lucky Ned Pepper's horse fell. The shot came from LaBoeuf's rifle. The bandits were confused about where the shot came from. 
Cogburn stood up. " I told him to wait for my signal". He stood up and began shooting his Winchester repeating rifle. He killed Haze where he stood. Lucky Ned Pepper's horse was shot dead. Greaser Bob was able to get back on his horse. Ned Pepper cried out for help. Greaser Bob quickly came over and helped him onto his horse. They rode away with the other bandits.
When I came up to Cogburn and LaBoeuf, they were arguing.
" I told you not to fire until I gave you the signal".
" I heard the three signal shots from Pepper".
" So you decided to fire".
LaBoeuf stared at Cogburn. " I thought the fight had started".
" Thanks to you". The Marshal's voice was getting louder. " We lost Pepper again".
" Let's go after them right now".
" No". Cogburn shook his head. " We're going to take the dead bodies to McAlester's".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Chosen: Luke 11:9

 Chosen: Luke 11:9 by ric gustafson

Andrew was the first disciple to ask Jesus for anything. Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist. When John in John 1:29 declared behold the Lamb of God, Andrew had to find Jesus. 
Jesus asked Andrew " what do you want?".
Andrew replied ' where are you staying?".
Andrew spent the day with Jesus. Then Andrew went and told his brother Simon about Jesus. Then one day, both Andrew and Simon left everything to follow Jesus. One day, Andrew asked Jesus to teach them to pray like John the Baptist. 
Jesus says be bold. Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Chosen devotional' by Broadstreet Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Shroud page 5

 Shroud page 5 by ric gustafson

Joseph returned. " It wasn't easy but Pilate's wife persuaded him to let us have the body".
Nicodemus thought for a moment. " Where shall we lay him?".
Joseph frowned. " We will lay him in my family's tomb".
" Jonai, please help us".
" Of course".
The three men removed the staves holding the cross upright. As the cross began to lean forward, the three men received the weight of Jesus's body and the cross. They carefully laid the cross down. As they stared at Jesus lying on the ground, blood and water was seeping from the wound caused by the guard's spear. 
Jesus's mother Mary wanted to start washing her son's body. She was stopped by two women.
" He should not be cleansed".
Mary began to cry. " I can't bear to see him like this".
" He must be buried in the burial cloth that Jonai brought".

research help: ' The Only Witness' by Guy R Powell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Shroud page 4

 Shroud page 4 by ric gustafson

Jonai quietly walked down streets full of people and animals. As he reached the Temple, the money changers were setting up their tables. When he reached the road past the tables, the street was less crowded. Nicodemus had asked for his help. Jonai felt for the tools he had collected while his son was getting the cloth. He did not want to go to Golgotha. But a promise to Nicodemus was a promise.
As Jonai turned a corner at the Northern Wall, he heard women wailing. It took him a minute to reach the base of three crosses. A man was dying on each one. As he reached the base of the crosses, only Nicodemus was there to greet him. Jonai could see tears in Nicodemus's eyes.
" I'm so sorry Nico".
" Thank you Jonai". He could barely talk. " Thank you for bringing the cloth".
" I brought the burial cloth and a smaller one".
" Joseph is pleading with Pontius Pilate for Jesus's body". He smiled. " He will be back shortly".
Mary the mother of Jesus began to cry. " Why is it getting darker?".
They stood there waiting for Joseph to come back.

research help: ' The Only Witness' by Guy R Powell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Shroud page 3

 Shroud page 3 by ric gustafson

Joachim ran out of the Weaver's shop. It was afternoon. He had to get home.
His father was not happy. " Why are you so late?".
" I went to Weaver Hagepeth". Joachim tried to catch his breath. " They did not have the size of cloth you needed". 
" It is not white". Jonai studied the cloth. " So what did you do?".
" I got the cloth from Weaver Rosanai".
" It is an unusual weave". Jonai smiled at his son. " It's perfect".
Just then, Abigail walked in. She was carrying water, onions and oil for the noon meal.
" Abigail, I need to leave right now to help Edom and Nicodemus".
" Can't you stay and eat with us?".
Jonai shook his head. " I must get this cloth to them right now". He smiled at his son. " Stay here with your mother and sister".

research help: ' The Only Witness' by Guy R Powell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric